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Everything posted by next2naus

  1. there is no "woe is me" but the target on the back is both large and heavy and you have to find a way to make a "lather, rinse, repeat". My next year could suck, I could be in a new role or with what I would define as a untenable or lousy comp plan.
  2. seems awesome till you look at your taxes, fortunately I go the estimated route so it's like a "pay'em as you earn it" model for me
  3. I probably did 50% of work via phone & WebEx pre-covid, now it's 100%. I'm in NYC Metro so there are no on-premise meetings or lunchs. honestly...not much has changed. Qualify the fuck out of opps, keep that forecast frosty. I have been focused in '21 since August and building pipe. I have some additional Opps and BAU for Q4 but the focus is on next year. My Q1 tends to be light from pulling everything out in Q4 of the previous year and I try to make my bones in Q2 and Q3 so I'm ahead of the number rolling into Q4, which is my largest quota quarter.
  4. Crypto, HSMs, Key Mgmt. it's basically insurance for big business. it's a great racket.
  5. Data Protection homey, and our business is down YoY, I did approx 80 transactions last year and I'm only at 27 this year. I'm having a great year none the less.
  6. I'm having the best financial earnings year of my career, yet I know it's fleeting and as such, no joy in it. two comma club so far in 2020. looking like no quarterly accelerators in 2021 so it would be very difficult to repeat.
  7. I'm curious about how the company does it's overall comp plans, I find that PE backed shops tend to not have any golden handcuffs
  8. Silly comment. The key reason for companies choosing different fiscal year-ends is the seasonal fluctuations of the business they operate in. By choosing their FY, they can limit the negative seasonal impact that happen within their specific industries.
  9. as long as you're doing two chicks at the same time, does location matter? (not a anal pun either)
  10. fat ass Ribeye tonight and Wings in the Airfryer tomorrow. simple
  11. what's your fav/best recipe and use for that thing? i just got one
  12. political rant.....I wonder is a better system of health care would help? It probably would but that would all people paying (being taxed) for it and mot Americans are selfish fucks and fear "free loaders"....end scene.
  13. "Why didn't they tase him? Why didn't they shoot him with a rubber bullet?" Barton told the station. "He's a small child. Why don't you just tackle him? You are big police officers with massive amounts of resources." Cops used to be tough, mentally and physically. Now they are by and large just strong guys who like to look tacticool and shoot people rather that get hurt while de-escalating a situation. it's all about getting home w/out a scratch and telling the story.
  14. this why I will keep my '76 Bronco as DD option. Even I can fix it. this is more than a Farmer and Consumer issue...the Military is fucked by this as well. the old "Motor Pool" is mostly contractors and not the actual MIL fixing their own equipment. So we are paying double for the same work and it comes with limitations, like not being in theater. https://foxtrotalpha.jalopnik.com/even-the-american-military-is-struggling-with-right-to-1841531517
  15. We have the girl potty trained but the boy refuses and won't give up the diapers. I think we will simply put him in undies over the weekend and deal with it. School starts in a week
  16. We are on an acre so we have yard and the basement is a finished room that's about 900 sq ft of kids crap. it's still not easy. Need pre-School to start up and run for as long as it can
  17. You fucking pussies. try having twin toddlers (3YO) in the time of Covid and taking the shirt seriously as we are in NY. there is no where to take them on a rainy day. wife is a clean freak germaphobe. good times. video watching has increased.
  18. there will be a correction, and there has been on the higher end units. As example, inventory in the Hamptons is flying off the shelf if its under $3m, the larger props in the $10m range plus and minus are stagnant as thats still a lot of money. I rented a house in EH for June and July, the owner put in on the market for $1.8m, which was an ambitious price and got $2.2m within a month and one showing. He has been trying to sell it for years. it needs at least $500k in work (needs a new pool badly). the market is weird. where we live the market is up around 50-60%. I've dumped/invested money into upgrading my house and uts money I would not normally expect to get out of it but right now I bet I could.
  19. The "Rich" are not really leaving, they are merely relocating to other residences. An issue for NYC will be people working remote from their CT, Westchester, Yacht, Hamptons residences and the city losing that 6% tax. Burt you never know, I moved to the burbs two years ago and still pay that tax, it ends up being a wash for me as I deduct it on my Fed Tax and it's a non issue for me cash flow wise. There is a huge exodus w.r.t. to upper middle class (which probably 3%'ers to 1%'ers) moving to the 'burbs. real estate sales are up 50-70% in in neighborhoods that are close to NYC commute wise, DIx Hills (an hour by Car/LIRR), CT (places like Westport, Stamford area, etc) Maplewood NJ, Westchester. This is more driven by Covid getting folks to throw in the towel on the city for more space. We pulled the trigger two years ago knowing it was going to happen at some point so why not do it then.
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