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Everything posted by Thatguy

  1. He left just before the bowl game and his quarterbacks coach was the interim coach. Of course you don't credit him for that win and then simultaneously don't credit him for the win at USC with someone else's recruits. Then you credit Tom Herman, who pretty much exclusively won with someone else's recruits at both places he's been. Typical you. Meanwhile, your boy Tom Herman has been looking for a coaching job for the last 2 years with no success while the guy you've been hating on has stayed employed despite your assertion that he is a bad coach. If Steve Sarkisian turns the corner you will quietly slink into your corner and pretend that you didn't start this thread, angry little man style, 6 games into a head coach's tenure. Then you will lie in wait for him to slip up so you can pop out of your mole hole with a see I told you so. Of course you constantly use the "we all hope he succeeds" bs as a disclaimer, but if you really were hoping for success you wouldn't have made this thread 6 games into his time here in the first place. UGH UT fans are some entitled bastards, thinking somehow we are exempt from paying our dues and putting in the work. I was pissed when Herbie blasted our fanbase on national TV, a guy I played basketball with at the Dublin Rec Center. However, the farther removed we are from that, the more I realized he was dead on.
  2. Very short sighted retort. You are NOT judging things based on the situation as usual. I misspoke before when I said Greg Ward Jr was 7-3. Details matter. UH in 2014 started out 2-3. Coach Tony Levine made the switch to Greg Ward Jr and they went 6-2 to finish the season. He was fired despite getting it turned around in a big way. In comes Tom Herman sporting Urban Meyer's running quarterback offense stumbling upon Ward Jr a receiver turned QB, who was as dynamic a runner as there was, already there and 6-2 as a starter. They go on a nice run his first year playing only 1 power 5 team in Louisville until getting Pitt in a bowl game. The next year they would lose to Navy, SMU, Memphis, and San Diego State. So Tom Herman had one year where he caught people off guard and got a favorable schedule. The very next year with the same players they looked exactly like they did at 9-4 when Tony Levine had them 8-5. Sark got to UW in 2009 where they had gone 0-12 the year prior. 0-12. This is the same year when USC is #5 and Oregon went to the Rose Bowl under Chip Kelly. Stanford is also ranked, as well as Arizona under the Stoops brothers with Gronk(Nick Foles was a sophomore on that team), and Oregon State. He went from 5 wins his first season to 9 wins his last season all at a time when USC, Oregon, and Stanford were playing dominant football. His last year they lost those four games to #5 Stanford, #2 Oregon, 10-4 ASU(8-1 in conference), and #13 UCLA. So Herman's best season was a year when they played Tenn Tech, Louisville, and Texas State as their out of conference schedule. They are one of the expected top teams in their conference being smack dab in one of the best recruiting cities in the nation. Meanwhile Sark went 9-4 vs a schedule that included 4 ranked teams, 2 of them in the top 5, a #19 Chris Peterson led Boise State team, and Illinois OOC. They are one of the bottom feeders in their conference, and have 0 recruiting grounds anywhere near them. Sark built an 0-12 team to a respectable 9-4 from the ground up with his recruits in a conference where they were NOT the team kids wanted to play for. Ton Herman took over an already winning team, who had gone 6-2 over their last 8, who was one of the top teams in their conference. Tom had an NFL quarterback at Texas as soon as he stepped foot on campus. Sark had Card and Thompson. Details matter.
  3. There were also people here chest bumping when we got Herman. Imagine that? A guy who's claim to fame was being the OC for Urban Meyer, running Urban Meyer's offense, and then taking over a program that had just realized their wide receiver was the best QB(Greg Ward Jr) on the team and gone 7-3 down the stretch after the change the year prior to his arrival. A guy who never proved he could recruit because he wasn't there long enough to show any prowess. And finally, a guy who's ball control offense required the QB to be the best athlete on the field and play hero ball in a conference where scoring comes easy. We went all in on a guy like that at the University of Texas. That's like Tom Brady deciding he wants to date Rebel Wilson because she was funny in that one movie.
