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  1. Lol, man your history knowledge sucks. For the record the Red Scare led to a lot of fascism and interment of US Citizens with family ties to Japan during the 40s wasn't the finest hour of US history.
  2. Hey man, let's get back to pics of the hippy chicks from the circle jerk. And am I getting a blow job from one of them or just a hand job. Inquiring minds and all.
  3. Gonna need pics of the hippy chick's involved to make a call on that one! And will there be sucking involved or just jerking?
  4. Go to your account: Click on your name I highlighted in green Then settings in green below: Then scroll down to the bottom and select ignored users under more settings: Then you can type into the name of the user on the next page.
  5. You can and many do But yeah, if true amusing.
  6. All of this. Critical thinking and vetting of sources matter. Also, I know the world lives in the up to the second news cycle, but more times than not lots of extremely important critical details are completely overlooked in the first "take". I don't care to sift through 4 or 5th tier "source material" that hasn't even been vetted by a major (who all have their own agenda too)
  7. If the "Leader" of the Columbia "take over" agreed to it, in writing and on social media, I'd personally start a gofund me to pay for a one way flight to Jordan/Lebanon so she could join in aiding the Palestinians in person.
  8. Look man, I'm not trying to end stupidity. I'm dumb but not THAT dumb, and by god I love Murica so I'm obligated to endorse stupidity, but I'm not supporting it.
  9. Silence and lack of attention is absolutely the wooden stake to any protest. I support, adamantly, the right to protest. Always will. I'm never supporting stupidity, graft, destruction of property or violence disguised in the name of protest. Edit - Steak would also repell many of these folks, funny autocorrect.
  10. There's always the pole, or marrying a rich man.
  11. I vote that we pipe in Team America World Police on a loop to any and all displays in the building. I'm happy to do a voice over intro explaining how it's an imaginary and poetic view of anti-marxism, the subject of my PHD and offer to sell my book on the topic.
  12. I think, beyond the "request for humanitarian aid" from the PHD in "imagination and poetry" the Hamas fanboi who could offer no actual logical reason to his love of Hamas was my favorite take so far. This appears to have a good bit of the Occupy movement "logic" on/development of one thing devolving into something completely different.
  13. I'm confused why either of you were trying to understand. Based on the pic, I would have just been nodding and supportive of her plight.
  14. Whoa!!! Hey now dude, don't go hating on Tony Hawk cause your teenage ass never got a Powell-Peralta or Santa Cruz deck. Take a chill pill bro!
  15. Speaking of cheap/free food and booze. 2 for $5 chopped beef and $3 6 packs of Pearl Lager or Mickeys, your choice: To keep it current, below is the bar I probably frequented the most during my last stretch in Austin:
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