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Posts posted by BurntEyes

  1. 2 hours ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Yeah, but how good were you in Tradewars 2002?

    I was a member of one out of 2 crews in the largest TW2002 game ever to occur. It was on Afterhours BBS. 

    I also wrote scripts to run 2 different characters simultaneously on MajorMUD, one protected the other from PVP attacks. I leveled and beat other players all while trying to get laid. 

    I can't prove it, but I'm pretty sure some company not named Telsa straight stole my script for their GUI for that game.



  2. 5 minutes ago, Dahobbs said:

    From what you stated, it sounds like both of them. And those statements aren't inconsistent. 

    • 100s of people could have shown up. 
    • The campaign may have been disappointed because it expected thousands. 

    The question I would have is whether the latter statement was attributed to a campaign source and thus was reporting on the feelings of the campaign or whether the disappointment was an editorialization opinion by the news outlet.   

    Did they expect thousands?

    Maybe they hoped for thousands, but expected?

    Perhaps we should ask Kinky's campaign manager.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Hate said:

    Many years ago when Kinky was running for governor, he held a campaign rally. One news station reported that Kinky was surrounded by hundreds of enthusiastic supporters while yet another news station reported the evening as disappointing because they were expected thousands of people but only hundreds showed up. 

    So what was the actual news?

    Based on just YOUR relay of the facts without any additional research or knowledge...

    Kinky was running for Governor. He had a rally. People showed up. The amount of people is subject to interpretation, one being a lot, one being not as many as the Kinky campaign would have liked.

    Is there any word from Kinky on his thoughts regarding the turn out, is there any video or any sort of census that was taken? What is the typical/median turnout for such a rally? Do we have data to measure against that? Where does this data come from?

    Mostly, it doesn't provide much in the way of news without answers to my questions.

  4. 8 minutes ago, 956 Worldwide said:

    If you get a subscription to the NYT or Washington Post and The Economist you will likely have a good understanding of almost everything you need to know and will also get all the responsible context and responsible differing opinions. Add WSJ/FT for the business stuff.


    Only if you REALLY care about something, it might be worth it to follow a journalist from one of those outlets on a specific beat like defense or Congress and then watch who they interact with to build out your own feed. 

    The vast majority of people only need NYT/WaPo and The Economist. 

    I would add I find a lot of value in Reuters but those are all valuable information spots and I would largely agree with your assessment. I would personally include wall street journal in with your final list.

  5. 1 hour ago, Willfully Horn said:

    Reuters and Science.org.

    Then: AP, BBC, NPR, and the Texas Tribune, which differ from Reuters not on accuracy, but on story selection, and the perspective from which they tell it.

    There’s other outlets that belong in the discussion, 

    Mediabiasfactcheck is on the level.

    I strongly agree with Reuters and science.org 

    Not familiar enough with mediabiasfactcheck but will check it out 

    I do not agree with your accuracy aspect regarding the Tribune, BBC, AP or NPR. It's not that I think they frequently report inaccurate information, rather they certainly have a bias regarding WHAT information they choose to report. They are also all much more op-ed rather than fact based reporting. I personally don't need someone telling me how to view what occurred. Rather, just the facts (ALL of them as they are available over time) and allow me to parse them and come to my own conclusion.

    I'm don't have an X account (never had a Twitter) and delete anyone on other social media that get into politics. I've no need for their extremely biased and largely poorly informed opinions.

    I also don't watch much mainstream media.

    I'm a weirdo. 

    • Hook 'Em 4
  6. 17 minutes ago, HotSauce said:

    It is really weird how amazing this country was when the 40s and 50s existed.

    Now in the 2010s plus, the country is in complete chaos.

    I wonder what the difference is? We used to kill communists and persecute progressivism. Now we celebrate it. Wonder which party is responsible for that? Who funds our universities from foreign countries. BUT MEAN TWEETS.

    Lol, man your history knowledge sucks. For the record the Red Scare led to a lot of fascism and interment of US Citizens with family ties to Japan during the 40s wasn't the finest hour of US history.

  7. 1 minute ago, HotSauce said:

    Look, the liberal buttbuddies have recruited their buttbuddy brothers from the politics board to neg me in mass because I am not their message!

    I imagine phone calls and DMs to eradicate counter thought from this holy board. 

    Hey man, let's get back to pics of the hippy chicks from the circle jerk. 

    And am I getting a blow job from one of them or just a hand job.

    Inquiring minds and all.

  8. 1 minute ago, HotSauce said:

    It sucks when people just dont parrot each other in a hippie circle jerk doesnt it

    Gonna need pics of the hippy chick's involved to make a call on that one! And will there be sucking involved or just jerking?

  9. 12 minutes ago, bolverk said:

    If you're on a laptop or PC, hover your cursor over their avatar. At the bottom right of the pop-up, an option for IGNORE will appear. I haven't figured out how to do it with a browser on my phone.

    Go to your account:


    Click on your name I highlighted in green

    Then settings in green below:


    Then scroll down to the bottom and select ignored users under more settings:

    Then you can type into the name of the user on the next page.



    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. 12 minutes ago, bolverk said:

    I think we need to be cautious with some of these Tweets, especially if they're not coming from actual journalists. For example, the reports from UCLA are that the cops had erected a barrier between pro-Israel and pro-Palestine protestors had been breached but it was unsure who broke through it first. The report also stated there were clashes between the two groups.

    This short clip shows a girl who was hurt and people are trying to help her. We don't actually know how she was hurt, only that "Collin Rugg" says she was beaten up by a group. It might be true, but it might also be total bullshit that it happened in the way that Collin Rugg says it happened. Well, who the hell is Collin Rugg and why should we believe him?

