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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Anastasis

  1. Have you ever been n antibody tested? It’s the only way to really know.
  2. No serious people are arguing that we do nothing. Serious people, like Offit, are arguing that we need good risk stratification to guide vax recommendations. The CDC recs are illogical. Our public health authorities have a serious credibility issue. They brought it upon themselves, and they continue to do so. I guess we can bound up Offit and throw him in the river to see if he floats. Which is basically about as science bound as our public health messaging has been over the last few years.
  3. Rates of "long covid" are higher among hospitalized cases, and highest among those that end up in the ICU. A lot of long COVID, in particular among cases from inpatient settings is hard to distinguish from a post-acute care syndrome. The ambulatory cases are hard to distinguish from a general post-viral syndrome. At least in my calculus, long COVID as a unique clinical entity does not really impact my assessment of vaccination risk benefit. There is a whole disability cottage industry being built up around long covid, but in reality we have been dealing with the same phenomena for some time without recognition. Not to say that there are not some unique aspects to post-COVID sequelae that are worthy of debate and discussion...multi system impact, edge cases, etc. But there is whole lot of hyperbolic nonsense in circulation as well.
  4. You've identified one of the root cause issues. It goes back to the [serious] thread days. But I mean good for you for shitting on your little brother as a bit of internet banter. Degenerate.
  5. It is like 4 posts above. Apparently a bridge too far to expect the board admin to pay attention.
  6. Further, we have bogged down with the mRNA shots and need to be moving towards alternative strategies that may offer the promise of sterilizing immunity, i.e. nasal sprays.
  7. What is the incremental positive impact of additional shots over the primary series plus initial boosters? If you want to keep layering more shots, I think that is great and people should go for it. Maybe it has an impact on hard endpoints, maybe it doesn't. We honestly don't know, and anybody that tells you that they do is not being honest. I think that an approach targeted to those at high risk makes sense. There is no strong basis for doing additional boosting of low risk categories and esp kids.
  8. COVID, i.e. the manifestation of disease, is a different thing though. Lots of people that have gone through the gauntlet and never had symptomatic disease.
  9. Unless an individual can prove up with a negative N antibody test, the reasonable assumption is that their immune system has seen SARS-CoV-2 and seroconverted. About 25% had not N converted this time last year, and that number is clearly lower now. Almost everyone has converted via vax or infection, and a substantial number both.
  10. Are you autistic? Serious question.
  11. I am not sure that you are tracking with the beat here, but congrats on finding the submit button to share your thoughts.
  12. My wife is lebanese, and can run pretty hot, so the last thing I am going to stick in her hand is one of my guns. But if I did I would probably go with a revolver.
  13. Anastasis

    Austin FC

    God said NOPE to letting Diego get a brace in Q2 from the other side.
  14. I am sure that it seems that way from the perspective of a little ankle biter like you.
  15. Anastasis

    Austin FC

    Looks like a cell coming from the north with a shit load of lightening.
  16. Yeah, I don't think that I am the one missing something here.
  17. GWB went to washington teamed up with neocon dick fn cheney and lost his brain. Otherwise that is exactly the play that could have been run.
  18. Am I missing something or wasn't that the entire joke that Brooks was running?
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