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Jerry Callo

Certifiably Surly
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  1. I distinctly remember at telling my self at mile 22 of the Marine Corp Marathon - I'm never doing this shit again. That was 2001 and my only marathon.
  2. Those were all the things Tex Long was thinking, not actually saying.
  3. That's good. I had a different surgery back in 2001 that had the same effect. Still get an EGD every three years and Barrett's hasn't progressed in the last 23 years.
  4. You should get an upper GI too if you haven't. I have Barrett's esophagus from 15 years of reflux. My father died of esophageal cancer from ignoring the same.
  5. Since these episodes are coming on when you're sleeping, reflux is a likely cause. Take a look at the foods and drinks (alcohol and caffeine) that relax the lower esophageal sphincter. Try to avoid those as much as possible before going to bed. Pepcid AC or one of the PPIs should provide some relief. You should probably get an upper GI to make sure you don't have any damage from reflux, stomach ulcers, or anything else. I know way too much about this stuff.
  6. I'm not sure how they were able to do any of the large proteins in the amount of time allocated. No way there was time for a proper rest within the time slot. Some of the cooks looked like the meat was pulled just before plating - might have been the editing, though. Regardless, it was fun to watch Kareem and Sloan (who I'd never heard of) compete.
  7. I think they were looking a people with a much smaller percentage of Targ in their blood - the guy that got burnt up was Targ somewhere on his great-grandmother's side or something. Bastards and half-siblings will be riding the dragons I suspect. Milli Vanilli is apparently a half Velaryon bastard. Half-brother at the bar will probably end up on a dragon as well as some point. These are my guesses, I didn't read any of the books.
  8. damn. That's one of my favorite barbecue places in the state, thus the world.
  9. Lowriding Robber Rob Lowe Lowly Lobs Rose at Rob Lowe's Lowe's. Lowriding Robe-wearing Robber Rob Lowe Lowly Lobs Rose at Rob Lowe's Lowe's in Robstown.
  10. I know its not, that's why I usually don't watch these. Kareem is a really good guy and I want to see how he does.
  11. I usually don't watch these, but Kareem from KG BBQ is on the 3rd season Barbecue Showdown on Netflix. Some lady from Texas named Sloan is also on the show, but I don't know anything about her. I hope KG kicks some serious ass.
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