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Everything posted by next2naus

  1. it is a grindhouse and I suspect the pay is shitty...too many hands in the cookie jar
  2. Really? '71. did a year at Dell to get my feet wet and immediately went to Software and never looked back. Selling hardware (any kind) IMHO opinion is just speeds/feeds and the latest TV/Stereo crap. And I turned down a serious Cisco Security job that was offered to me, seemed to have worked out.
  3. Do you work there? depends on the type of Dell rep or EMC Rep. I list them that way as they are still culturally different. most of the Dell reps are not really software sales, they are licensing on iron that's been sold reps.
  4. in Tech (and some other industries) Sales Comp is two part. Base and Commission. when starting a new role you may be given a "draw" against future earnings. its typically a percentage of your OTE. what they do is take your OTE (Commission part) and work the math to monthly increments of your OTE.. paying you a 12th (@100%) each month. Sometimes this is recoverable, where it gets paid back to the company via your commissions and sometimes its non-recoverable. a 3 month ramp of unrecoverable is typical and sometimes there are additional months of recoverables. a lot factors into the plan, seniority, sales cycle, market conditions, company stage/growth, etc. The idea is to make the rep whole while they get their business up and running.
  5. Are you at Pronto's or another convenience store a lot?
  6. They will pay the sales on-top of the unrecoverable? sweet
  7. oh yeah...he is also in WW2 German uniforms..https://www.facebook.com/whrestorer/ another "like" page
  8. How we doing players? about 15 selling days left. I'm done except for an ELA Amendment I'm chasing. Probably end the year with 32 transactions for the year ( non Covid years it's about 60-80) and maybe 113% of my number. no complaints. On the other hand I have a new VP and he seems like a complete PITA. kinda guy that lives in SFDC and believes in Social Selling. thinks he's going to make seismic changes, he's going to be a busy work bitch, already has everyone doing an account whitespace exercise, wants the hours of the day accounted for. he went to a Military School but not one of the Academy's and he's all gung ho, guys in his late 40's and still has a jarhead cut. WW2 and Tank junkie, can't tell is he served. He has some seriously questionable "Likes on FAcebook. Ex 1: Altplayground Dating Service: AltPlayGround, or APG as our friends call us, is a quirky, slightly irreverent website for people in the swinging lifestyle. Join us today to see what sets us apart from the rest... Would the second time my VP was a Swinger.
  9. amazing how many followers she has for not being naked or that hot. she's hot, but in a basic way. does she do OnlyFans? Am I missing anything?
  10. what a terrible name for something, it implies that everything else is a lie. I loathe all this clap trap
  11. my FLM (Director) is a empty suit yes man. look at this shit he sent the team today... email subject line was "pretty good read - Death of a “Top-down” Salesman" https://growthcompound.com/2020/11/04/death-of-a-top-down-salesman/
  12. if the ricks are already there, and there by nature, and someone simply organizes or collects them into a stack/cairn...how is that litter?
  13. is this a Texas thing? I'm on iPhone/Verizon and in NY and this is a non issue. Once I disable in settings, its off untll I change it back
  14. I smoked some Ribs on Wednesday, plan was to warm them up and serve with the bird. some of them burned a bit in the reheating as the temp was too high on the oven (for the Bird) and they probably sat in there too long. no one noticed or cared but I'm a perfectionist with my Q so it bothered me. one does not waste ribs
  15. Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women
  16. currency or "money" in the royal sense? Currency: approx 8% is physical. How is the digital aspect protected? depending on what "it" is, many different ways. the easy answer is access controls and crypto data protection. For you as a consumer tapping your iphone at the store and payment happening via a payment card "on the device"? usually via tokenization or a device specific cryptogram, lots of ways.
  17. Pies & Thighs: $3.50 ...better? articles in general that say "you can't get this item of any quality in this town" suck, especially when it's a big city. typically the author is biased or lazy.
  18. Dumb Article. NYC can't make good biscuits? balderdash, poppycock, horsehockey. try these: https://www.bubbys.com/store/product/flaky-buttermilk-biscuits/
  19. Coopers is perfect for your needs and I suspect manby a small town will have a local joint with character
  20. cool, seems that Circle will let you manage screen time and monitor not just some, but ALL websites and apps and Winston blocks tracking cookies and other Adver-crap ware that slows down browsing.
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