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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by TheBryMan81

  1. He must have gotten Austin confused with College Station obviously
  2. There are a lot of responses on the "Fuck Chip Brown" thread, so I guess we know where most of Surly leans for that one at least.
  3. I'm hearing that they're gonna ask him to reclassify to 2018. #PowerMoves
  4. IIRC.... He initially wanted OU and his dad wanted UT... So they compromised and settled on Baylor. He got his release after Briles got canned. Was supposed to visit campus, but stood up the coaching staff after partying it up in Austin the night before. I might be wrong on a couple of the details, so someone with a better memory is welcome to correct me, but I think that's the gist of it.
  5. If he wants to play football, then if I'm the A's, I put a clause in his contract that delays paying the signing bonus until after the football season and that it gets slashed if he injured. There's no way you let your #9 draft pick go play a sport with a high probability of injury.
  6. We're hosting the Super!!!!! 🤘
  7. Jeez, it's just a fucking baseball game dude
  8. Shugart says, "Fuck this, I'll just do it myself!" Hook em!!!
  9. No fucking way. That's a fucking catch.
  10. LMAO that was high and outside, but I'll take the K if Blue is giving that to the other team too
  11. Great fucking play Deadpool! Blue can go fuck himself.
  12. How the fuck was that not a fucking strike?
  13. Fuck yes, way to come through KC!
  14. Where can one find her resume in order to inquire about a private job? Asking for a friend.
  15. A lady in the sheets but a freak in the street?
  16. Flux capacitors are commercially available these days
  17. You must have missed the part where I said "mainstream music" Also, I have this nagging hunch that the Brewmaster was probably not referencing Coal Chamber lol
  18. It's got to have been at least 15 years since any sort of mainstream music referenced the roof being on fire, right?
  19. Yup, that's exactly how that conversation went. Texas coach: "Hi Taurean, I realize we've never met or spoken, I've never been to your practices or games, nor did I even know that you existed, but I'd like to offer you a scholarship to the University of Texas"
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