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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Anastasis

  1. Tea bagging title insurance is a good take. Good look getting that one past the rhetoric stage though.
  2. Shouldn’t be talking about insulin. Should be talking about GLP1s. why the fuck is Bernie wearing a mask. lol.
  3. There is a weird forehead situation going on. Mild Klingon or something.
  4. Why is he even engaging in discussion with her? Just move right along.
  5. I just certified a eform 4 submission today on a trust. Last time it was like 11 months. I would be elated to see that thing clear in a couple months, but am expecting the long wait.
  6. pOuTInE tAlkInG pOiNts!!21!. Happy that you are able to get greater use of that one, but it is not in any way a reflection of a shift in my caring. Jesus Christ, we've be discussing Israel, settlements, and American policy wrt Israel on the political boards for ever. This thread is young and it is nearly 6 years old. I do realize that you just tuned in to the discussion though.
  7. And some former republicans that just can’t shake their bad habits despite their political realignment.
  8. There is a nonzero number of Americans that refuse to learn from their own lived experience. They just want to fall for the same tried propaganda artistry over and over again.
  9. Sorry, it would have been late 2002 and early 2003.
  10. You are responding to a poster that if teleported back in time would have been happily posting links of articles and tweets about the Nigerian yellow cake scam in 2001 to justify the run up to the invasion.
  11. 1000 yards might have been the measure of my youngest's ear to ear grin after putting together some shots on. There is something about a boy and a 22lr and a bunch of holes in paper that is just right and proper. We worked the safety rules, and he laid claim to the rifle on the ride home. That ain't happening, but at least there were no screens involved and we worked in some fresh air.
  12. Trying to make consistent sense around which posts on this thread get ghosted and which are allowed to stay up is hard.
  13. Certainly a factor. If only the influence was limited to evangelical fundamentalists. Their particular notions, that Jesus needs a well-lit landing strip in Jerusalem, that the modern nation-state of Israel is the biblical nation of Israel, and that war and conflict in the Middle East is God-ordained are toxic. But beyond that, you also see the bleed over into non-religious and the residuals in the formerly religious as well. Some of the core assumptions and aspects of their end times worldview lingers long after Sunday School is passed. End result is that the country of Israel is afforded a unique and special dispensation. Enough so that even when certain people see with their own eyes a US-funded ethnic cleansing exercise, it is hard for some of them to find a clear voice.
  14. And yet we continue to arm and fund Israel military activities and run interference at the UN and from the podium. Not only that, but we are using emergency declarations to expedite the process. Alternative approaches have been offered multiple times on this thread, including unleashing Mossad in targeted fashion against Hamas leadership. And yet we still have posters here deflecting from what is systematic collective punishment at best, outright ethnic cleansing at worst and throwing their hands up in the air saying, "what alternatives do they have?"
  15. I’m riding Amy either to the moon or to zero.
  16. But you see terrorism. Never mind that the nation of Israel was built on terrorism.
  17. lol. I haven’t had a shooter 22 in a long time. I hope I don’t bruise my shoulder.
  18. Anastasis

    Austin FC

    This is special.
  19. Yep. So here is a question. I picked up a ruger 10/22 picatinny rail, and only two of the holes lined up with the four holes on the receiver. Is that expected and ok? It came with a rail (didn't realize that until after I had already installed the one I bought and dug around the bag). Figure I should be ok to loctite two in and just plug the two inner screw holes back up?
  20. LOL. I think that I am going to need a more appropriate optic situation. But this should do for tomorrow. ETA: Better.
  21. Popped into a shop in spicewood and they had a 10/22 takedown lite. Taking the boys out tomorrow to punch some holes. Looks like a fun little gun. Waiting on a dead air mask to clear ATF jail.
  22. Unsurprised to hear crickets from you.
  23. Good to see a check in from Mr decency Pax Americana every once in a while.
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