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Everything posted by Hanrahan

  1. I want you to smash your face off with a broken vodka bottle.
  2. T T T T Turtle. What happened to all gas?
  3. I think he's gonna pork her.
  4. House in the Heights? Been closed for years now but was certainly a good restaurant, in a house, in the Heights.
  5. Tuck in your fucking shirt! (Curse omitted).
  6. My 5th grader's class now has 10/22, plus the teacher, out with covid.
  7. Ooooh, antivaxxers getting called out.
  8. Wife and I grew up in Plano and I quizzed her on which schools would have the highest opt out percentages. She did very well by guesstimating trumpiness as you move from the east side to the west.
  9. So our man Rex Racer seems to be on the mend but, SURPRISE!, another Texags poster is in the same hospital with Covid pneumonia. Vaxx status undisclosed but I'm laying big bucks on negatory.
  10. Put on masks and the flu disappears. Take them off RSV comes out of nowhere. There are obviously a bunch of other variables in play but common sense says masks have some effect on virus transmission.
  11. I posted earlier about my ten-year old who tested positive yesterday. Turns out that was probably a lie. Approximately 25% of his home room has tested positive including his friends who sit together. He was exposed. Last night the two kids, wife and I all took the Abbott at home. 10 year old clearly tested positive (if you haven’t seen it, it’s like old school pregnancy tests where you look for a second line to appear next to the control line - there was a second line), the rest of us negative. I took him in for a PCR this afternoon to confirm and it came back negative. Another at home test likewise came back negative. Not sure what to make of it. The at homes do have false positives 10-15% of the time, so it could have been that. But it would be a statistical anomaly for the exposed kid to get the only false positive. He could have been exposed and just beat it overnight before the virus could get a foothold. Someone suggested he could have had dead virus in his nostrils from sitting in a classroom with positive cases this week. In any case, do double test if your kid tests positive with an at home test.
  12. Yeah, they're both home. The little one has been banished to his room. He's actually been having a great time on Zoom with his buddies who also have it. We have four boxes of Abbott home tests. I'm hoping everyone is negative by Sunday.
  13. I'm in Spring Branch in Houston with a 5th grader in one school and a 7th grader at another. 5th grader tested covid positive yesterday. 7th grader tested negative. 5th grader is in quarantine, obviously, but what do you do with the 7th grader? Is he clear to go to school with the negative test? Does he have to isolate for 5 days? 10? Maybe until the 5th grader and he are both negative? Luckily, the school district has come up with a good plan. Just kidding. They don't have a fucking clue. You get a different response depending on who you talk to and what time of day it is.
  14. Second week of school in Spring Branch and are are not wearing masks because we are a freedom loving people. So far this week 5/20 in our elementary school home room class have tested positive, including my ten year old.
  15. I try to be nice. At the end of the day, I don't want the unvaxxed morons to die, as frustrating as their ignorant, selfish behavior is. But right now I'm a big fan of that tree that snapped Abbott's back.
  16. Iffin you like HermanCainAward, you might also like https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/
  17. Have a feeling dude is really regretting some of his life choices, one in particular.
  18. Over on Texags, they think this applies to other people, not them.
  19. Wow - my sense of timing is a bit off.
  20. Sorry, that doesn't hold water when there's a 1/2,000,000 chance that wearing a helmet could lead to heat stroke, which could land me in the hospital or the morgue. It's a personal choice and, for me, I choose no heat stroke.
  21. Recs for a good realtor for beach Houses in Galveston down to the San Luis Pass?
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