  4. This makes no sense. No wonder you guys get so mad at Sark. 2) Sark ran counter and when OSU came out after halftime they shut it down. He adjusted to 12 personnel with double tights on the field and they popped some runs, but we missed some blocks enough times that it put us behind the chains. 3) Getting stuffed on runs makes you have to throw. Getting behind in score makes you throw more. 4) First, the QB decides where the ball goes not Sark. There are multiple people out in routes and its QE's job to decide who is open. Secondly, RPO's up the seam take awhile to develop and we were allowing a lot of pressure on those slow developing plays. 5) The second TD was a pass BEHIND the LOS to Worthy for a TD. We also targeted worthy on short crosses. He caught one for 25 and he dropped the other. We targeted running backs on short passes and both were dropped. 😎 We aren't very good at run blocking unless there is some wrinkle to it. Straight blocking someone gets beat almost every time.
  5. I don't honestly think we will win out. I think seasons need to be judged on the circumstances. Had we had Ewers all year I think 9-3 is a realistic expectation because Ewers gets easier games to adjust to playing at the college level. As it stands Ewers games are a tuneup game vs ULM, Bama, OU in the Cotton Bowl, the best D in the conference, and on the road vs the best D-line in the conference and a top 10 team. Had he gotten to finish the Bama game, get work in against a salty UTSA and Tech, we are looking at a different season.
  6. To be determined as far as Sark goes. Tom walked into a QB who started for the Colts last game. His second year he was 9-3. Sark still has time to match that. But to me he was always going to lose here. His ball control O fits the BIG not the Big12. Games were always in reach.
  7. My backing of Strong had to do with recruiting. He was such a good recruiter at his other stops that I thought for sure he would kill it here. He didn't, which was weird, but it was what it was. Charlie made a lot of mistakes here. His coordinators to start. Not getting a QB. It was rough. Sark hasn't done any of that. The calls have been pretty decent. Guys were there to make plays and just didn't make them. I will be the first to say not a fan of PK's but he wasn't out there running fire zones against GT counters and using undermanned fronts.
  8. Oklahoma State starters 8 RS seniors(5 years in the program) 7 Seniors or RS Juniors(4 years in the program) 5 Juniors(3 years in the program 2 Sophomores(2 years in the program) Oklahoma State backups 3 RS Seniors 4 RS Juniors 4 RS Sophomores 2 Sophomores 7 RS Freshmen 2 Freshmen I know you thought that they would be worse than us but here you go. A lot of experience in their two gap.
  9. I will own my Charlie apologizing, but not once did I go to bat for late Mack, Manny Diaz, and Tom fucking Hermannnnn....
  10. Gilbeau is a true freshman out there just trying to figure it out and got beat to the inside multiple times. Banks is a true freshman playing LT vs grown ass men, and probably has never seen a DE rushing from 9tech ever in his life, much less a good one. He gave up about 3 solid pressures and a sack. Ryan Watts is in his first year under this system. Cole Hutson true freshman. Hayden Conner first time starting and true sophomore. Quinn Ewers freshman and first year in the system. That's what bothers me about the "We're Texas" crowd. They expect a guy to jump right in and contribute simply because of the color and name on our jerseys and that's just not how it works. Our players are simply just slightly more physically gifted than kids at another school but that gets washed vs experience. Take TCU for example, the current crown jewel of the Big 12. Look at the experience they have amongst their starters vs us. 3 RS seniors(5th year )......................................2 RS seniors Coburn and Christian Jones 9 seniors/1 RS junior( 4th year)........................5 seniors and one RS junior- Sweat, Overshown, Jamison, Cook, Oghoufo, and J-Whitt 9 juniors (3rd year)...........................................3 juniors and a RS sophomore Bijan, Barron, Thompson, Watts and Majors 1 Freshman(1st year)........................................2 freshman- Banks and Hutson Behind them they have good experience as well in their backup group of players, but then you see why we struggle when backups come in. 7 seniors..................................................5 Seniors Billingsley, RoJo, Bush, Milton and Tucker-Dorsey 8 juniors...................................................1 junior Crawford 5 sophomores......................................... 7 sophomores-Karec, Card, Parr,(listed in two spots), Dorbah, Murphy, Johnson, and Coffey 2 freshman.............................................7 freshmen-Thompson, Red, Robertson, Williams, Finkley, Jordan, and Glibeau This is why we struggle. We have inexperience in some crucial positions like QB, and then as soon as someone gets dinged the guy coming in for them either has 0 experience like a Gibeau or is not good like Bush. The "We're Texas crowd expects none of this to matter. They think that because we are Texas we are supposed to simply have everyone drink the "Texas Magic Elixir" and all these young guys will suddenly start playing like seniors. Kansas State has 13 seniors, 5 juniors, and 4 sophomores among their starters, and 9 seniors, 3 juniors, 2 sophomores, and 8 freshman(6 of them redshirts) among their backups.
