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Everything posted by Hanrahan

  1. Concur. Would these morons throw the same temper tantrum if they found cholera in the drinking water and asked everyone to get cholera tests? Of course not.
  2. This is where it was done. I doubt they're faking results but who knows. https://memorialvillageer.com/rapid-covid-19-drive-thru-testing-in-houston/?gclid=CjwKCAjwmK6IBhBqEiwAocMc8iSiKJ93iIzz6Pr2QTKikQ3YDERn115ReB3PlH0p0p5GctOWmPGtJRoCZP8QAvD_BwE
  3. Last two tests in my family had PCR tests with a two hour turnaround. Don't know how widespread that is but it apparently can be done.
  4. Randolph is a beating but it warms my heart to know that aggy is not only following him around but he's driving them crazy enough that they come over here, register and embarrass themselves.
  5. Don't worry about it. CDC started making embarrassing videos as soon as Sankey circled "yes" on his "Do you like Texas" note.
  6. Are they actually going to have a vote or is some intern just going post a tweet that UT, OU and Sankey drafted sometime in June?
  7. That chick aggiehog is a crazy qanon Trumper. So more lies is par for the course.
  8. Ah hell, I haven’t heard that since 1999. And that little pause before “has been added” still gave me a split second of nervousness.
  9. Can one of you eggheads make a script or program or whatever that sucks up any post on this thread that includes the word "pod" and DMs to Helobious (for being a dumb fuck) and erases the original post?
  10. Mootness is a pretty important concept of you're practicing trial law so it might be rattling round in his head a bit. Still got a be a dumbass to confuse it with mute, though.
  11. Was expecting to see pics of seats in Baylor stadium being re-tarped.
  12. Nobody questions your clear blue blood history status, or the great value to the SEC by your joining. Unless stupid or Aggy. But your power and influence in your new conference will not be the same as in your former. It just won’t. And that is not intended as an insult. I think the great majority of horns know and accept this but you get em hopped up on those aggy tears and they can’t help themselves. The shit talking comes out like a rowdy drunk. Take our temperature on a Tuesday afternoon in a couple of weeks. We’ll be sober then.
  13. Spring Branch has excellent public schools south of 10.
  14. I am sad to learn the world is still not affording Justin the means to get laid.
  15. Why did you sell? Wondering if you were largely done with it or there were other factors my ignorant butt doesn’t know about.
  16. Hey, that's exactly where I live. I'm at St. Mary's and Wilcrest. Did not lose any power today. But it's been awful flaky the last six months.
  17. Thanks all! There does seem to be a market - there’s plenty for sale, although it could have been many times more in years past. My issue is my kids are 10 and 13 so we want to do this now if possible. I would be more concerned about market factors if the kids were gone but we would like a few years as a family thing. We don’t want to close next week but would like to get it done in the fall/winter in advance of next year’s beach season. Thinking I will just get a realtor and get educated.
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