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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Anastasis

  1. Still think this is a bit.
  2. Those with the means left a long time ago. First the Christians, then the educated class of the Muslims. What remains reflects the "brain drain" and a population of people that have literally no options in front of them. And to be totally fair, the fucking Arab countries around them have absolutely zero interest in providing anything that looks like opportunity to them.
  3. I see. The palestinians have been under military occupation the entire time frame indicated. The WB is carved up into non-contiguous areas with hundreds of checkpoints where the people that live there are systematically dehumanized. They literally live with boots on their necks. But yes, the blockade of Gaza has certainly taken things to another level.
  4. But seriously, I would like to understand how the situation on the ground between 66-08 is somehow a period where the Palestinian people were not under military occupation with a boot on their necks. I assume that it was just an ahistorical throw away argument, but maybe there is something substantive there that I am missing.
  5. The IDF has already stated that they don't have any evidence to confirm and will not investigate the claims, and that the accounts of their people are sufficient. The oz tweet thread linked was pushing back on the notion that the claims originated from one particular reporter, making the argument that the reporter was only relaying what they were told by one of the Israeli rescue workers. It's amazing how this fact pattern is being deployed.
  6. I think that you dismiss #4 too easily. If we are going to assign broadly to the palestinians the words of their extremists, maybe we should do the same with the other side. Stick a mic in front of a WB settler and you will hear some outright calls for genocide. Shit, put a mic in front of their PM or their defense minister and you will get essentially the same.
  7. Some posters here must have really struggled in history class.
  8. Their power had been cut off and their cell phones are dead but text messages were supposedly sent while they bombed the rafah crossing where civilians were staging to avoid the bombing areas. This makes sense to people.
  9. Those videos are out there. They don't enter his information stream. Just like the videos of non-violent protests at the Gaza prison walls, where the IDF opened fire on unarmed protestors doing what all the "where is their Gandhi" people want, do not get the same play.
  10. LOL. You realize that people that are not just as sunk and committed to acting like Ned Jr. can read these posts, right?
  11. I am sure that you think that a tweet characterizing what is playing out here by couching this in condescending terms terms as a glorious resistance and "tHiS iS WhAt dEcOloNiZaTiOn lOoKs lIKe" followed up by disinformation is compelling and insightful, but it is pretty much what most people paying attention would expect from state department talking points. No mirrors in your world, huh. I do appreciate the neg though, must have triggered some self-awareness.
  12. [wildcat]huh, look at who is cheering on genocide[/wildcat] And look who is cheering on disinformation operations.
  13. They call this "Thursday at a Checkpoint" in the West Bank.
  14. At least they didn't send Jake Sullivan.
  15. Why shouldn't I? The West did a long time ago. In the same way that they have forgotten most of the Christians in the Middle East. Those people are not nearly as useful to American hegemonic policy interests as turning a blind eye to illegal settlements and the people that want to build the Third Temple and a well lit landing strip for Dispensationalist Jesus in J-town.
  16. 2023 world looks like a neo-con wet dream.
  17. This is no basis for a rational foreign policy, but here we are. *second carrier group transits the Med*
  18. Well I can tell you based on significant first hand experience that this is total horseshit.
  19. If I am Taiwan right now I got my head on a fucking swivel.
  20. The majority of Arab Americans (and the world wide diaspora) are Catholics and Orthodox. Less than a quarter in the US are Muslims. Most fled the region in various waves to flee violence and persecution from both the Muslims and the Israelis. And those wounds still run deep, two or three generations later. So before the xenophobes start riding around in trucks looking for some Arabs to harass, maybe consider they their families have been worshipping Jesus…some in the same tongue he used…for a multiple longer than this country has existed.
  21. Well the world looks like a neocons wet dream ATM, with proxy war against Russia and another proxy war about to pop off with Iran, so of course graham is ecstatic.
  22. Nobody shits on the Palestinian people more than other Arabs and the Persians.
  23. Can we just stop dumping arms and military funding into the region? Is that too much to ask? Last week we were floating an arms package and fucking nuclear energy support to SA just so they would play nice with Israel. We have been funding Israel’s domestic military industry for decades. Can we just maybe consider for a second cutting all these fucks off from the MIC tit and limit our direct funding to humanitarian support?
  24. John McCain’s corpse starts masturbating furiously.
  25. No one is defending shooting up a festival dipshit. And if you think that is the point that posters above are making, I am not sure anyone should take lectures from you on the big picture role of propaganda in this one.
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