  11. Pretty sure none of you guys rewatch the game to see if what you thought you saw really was what you thought you saw. Go back and watch. At each crucial moment a guy failed to do his job. A whiff on a block here. A drop there. 2nd half here. 1st and 10 we run the counter that had been hitting in the first half and they have 8 men within 8 yards of the LOS. Bijan manages to bounce it for 5. 2nd and 5 Ewers has X but the rusher uses an inside move to beat Sanders and has his hands up causing a high throw. 3rd and five we run the OZ rpo slant we hit J-Whitt on but Banks gets beat immediately causing the sack ................................ 1st and 10 we try to go back to the counter and its stacked up for no gain. 2nd and 10 hard to tell what Ewers sees but Sanders again doesn't even get a hand on the rusher causing Ewers to throw it away 3rd and 10 Sark draws up a little pass out of the backfield to Rojo that would've went for a 1st down but he dropped it. .............................................. 1st and 10 we hit worthy on the shallow cross for 25 yards 1st and 10 we run Krob for no gain 2nd and 10 we run 12 personnel with both Sangers and Billingsley on the field. Bijan no gain. 3rd and 10 Christian Jones gets planted and the rusher dives over him and grabs Ewers leg. Ewers throw up to Worthy who makes no effort. ........................................................... 1st and 10 12 personnel. Jones double-teams the guard with Hutson. Conner comes down the line and completely whiffs on the kickout block on the DE causing Bijan to have to make a move in the backfield, and preventing him from hitting the hole. Bijan still manages 4 yards. 2nd and 6 Blitz beats J-Whitt on the run play. Bijan 1 yard gain. 3rd and 5 Sark goes back to the route Rojo dropped earlier since it was open but this time with Bijan. Either Bijan was held or he slowed down throwing off the timing. Either way it hit him in the hands as well. ........................................................................... 1st and 10 Ewers drops the ball but still drops it off to Sanders for 7. 2nd and 3 Sark is trying to snap the ball before the quarter is over to keep the matchup on the field and not allow OSU to sub. Ewers drops the ball and Rojo falls on it for a 7 yard loss. 3rd and 10 Christian Jones gets beat immediately to the inside causing a high throw .............................................................................. 1st and 10 Sark call an OZ rpo I have never seen before with a WR screen and two blockers on the backside built into it. We hand it to Bijan for a 2 yard gain 2nd and 8 good defense by OSU. Nobody open and Ewers throws it away. 3rd and 8 Ewers drops back and has the ball batted down ......................................................................... 1st and 10 Ewers has time and drops a dime to Billingsley 1st and 10 12 personnel Bijan run for 13 1st and 10 12 personnel Bijan run for 9 2nd and 1 They bring in Karek and Rojo gets 5 yards 1st and 10 both back in the back field Bijan for 3 2nd and 7 throw outside to Krob who is one on one. Throw is a little off but hit K-rob in the hands. dropped. 3rd and 7 X wide open in the ez and dropped. 4th and 7 missed field goal. ............................................................. 1st and 10 12 personnel and Bijan is hit in the backfield for a 2 yard loss 2nd and 12 Ewers runs for 50. Holding 2nd and 22 Hutson is juked and doesn't even get a hand on the d-lineman. Ewers throws it away. 3rd and 22 19 yard pass to Sanders over the middle 4th and 3 We get a penatly for 5 yards 4th and 8 Ewers gets picked ....................................................................... 1st and 10 two receivers in the area looking at one another. Someone ran the wrong route. 2nd and 10 long out throw on the money by Ewers 1st and 10 Ewers gets pressure and throws it away 2nd and 10 Ewers throws a pass to Sanders 1st down 1st and 10 Deep throw to Worthy who is easily bumped off his route. Ball is catchable. 2nd and 10 throw to J-Whitt a little high but catchable. Dropped. 3rd and 10 Back shoulder to Sanders for 1st down 1st and 10 Ewers over the middle through the hands of Sanders and picked off. Ballgame. 2nd half we ran counter, IZ, and OZ. We ran it from 4 wide, 11 personnel, 12 personnel, and even brought Andre in as an extra linemen. We had passing plays at all level, but ultimately we made mistakes that were drive killers time and time again. We ran everything but screens, but then again we don't run a lot of screens. IMO players lost this game.
