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Everything posted by Nole-4-Life

  1. Had a 70s era gold top Les Paul Deluxe. It was like strapping on an piano, weightwise.
  2. Man when she throws Tony's shit out the windows after finding out about the one legged Russian. The ensuing fight is some of the best acting ever put on film. Just outstanding by both Edie and James G.
  3. I got that the first time you said it. Got it on the DVR, but haven't gotten around to watching it yet.
  4. Fair enough, but based on past shows, I don't like the guy.
  5. Weren't they both short stories? EDIT: Pardon moi...novellas.
  6. So suicide, right? All I'm seeing is "mental illness."
  7. Gary again? Dude's a fucking beating. Is he gonna eat more rancid meat?
  8. Pissed off Kim wearing a cast is my fetish!
  9. That chick in Botswana was pretty fine. And did a nice job.
  10. I liked it too. Some new stuff. Dungeoness. Longlining. Cod Fishing. Sig in Norway.
  11. Jackie Brown Pulp Fiction Lakeview Terrace off the top of my head
  12. Peter Frampton broke that ground about 30 years earlier.
  13. I wish...would LOVE to see it and pile on myself.
  14. Yet he had no shelter. Self-absorbed douchebag.
  15. From your mouth to God's ear.
  16. I've never wanted someone to get hurt or sick more than that dude. He was a beating.
  17. However...the smell of cock cheese makes his mouth water.
  18. Janet Jackson's nipple gets bared on national TV and the world goes insane. Will Smith assaults a man on stage and nothing will happen to him. Makes you understand how Harvey Weinstein got away with what he did for so long. Hollyweird has different rules.
  19. Damn...she was beyond smoke. Mental illness is a real thing.
  20. Thankfully the movie also didn't get into the vaginal reconstruction angle either.
  21. Eagles - One of these nights, Hotel California, the Long Run. James Taylor - James Taylor, Sweet Baby James, Mud Slide Slim and the Blue Horizon
  22. I like the one where his wife dressed all slutty. Damn she was fine. Also the Robert frog girlfriend was great. Also the "ass in seat" episode where Ray leaves Debra at home when it's time to leave for some awards ceremony.
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