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Burnt Ends
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BurntEyes last won the day on January 4

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  1. Take a breath, put one foot in front of the other and don't be in such a rush. Why the fuck did it take you so long to ban GRUhorn?
  2. Please don't misunderstand me. I'd absolutely, positively spend as much time as human possible with those examples. But not 1 of them would likely meet my family or go to a business networking event with me. (Lots of extremely conservative folks in my business world)
  3. I won't use the word trashier, and I'd make some pretty specific distinctions. My opinion is based on a mixed former artistic and then corporate background with my own particular pecadillos. I think arms to elbos are largely perceived as far more acceptable particularly if it's smaller images. Sleeves particular if it goes onto hands is far less so today outside the artistic/service world. Middle body outside the tramp stamp, breast/cleavage or ass is pretty much fine as really you can't ever see it outside rather revealing clothing. Neck, small ones on the drape and side, questionable on corporate environment and roll. (Tech support, inside phone customer service, etc they're rather common. Same with medical/service industry.) Full neck and ANY face, largely only non-deviant in the arts world. Corporate, Maybe a progressive company in a more liberal state. For me, FULL sleeves, hands, heavy neck, any face is not my wheel house. I'd absolutely sleep with a 10 that was inked that much, but not sure I would date them long term. I don't find tons of body work attractive. I personally find the female form amazingly beautiful and too much ink messes with the lines of that beauty, imo. Never begrudge any woman for doing whatever. I am sad to see some that went full body.. but Im an old crumudgeon and they should get off my lawn. Sorry for the thread derail, I just think it's an extremely interesting social discussion on normative vs deviant behaviors, how those change over time in a given culture and the deviations found in perception/acceptance by various subcultures within a society. Edit- Because examples are important and I should have added shitty tattoos make it way, way worse.
  4. There are a lot, frankly too many of these band name posts. Dulls the brand a lot. Goblin Crank is an exception to that rule. Surly masters of art, I beg of you, create a masterpiece with the following for our future Rock N Roll AI overlords!
  5. I'm a non-incel willing to befriend any lonely sad billionaire females to help re-socialize them to non-idiodic behavior and help them learn self confidence by helping me help them through charitable donations to my cause. "BE's Psychological Counseling Foundation for Billionaire Females: Empty Your Bank, Grow Your Self Worth" We're here to help!
  6. So your neighbor is a female billionaire who makes up fairy tales on social media to get incels to like her and be her friend? Want to introduce me?
  7. Worse, collie station. Who knows what sort of cult ass weirdness was added to the steam shower axing. Jizz jars? Ball grabbing? Injury "adjustments"? Group "cheers"? It's a dangerous game and the rabbit "hole" is "deep".
  8. Well, back then getting axe handled in a steam shower had a different meaning and it was never done with women back then.
  9. Is there something wrong with being a whore for blondes? Asking for a friend.
  10. Yeah, he had to come up with a reason WHY a red ass would be around campus after a Texas National championship win... tsip X wife was best he could come up with in his creative writing efforts. Never really explained why he married a Tsip nor WHY he was in the mecca of gay that is Austin but.. I mean, creative minds have limits. I know every time the tower lit orange I sang The Eyes to the tower in a trance like cult state with all my friends. Particularly when we won a National championship. In fact, me and a huge group of friends chartered a helicopters to pick us up on the golf course around the Rose Bowl after winning. The helicopters took us to a private charter 737 that flew direct to Austin. We all jumped in my friends various skydiving planes, jumped over campus and landed just in time for the lighting of the tower that night. It was a close call, cost millions and not all of us made it, but it was worth it.
  11. Ball was apparently tipped at line which isn't a surprise given... never mind. Was discussed in other thread.
  12. Hah, I was just thinking that at least that play won't be the one people remember as the worst of the CFP. It will be remembered, particularly vs OSU, but not nearly as much.
  13. You used to be able to buy crickets at every bait shop you passed and they were everywhere. Hawaiians hate bate fishing and the Senators pushed forth all the legislation banning cricket sales in bait shops which crippled the Bait Shop industry. Between that and TikTok dying small businesses everywhere no longer stand a chance of success. MAGA! END the cricket ban!!!
  14. Basic Instinct was a good film, made Sharon Stone famous but I haven't watched it a long time. I don't remember it being set in Australia or Hawaii but like I said it's been a while. Was refreshing my memory of that movie, and I must have found a BDSM porn film instead cause that is what that movie sounds like reading the plot. Definitely re-watching it soon.
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