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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Anastasis

  1. Welp, time for a bump. This one gonna get bad.
  2. Well this should be a real blast.
  3. I thought that maybe there was some sign-on bonus that they would claw back or something. A 4 year commitment "or we are going to say bad things about you" is a really shitty move in the current employment environment.
  4. How do they enforce a 4 yr commitment?
  5. Can cut that number down substantially if they were 500 euro notes, and it is still a completely unrealistic claim.
  6. Yeah, until they pitch him on how much money he will be able to fundraise while he swings the gavel around and mugs for the camera.
  7. https://www.axios.com/2023/10/04/saudi-mega-deal-biden-israel-normalization-palestinian-talks This is what he meant by "I am going to make SA a pariah"? BTW, Monday was anniversary of the dismemberment of Jamal Kashoggi. Good timing on quiet jaunt to SA, Jake. Senior Biden advisers quietly visited Saudi Arabia last week to continue talks on a potential mega-deal that could include a peace agreement between the kingdom and Israel, two sources with direct knowledge of the issue told Axios. ... State of play: As part of the mega-deal talks, the White House is negotiating a potential security agreement between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia, possible U.S. support for a Saudi civilian nuclear program, and U.S. approval for sophisticated weapons sales to the kingdom.
  8. Just a reality check. $9B/125k = $72k per head, right. Hey, get yours if you can qualify.
  9. It looks certainly yummy and good food pron. I think that most people think of venison as game rather than packaged goods. I wish I could find cuts like that at HEB. Or I wish that WT deer in Texas had a backstrap like that.
  10. Anastasis

    Austin FC

    Haha at caging the ball and kneeing it back into the box.
  11. I hope I’m ok as long as no one reports a post where I reference perhaps the most solid existing in-group meme we have going on this site.
  12. You should have known that calling another person a "fat cunt" was gonna get you a time out. The preferred nomenclature here is "whale cunt".
  13. "Ok, if you insist, but only one κόνδυλος." Smaller units of length Unit Greek name Equal to Modern equivalent Description daktylos δάκτυλος 19.3 mm (0.76 in) finger kondylos κόνδυλος 2 daktyloi 38.5 mm (1.52 in) knuckle
  14. Certainly more work that just cutting them out. But if you have a good bone saw and are in an area where CWD is not an issue, it's not to bad and can be done right on the hook.
  15. It's always funny when challenging American foreign policy competency and coherence is met by progressives questioning your loyalty to the country and calling you Russia-aligned. You don't get that kind of layered irony from the former Republicans like matt that just manage to pound out "what kinda of brown person are you anyways?" over and over again on their keyboards.
  16. LOL. I have no idea who you are, but you are a really funny poster.
  17. Hey look, I sincerely hope that the West dumping hundreds of billions dollars worth of arm into this ends up playing out well for the Ukraine and for us in the long term. I don't think it is particularly crazy to question that maybe it doesn't based on historical performance and outcomes.
  18. In all fairness though, he was probably in elementary school at the time.
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