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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Anastasis

  1. Yep. Worst shit I saw was a bad batch of benzos from Mexico. This was in the timeframe that rohypnols were all over the place and some triazolam or some shit got mixed into circulation and a few kids locked up their jaws. Some time and Benadryl later and they were back to fighting form. These days they just dead with respiratory failure.
  2. It’s a hell of an environment to raise kids these days. In the 90s we could fuck around and find out was relatively mild unless you went off the rails. Oxycodone overdoses took a few of extended orbit acquaintances when that stuff came on the scene later. I can’t imagine what shit would have looked like with fentanyl laced Xanax and stepped on coke around every corner. It has to be literally zero tolerance, which is always an effective approach. Roll eyes.
  3. Oh, and in terms of thought experiements regarding self-immolation, a little blast from the past.
  4. We need to send all of our State Department spokespersons through an in depth mental health examination prior to putting them up on the podium. Miller has been absolutely clowning himself lately, and laying bare exactly how shallow American policy is.
  5. Matthew Miller in rare form today. I miss Ned.
  6. Seems that a good number of posters fundamentally disagree with this statement? We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
  7. first, an egg lemon soup. The second, a salad. The third, venison pastistio. The fourth, smoked lamb shoulder on lentils, lemon sour cream dill mint situation.
  8. Anastasis


    Pictures are hard lol.
  9. https://www.gutenberg.org/files/7370/7370-h/7370-h.htm# SECOND TREATISE OF GOVERNMENT by JOHN LOCKE
  10. Words also apparently have no meaning.
  11. Interesting discussion. This is the crux of it. Natural rights underlie the essential notion of fundamental human rights, and the intrinsic value of human life. Start chipping away and that and see where we end up.
  12. If only the good ole days when Israel was just bulldozing a rando house every once in awhile, settlers stealing orchards, IDF boot prints in the shape of the star of david literally on the face of palestinians, killing journalists and then deploying police to beat people up at their funerals, incarcerating the random juvenile and shoving a broom stick up their ass during interrogation. Simpler times. Back when it was easy for people to deflect and they could act like they weren't paying attention.
  13. American taxpayer dollars funding ethnic cleansing right in front of our eyes. Fun stuff.
  14. page going hard to quite hard.
  15. Transfer the big winners to charity. Take the full value deduction. Do good, minimize taxes. Everyone wins.
  16. Up 5% today, we're back baby!
  17. Are asking me to define in biological terms or psychological terms?
  18. Primary sex determination is chromosomal in mammals. The genetic makeup does not change. The presence of a Y chromosome results in phenotypic differentiation as early as 6-8 weeks. Before differentiation it is not really accurate to call the embryo phenotypically female. The phenotypic hallmarks of sex expression (e.g., estrogen producing ovaries or testosterone producing testes) develop later, whether the chromosomes are XX or XY.
  19. Witness the decency on display.
  20. That poll asks the respondents how important the wars between Israel and Hamas, Russia and Ukraine, and the tensions between China and Taiwan are to the US national interests. There is also a question that gets to personal relevance of each conflict. There is no question about American policy actions or direction. That is a logical leap that is uninformed by that poll. Note that, as an example, Israel-Gaza was the highest rated in terms of respondents assessment of importance to US national interests; however, that speaks nothing to respondents perspective on what is happening in Gaza and their preferences on how America should engage. Here is another recent poll that gets more to policy. https://quincyinst.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Quincy-Institute_rev-tabs.pdf https://responsiblestatecraft.org/ukraine-peace-talks-poll/ Full data at first link, excerpts from the summary article: The Harris/Quincy Institute poll involved an online survey of 2,090 American adults from Feb. 8 to 12. The results are weighted to ensure a representative sample of the U.S. population. The margin of error is 2.5% using a 95% confidence level. ... Roughly 70% of Americans want the Biden administration to push Ukraine toward a negotiated peace with Russia as soon as possible, according to a new survey from the Harris Poll and the Quincy Institute, which publishes Responsible Statecraft. Support for negotiations remained high when respondents were told such a move would include compromises by all parties, with two out of three respondents saying the U.S. should still pursue talks despite potential downsides. The survey shows a nine-point jump from a poll in late 2022 that surveyed likely voters. In that poll, 57% of respondents said they backed talks that would involve compromises. ... As the House weighs whether to approve new aid for Ukraine, 48% of respondents said they support new funding as long as it is conditioned on progress toward a diplomatic solution to the war. Others disagreed over whether the U.S. should halt all aid (30%) or continue funding without specific conditions (22%). This question revealed a sharp partisan divide on whether to continue Ukraine funding in any form. Fully 46% of Republicans favor an immediate shutoff of the aid spigot, as compared to 17% of Democrats. Meanwhile, 54% of Democrats and 40% of Republicans favored conditioning aid on diplomatic talks.
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