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Jerry Callo

Certifiably Surly
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About Jerry Callo

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  1. I will say that I'd been picking up on that vibe, though. Some overarching mission of the group he is associated with. Several times it was mentioned that the mission was to observe. Sugar never worried about his ability to get through situations where he was clearly the underdog. Stops attack dogs by simply looking and whispering. Not too concerned about internal injuries when impaled by a 9" chef's knife. Fluent in all the languages.
  2. Don't you think most of that stuff takes a back seat to the fact that he's actually an alien? Also, bad guys got the helper before the ten minutes expired. It was always going to take more than ten minutes anyway. He had at least a three minute walk from his car to the house.
  3. Same. Before the Star Wars prequels came out, we wanted to show the original trilogy to our kids. We had a VHS box set of the original trilogy. Ended up finding a VCR at Goodwill for $3.50. Still have it. I have a 1989 Trek hybrid hanging in my garage. I used it for my first triathlon in 2009/2010. 1969 Chevy C10 that I drive every week. I have and still use early 1950's Belgium made Browning A5 shotguns in 12 and 20 gauge. Nikon N4004 35mm camera that I got sometime in the 80s.
  4. Line wait was due to one cashier. Cashier had to take order, take payment, and grab orders of chips and queso. Horribly inefficient. The kitchen couldn't even keep up with that.
  5. Not unlike the people that used to put stickers bragging about the badass stereo system that was installed in the car.
  6. Check with her insurance. My mother's insurance company, Humana, paid for one of the monitoring things. She chose the one to wear around her neck although there was a watch version as well.
  7. I had cell phone contracts with my girls. Only a couple of times did we have any issues - mostly with not putting the phone away at the designated time. We also required them to charge the phones overnight in the kitchen as opposed to their rooms. I'm sure they got away with things, but they turned out fine. I would not resort to reading their text messages without them knowing. If I had a concern, I would have them bring me the phone to look at in their presence. I don't remember ever having to do that. At one point, the one of the phone passwords was changed, but that was a result of Apple moving from a 4 digit password to 6 digit password. The girls' phones were linked through my wife's apple account. They could not download any apps without her permission. We were able to discuss the apps with the girls prior to allowing them to download. Our relationship with the girls has always been trust until they give you a reason not to. YMMV
  8. I can tell you know your way around a keyboard.
  9. Ending a sentence with a period. My daughters (no pics) comment on my use of punctuation in text messages. I think I'll start using "over" and "over and out" to see if they like that better.
  10. A buddy and I stopped there the day after Thanksgiving on the way back from fishing on the Guad. Got there about 11:30 and they were "sold out" of everything except for pork ribs and fajita tacos. They're stated reason was because a huge to-go order was filled at 11:00. I suspect they just didn't have any barbecue because there was no smoking done the day before. I watched them dump restaurant bins full of already cooked and sliced fajitas on the flat tops. In that case, they shouldn't have been open the day after T-giving or not open until dinner service and given themselves enough time to smoke some barbecue.
  11. And the vultures will let them. A pair of Caracaras will disperse a group of vultures from a feeding site with little effort at all.
  12. So I picked up this skit from another thread. After watching, it is quite clear that previous generations of SNL cast members were better and rehearsed much more than the recent casts. It drives me crazy when no one in a skit can give a line without reading it off cue cards. I get that some of the hosts are outside of their comfort zones, but the regulars should be able to learn their lines.
  13. Sounds interesting. I'll probably give it a shot at some point - probably a little too refined for my taste.
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