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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Anastasis

  1. Let’s regroup in a few years. I am sure that this time the neocon policy influence will shake out differently.
  2. Standing ovation from Canadians and neocons in the diaspora.
  3. Amazing. They are all neocons with zero self awareness.
  4. Said in serious fashion by the guys that give standing ovations to nazis because they have pretty basic lack of awareness of history and context.
  5. TX cares results came in for my HS aged daughter over the last week. Her last vaccine was 07/2021. Her S ab level is through the roof, she has N converted as expected. There is no reasonable basis for giving her another shot at this point. The CDC recommends doing the dance all the way down to 6m olds. Risk segmentation for some of the olds that keep excel files of grocery store price changes here are not relevant to other population segments.
  6. LOL. GTFO with that shit.
  7. My remington rand 1911. Serial number indicates a 1944 date of birth.
  8. Newports or nothing as far as menthols go.
  9. We’re gonna kill people more quickly to demonstrate to the people that killing people is wrong.
  10. Probably the Covid origins thread is a better place. You got people interested in putting aside common sense and Bayesian analysis to juggle red balls over there.
  11. Have you ever been n antibody tested? It’s the only way to really know.
  12. No serious people are arguing that we do nothing. Serious people, like Offit, are arguing that we need good risk stratification to guide vax recommendations. The CDC recs are illogical. Our public health authorities have a serious credibility issue. They brought it upon themselves, and they continue to do so. I guess we can bound up Offit and throw him in the river to see if he floats. Which is basically about as science bound as our public health messaging has been over the last few years.
  13. Rates of "long covid" are higher among hospitalized cases, and highest among those that end up in the ICU. A lot of long COVID, in particular among cases from inpatient settings is hard to distinguish from a post-acute care syndrome. The ambulatory cases are hard to distinguish from a general post-viral syndrome. At least in my calculus, long COVID as a unique clinical entity does not really impact my assessment of vaccination risk benefit. There is a whole disability cottage industry being built up around long covid, but in reality we have been dealing with the same phenomena for some time without recognition. Not to say that there are not some unique aspects to post-COVID sequelae that are worthy of debate and discussion...multi system impact, edge cases, etc. But there is whole lot of hyperbolic nonsense in circulation as well.
  14. You've identified one of the root cause issues. It goes back to the [serious] thread days. But I mean good for you for shitting on your little brother as a bit of internet banter. Degenerate.
  15. It is like 4 posts above. Apparently a bridge too far to expect the board admin to pay attention.
  16. Further, we have bogged down with the mRNA shots and need to be moving towards alternative strategies that may offer the promise of sterilizing immunity, i.e. nasal sprays.
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