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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Huckleberry

  1. It would also explain why there are tweets claiming Klein was at recruit visits with Elko but you can never see Klein in the picture.
  2. So our first two 2025 commits are from Alabama and Georgia.
  3. It was wind-aided but I believe he has a faster high school 100 meter time than Jamaal Charles. So I'd say "very slow" is probably an inaccurate description. One of our track buffs can correct me on Charles's high school times if I'm wrong but that won't really affect the point.
  4. I actually do know, the issue is that you're attempting to police topical comments because of unrelated previous posters' attitudes and comments. The current comments aren't even about Sun, they're about Cook's apparent hypocrisy (even though I think his comments were misinterpreted by many here). Also, as usual you mistake post count and activity for knowledge and fandom. Being the most prolific bloviating blowhard doesn't mean you're the biggest fan. It just means you're more likely to post a bunch of bullshit from sheer number of opportunities, which you certainly take advantage of. On pretty much every board.
  5. Yeah, every time I see that video I think "Man I hope we're sure Bledsoe was the dunk attempt"
  6. Clicks on link...list has Tennessee, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Oklahoma in the top 4 spots.
  7. The Nebraska coach is commenting on how Texas built a roster with transfers instead of homegrown players. Sun was a high profile counterexample between the two schools in the opposite direction. That's not obsession, it's relevant to the topic. Go police some other thread.
  8. You'd think what's happening right now might make A&M think that overpaying for guys turns them into mercenaries who will either play without motivation and then ask for more money to stay or take the money and bust their ass to get out of there as soon as they have decent film to show. But that would require thought and foresight.
  9. They scored 47 points in the match but let's just remember that they only won 46 on the court. That way down the road when someone else gets blown out this badly we can pull out the technicality card.
  10. No, y'all can just stop being pussies. Players deserve their own threads for awesome updates.
  11. Well that shows he's smart and plans ahead. He's tall and he's seen what our volleyball team looks like. Laying the ground work now.
  12. What a performance. Completely dominated the Final Four. I'm not a volleyball expert by any means but I know what dominant ass kickings look like.
  13. Poor Brauny. What a warrior. I mean the guy had to drive, watch football all day while texting and talking on the phone, then drive back. Literally nobody else in the history of the world has worked so hard in 16 hours. He drove! And watched football! And texted! And talked! Indoors!
  14. Why would they call it new? Just call it the Pac-12 or however many. It will obviously be dropped from the autonomous conferences but they should keep the name and not even refer to the changes.
  15. A couple of those freezing cold takes have several upvotes from other suckers.
  16. Jesus @Hornius Emeritus you are a good guy who occasionally wanders in with some of the most terrible posts I've ever seen. "Oh I'm just relaying what some other guy said." FFS.
  17. On his thread. https://www.surlyhorns.com/board/topic/33304-2024-db-kobe-black/
  18. Hahaha look at this guy just trying to sneak back in with a positive post about a Texas recruit.
  19. Washington state Supreme Court declined to hear the case so the stay is lifted. Oregon State and Washington State again control the Pac-12 alone.
  20. This is the best part of highly successful programs. Their hangers-on and peripheral folks aren't happy with just following the local team winning championships that they have nothing to do with, they want you to LIKE the program as they do it.
  21. I mean you literally just explained that they won the national championship two years in a row and then missed the playoff this year. I know we're not used to that level of national prominence recently but that's the definition of headed down.
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