  12. So fun fact. When I bought the wife's car the salesman saw that the website said the car was there (Audi West Houston). Rather than chalk it up to "haven't updated the website" he went and walked the lot. Found it hidden in the repair lot with a sold sign on it. Apparently another salesman was trying to hold it for a guy who possibly wanted it. Needless to say it wasn't there when he came back. Don't always fall for the okie-doke.
  13. Washington my guy. Washington is not Texas. He has hauled in 3 good QBs and two top 5 classes in a row, and they've seemed to be on the mark with their evaluations so far.
  14. This is a false truth and overstated. Players want to go to the NFL and that is a bigger concern of theirs than you think. Otherwise only the rich schools would get good recruits. Saban had one good season at MSU.
  15. Defense is really holding us back if you ask me. We blame the O for not scoring in the second half of the OSU game, and rightfully so, but the D also can't be giving up 24 first half points as well.
  16. There is no perfect coach. Mack sure as shit wasn't perfect. Our schemes and play calling under Mack were lackluster, and relied on hero ball the two years when we were special. Saban was reluctant to change his offense to something more modern for years and finally adjusted after getting beat by a couple spread teams. Urban specialized is using his QBs as battering rams. The one thing they all did well was recruit so well that their flaws didn't matter. If Sark can keep his current recruiting momentum he can turn it around.
  17. You guys are truly some weirdos. NCAA football is about the ability to evaluate player talent and plug them into the spots you need them in. The reason we have been wandering in the desert for so long is because since 09 we've been bad at recruiting QBs. We had good QB play for the first decade of Mack's tenure. Then he went all in on GG and gave Case a scholly. After that it was disaster after disaster. Ehlinger settled that down but we recruited nothing behind him which led to the disaster that was last year. We are finally getting good signal callers as well as the ability to redshirt them. Secondly, our recruiting in the trenches has been abysmal. We've struggled to get quality players on BOTH side of the ball for a decade there. The teams that are winning consistently aren't doing so because they have some savant of a HC making magical in game decisions. They are winning because they have good QB play and they are recruiting well year over year. That is why I am not calling for the coach's head. I see us evaluating talent well and stacking quality QBs, which hasn't been done here in forever. We are headed in the right direction. Our QB had as bad a game as you can imagine and yet we still scored 34 points and had a chance to win the game in the end. That's decidedly different from a year ago where a bad game from a QB would result in an absolute blowout. We are 1 point, 4 points, and 7 points from being undefeated. We are close.
  18. We don't script first halfs. We script maybe the first 10 15 plays and then see what looks they give us. The second half is simply teams adjusting to what we are doing. Sark is still calling decent plays, and in a lot of instances making adjustments. We seem to play tighter and start making mistakes. We are simply a loser program and its on the players to shake the second half folding. Someone is always screwing up on a play. It's hard to watch.
  19. Agreed. Def seconded. We already had a turbo issue on our 2021 A6 with less than 20k miles on it. We still have the old Audi too. We were keeping for the kiddo but not sure about that now. A lot of problems with that car as well.
  20. It's human nature to block out trauma.
  21. https://www.streameast.is/nfl/washington-commanders-indianapolis-colts/
  22. Its like 7 players, and a few are really young. Banks, Bijan, Ewers, X, and a few guys at DT. Teams are better than us in overall line play, DE talent, and LB. Some are better than us as a whole in WR, and as a whole in the secondary. Sark got a good Freshman class. His first class was what it usually looks like with a coaching change. Our 19 and 20 classes all left except a few pieces. We have huge holes in our 2 deep.
  23. The discussion should be opened up around the world so we can get this. But if football only
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