    Having never heard of him, I go to his Twitter page and see a long list of extremely lopsided and political tweets from a very conservative angle. He also claims to be the Co-Owner of Trending Politics and there's a fucking cybertruck on his profile page. I'm sorry, but at this point, you start to lose a lot of fucking credibility as a news source.



    Let's take a visit to this "media personality's" website. It's a bunch of bullshit "articles" making a lot of very dubious claims. 



    So, please, let's try to stick with credible news sources or clips that fully show what's going on. 


    All of this. Critical thinking and vetting of sources matter.

    Also, I know the world lives in the up to the second news cycle, but more times than not lots of extremely important critical details are completely overlooked in the first "take". 

    I don't care to sift through 4 or 5th tier "source material" that hasn't even been vetted by a major (who all have their own agenda too)

    • Hook 'Em 4
    • Like 1
  11. 5 minutes ago, 52-80 said:

    If the Columbianistas want their J6 moment so bad im saying maybe we should let them indulge 1 time ?

    If the "Leader" of the Columbia "take over" agreed to it, in writing and on social media, I'd personally start a gofund me to pay for a one way flight to Jordan/Lebanon so she could join in aiding the Palestinians in person. 


    • Hook 'Em 2
  12. Just now, Brisketexan said:

    Three outta four of those things can be prohibited by gov't authority and action.

    Stupidity, however....dude....you know you can't take away our American brand.  Too many sellers of keffiyahs and red MAGA hats would go outta business.

    Look man, I'm not trying to end stupidity. I'm dumb but not THAT dumb, and by god I love Murica so I'm obligated to endorse stupidity, but I'm not supporting it. 

  13. 6 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    "Movements" inevitably draw dipshits.  The Occupy Movement, the Tea Party, MAGA and Qanon, Pro-Palestine, Pro-Israel, No Nukes, Save the Whales, Critical Mass....you name it, I've seen em all over the past 50 years, and every single one of them ends up attracting some Grade-A dipshits.  I remember many years ago, the Critical Mass group (remember them?  They were kinda sorta a radical group for the rights of bicyclists to be on the road?) was doing one of its periodic group rides through the streets as a protest to slow traffic.  A newspaper reporter rode along with them, and they ended up chanting or calling for a variety of things....including, when they rode by the animal shelter, some of them calling to "liberate the animals!"  Made it clear that the group - while it had some defined ideals with some sort of merit - was also a magnet for generally disaffected people who just wanted to start shit.

    This movement is not materially better or worse than any of the others.  There's plenty in it, and in its basis, that has merit (I mean....Israel IS killing the fuck out of Palestinian civilians, and I think it's a decent moral decision to speak out against that and to try to put pressure on things and people who might help change that), but it draws the dipshits: the extremists, the lost folks looking for a place to call home, the gullible, the dudes going along with stupid shit because they think it'll get them laid (I remember well a story that Michael Caine told about going to a bonafide communist rally, just because he was trying to shag a girl who was going).  All of this shit shakes out in the end.  A lot of the radicalized dipshits will move on to something else -- or to nothing else at all -- in short order.  They always do.

    What the gov't shouldn't do is give them more credit or attention than they are due.  Not less, either.  Want to get the Columbia students out of the building?  Go on in, arrest them, and drag them out.  If they resist with violence, have your body cams on, capture it, restrain them, arrest them, and add that to the charges.  But as to the ones who aren't really starting any shit?  Leave 'em be.  Lack of attention will destroy them.  AND, in the process, also respect the Constitution, which is kinda important.

    Silence and lack of attention is absolutely the wooden stake to any protest. 

    I support, adamantly, the right to protest. 

    Always will.

    I'm never supporting stupidity, graft, destruction of property or violence disguised in the name of protest.

    Edit - Steak would also repell many of these folks, funny autocorrect.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  14. 2 minutes ago, HendersonHorns said:

    I thought about cutting utilities and playing some theme music blasting, but I’m ashamed I forgot Real American. 

    fine job sir 

    I vote that we pipe in Team America World Police on a loop to any and all displays in the building. I'm happy to do a voice over intro explaining how it's an imaginary and poetic view of anti-marxism,  the subject of my PHD and offer to sell my book on the topic. 


  15. I think, beyond the "request for humanitarian aid" from the PHD in "imagination and poetry" the Hamas fanboi who could offer no actual logical reason to his love of Hamas was my favorite take so far.

    This appears to have a good bit of the Occupy movement "logic" on/development of one thing devolving into something completely different.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  16. Speaking of cheap/free food and booze.

    2 for $5 chopped beef and $3 6 packs of Pearl Lager or Mickeys, your choice: 


    To keep it current, below is the bar I probably frequented the most during my last stretch in Austin:


  17. 6 hours ago, Deej said:

    The Draught House. Opened the year I was born. Mom has photos of me there with a Schlitz in my hand at about 3 years of age.

    (They serve mixed drinks now, too)



    Okay, maybe I've lost my mind, but didn't they have free pizzas on like Tuesday or something?? 

    And I recall then being pretty tasty.

    Speaking of free food, it's gone (sorry Dago) but free hotdogs at Blackcat on Mondays I think, which is also where I discovered $1 PBR and Sister Seven, then Little Sister and not infrequently a joint being passed through the crowd.

    • Like 1
  18. 12 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Y’all are watching belly dancers in public????  Why wouldn’t you have them come to a hotel where you can lock the door, or better yet the cheap-ass apartment you rent in the bad part of town, that your family doesn’t know about, where you can secure the doors from anybody trying to enter or leave?

    Bro, it's clear you've never actually dated a belly dancer. If you had, you would know they're always on about "performance" and "art". They need an audience according to their mantra or something. Not unlike women who "dance" at a "gentleman's club" good luck getting a lap dance or show at the crib.

    It's like I'm talking to children.

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