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Everything posted by next2naus

  1. so you should poop in it and if anyone asks, just say "squirrel poop"
  2. I'm "shaming" someone for wanting to travel internationally. How did the new mutations of Covid get here? wasn't from a Buc-ees. Yes the local NY rate is gotten out of hand and we (family) have damn near been on lock down b/c of it. I think that NY is suffering from serious fatigue, then again from this data is appears that Texas has no fatigue because it's never tried to flatten the curve. https://txdshs.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/ed483ecd702b4298ab01e8b9cafc8b83 end of the day none of really give two fucks about another's opinion and neither of us are changing our minds or leaving their high ground. I think people nationwide are not taking this seriously enough.
  3. when the infection rate and hospitalization rates are low, do things within reason. when they are not...do you job to help make them low. Maybe it's being in NY that makes us see the risks differently.
  4. Wait, the kids go to school to? In person? Are you insane? There’s a pandemic going on. You had a holiday dinner with your in-laws? One of those people had a positive test and you simply “punted for a few days”. Unnecessary risk. The CDC clearly told people to spend holidays with their immediate household only. Have you or your wife had your hair cut? Been to the doctor or dentist? Ever been into Target or Lowe’s or Home Depot? How do you get parts for your Bronco, online or in person? In case you haven’t noticed, COVID is going on and it’s really not a good idea to ever leave your home or have face-to-face contact with anyone you don’t live with. Your holiday dinner could’ve been a superspreader event and you could’ve easily taken a year off and wait until next year or 70-80% vaccination. I like that you are trying.
  5. dude, I'll play for you. Groceries: I wear a mask and sometimes gloves, take wipes or purel with me. we get deliveries as well. Deliveries: be it AMZ, GrubHub, UPS, FedEx, whatever..it all lands on a special table I built for the front porch. "Chipotle": we do not eat there, but it we did order some sort of Quick Serve it would be delivered (see above) or drive thru (Kids like Mickey D's nuggets) Restaurants: take out or delivery. Kids play dates: during the summer and fall when it was warm and the infection rate was very low...one kid at a time on the backyard, kid comes from their class where they are two of eight students. Parent must wear mask Family: I have not seen (in person) my family in Texas since last Christmas. My inlaws are local and we only see them in house or backyard. typically at my SIL's we would do dinner on the back porch. it's fucking hard, Christmas this year got fucked up because my nephew tested positive, no one else in his family or our family did. neither did the nephews school group. we still had to punt everything for a few days. His birthday "drive by" this week, we would hung out and stayed but a kids nanny in my kids class read her test results wrong and as such we isolated. false alarms suck. Our Friends: when the infection rate was super low here in July...a few outdoor meet ups with less than six other people, socially distant. we went to an outdoor party and went early,once more people arrived..we left. It's not that hard of you care about others. what do I do for fun: play poker over Zoom/PokerStars with my buddies, some virtual happy hours (but with two toddlers a hangover sucks), work on my Bronco or something around the house. all I do is wear masks, buy new masks and wash hands. It's about keeping my kids healthy (toddlers have each had two covid tests, how much fun is that!), it's about keeping my wife healthy as she is the primary caregiver and I am the bread winner, neither adult can effectively do both roles. it's about limited the risk to my MIL/FIL who are in the late 60's and early 70's. All this shot about the Airplane and how it circulates air....who cares. it's an enclosed tube of strangers, thats an exponential risk, Airports are dirty and filled with more strangers, more exponential risk. Monorail, Rental car, Ride service, Hotel. take a year off. wait for 70-80% vaccination.
  6. No travel. No dining out, no group gatherings, no bars, no going shopping for non essentials. We keep our bubble small and while it sucks, it's the right thing to do. yes, and you don't have to like, better yet...you could ignore it.
  7. says the guy with the middle finger avatar. You feel bad, I've been there. I'm not mocking your loss. I'm suggesting that traveling by airplane is an unnecessary risk that you and many other people seem comfortable taking. it's known method of the virus being spread and continuing to spread. You may not get sick, but you might cause someone else to get sick.
  8. I am, but so are people who are traveling for non essential activities.
  9. I've buried a lot of people, going on vacation didn't make it better.
  10. take it deep little snowflake, man up and control the ants in your pants. You are either part of the problem or part of the solution.
  11. I am never astounded by the number of people who cannot shift into neutral to get this thing under control. So you skip a trip, BFD. take it later. it's your 50th? so fucking what, party harder on your 51st. We are a society of impatient fucktards that ar constantly searching for a self serving loophole to gratification.
  12. I have a small bottle of Campari Dry Vermouth for Martinis. its awful. I usually use Dolin.
  13. I'm also looking at this: https://www.amazon.com/NETGEAR-Whole-Tri-Band-System-RBK752/dp/B086HJXKJJ/ref=sr_1_9?crid=2M7JJKBJUKRXR&dchild=1&keywords=netgear%2Borbi%2Brbk750&qid=1609958014&sprefix=netgear%2Borbi%2Brbk750%2Celectronics%2C155&sr=8-9&th=1
  14. Not sure if this is the best forum.... I've been using my Apple Airport Extreme for years and didn't pay attention to it being EOL. What does the Surly recommend for a new router? I have Fios and their crappy router which has to be used in some capacity for the TV guide data. I've been connecting all our devices to my Apple Network attached to the Fios network. only recently, and I mean very recenbtly has performance been an issue. Otherwise I like the Secure Network attached to a secure network. thinking about these: Linksys: https://www.apple.com/shop/product/HNKN2LL/A/linksys-mr8300-mesh-wi-fi-router?fnode=8bf48fe91fd0c0f9f1534ca790c8031155ef328b37ff1492f08b2aa4dfa3bf97b1bd7f4a777957b197177281e5c278861850d8cc23f2266ea38536fe2f6c31f585f34523056d33f197841c5de2be25b8b59b4eecf8ffe7b43ac3b75cfe919dcc ASUS: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0752FD3XJ/ref=asc_df_B0752FD3XJ1609844400000?tag=cnet-pc-20&creative=395261&creativeASIN=B0752FD3XJ&linkCode=asn&ascsubtag=0b8fe109-baee-46b6-a315-bac327a20a10|___VIEW_GUID___|dtp|us I'm open to suggestions. I loved the Apple product because it simply worked, auto-updated, and it was Apple easy, me likey Windows as I cannot remember how it works compared to MacOS.
  15. Dinner at home w/ MIL/BIL and SIL/BIL and combined kids. Going to roast a big beef tenderloin filet and grill up some lobster tails, shrimp cocktails. probably have a salad some shrooms and corn. simple, easy, and booze. MIL/BIL taking the kids on the 29th so we can get our freak on and then watch the Horns.
  16. turn around and go home you Superspreader
  17. Major Grey's Hot Mango Chutney on Beef Summer Sausage. note: most be served hot out of the toaster oven or broiler.
  18. PB works very well on a burger. I also like Quality Meats App: House-Cured Slab Bacon served with Peanut Butter & Jalapeno Jelly
  19. some bitchassness on this thread
  20. We are. There is no crying in Sales.
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