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Everything posted by Amobie

  1. I'm pretty sure that is correct. There has been corroboration from the "witnesses" she provided. I also think her lawyers are crazy to let her talk to the FBI again. She's already told an inconsistent story and having her testify more would only put her at risk.
  2. They tried to delay it to be after the midterms. They just needed Kavanaugh to drop his name from consideration and did their best to turn his name to trash.
  3. It's not a conspiracy theory to say the democrats are openly trying to oppose this nominee prior to him being named. Those signs didn't print themselves. I think the democrats did see this as an opportunity to hopefully get a less conservative judge nominated after the midterms. They weren't going to be able to obstruct for 2 years with Gorsuch but maybe the could do it for 3 months? Maybe.. if they can get far enough into the nomination process and then find a way to throw a wrench in it. They were practically begging people to come forward. Before the second accuser surfaced, Michael Moore was pleading for someone to come forward and stop this evil man. The scenario where she is lying doesn't require that she was ready, willing or coordinating with the Dems at the time of Gorsuch either. To a lot of people, this nomination is about Roe and that's practically a religion to some on the West coast. Stop him by any means necessary and become a Hero. As others have pointed out, she made $1 million in a day thanks to her gofundme so she had an incentive. I'm sure she will get a book deal and all that jazz too now.
  4. When the right makes that argument to the left, it's not persuasive. When the left makes that argument to the right, it's not persuasive. --- At the same time.. you want to know why the right doesn't believe the accusations, that is why.. It didn't matter who Trump was going to nominate, they expected the left to attack him and do ANYTHING to stop his confirmation. The real craziness is probably going to start when Barrett gets nominated for RGB's seat.
  5. That's not the problem at all. The reason the "right" is defending him against these accusations is because they simply don't believe them. The left has cried wolf too many times. It literally didn't matter who Trump nominated, the left was going to oppose them. By doing so (and saying it openly) it undermined the credibility of all accusations and criticisms.
  6. We are absolutely to that point and have been there for as far back as i can remember. I don't want innocent people to go to jail and I don't want guilty people to get away with crimes. I have no clue if either one of these people committed a crime or not. That being said, the best man doesn't always win.
  7. Probably not because he's going to get confirmed. Then you'd need 2/3 majority to impeach him.
  8. You are acting like those are mutually exclusive things... You can be prosecuted and be innocent of the crimes you are being accused of. She could believe that he is the person who assaulted her. Meanwhile her statements were inconsistent and there could be innocent reasons for that. They could make the case she was being intentionally deceptive about the flying deal which could be used as the basis for digging deeper into her story. I know everyone seems to think she did a great job on the stand but the prosecutor that the Republicans hired to grill her certainly didn't. If she was politically active and that's the reason she scrubbed her social media, this could blow up in her face because the FBI can look at all her text messages and scrubbed social media if they really want to. When the FBI is looking at these accusations that have no evidence, they immediately start investigating the person making the accusations. Operation kitchen sink has resulted in the baby being thrown out with the bathwater.
  9. I have a friend that went to UT and was a pediatric oncologist. About 12 years ago he was accused by his brother in law of molesting his kids during a messy divorce. He didn't get to see his kids without being under observation for around 3 years and only for about 1-2 hour blocks per week. Even after being cleared, he was only able to see his kids under observation for an additional year after that. During that time, he lost his job and could no longer work with children because the hospital didn't want to take that risk. It took 8 years for him to get joint custody. 12 years since the start of that disaster, his former brother in law has not faced any charges for making those false accusations.
  10. It is starting to look like this FBI investigation thing has allowed Republicans time to dig up dirt on Kavanaugh's accusers and it's working. Ford is likely going to be prosecuted for lying under oath because of the shenanigans of her stupid ass lawyers. Considering this might be a case of mistaken identity, that is extremely fucked up. I see three possible scenarios. 1) She was sexually assaulted by Kavanaugh 2) She was sexually assaulted but it's a case of mistaken identity. 3) She fabricated a story. In every possible scenario here, he lawyers completely fucked her on this. All it takes is one person that doesn't like you to discredit your story. Given how public this story is, there is bound to be more than a few people willing to discredit her. We know he ex-boyfriend of 6 years has already given statements and i'm sure old neighbors and colleagues will step forward as well. Normally all this would be done behind the scenes and these people would be interviewed without knowing all these additional details that are now public. When asked about flying, confined spaces and all that, they know how to answer if they want to discredit her. By the same token, friends can answer in a manner to help give her credibility. It's a fucking mess.
  11. I'm sure Rod Rosenstein resigning has nothing to do with the FISA warrant he signed being declassified.
  12. So it looks like that facebook post has been taken down after people started pointing out that it contradicted Ford's account in several areas. Most notably that Ford claims the incident happened during the Summer and that facebook post recalled that it was the "talk of the school" for weeks after it happened.
  13. She paid for a private polygraph to be done in order to give her more credibility when she came out publicly.
  14. It would reduce the magnitude of speculative booms and busts. Currency devaluation hurts the small guys much more than the wealthy.
  15. I would support this move. RG3 would be a much better backup than the two projects we have.
  16. Shit ton of ads in the cloak room should strongly be considered.
  17. That's how i've operated for about a decade and it definitely has advantages. You can write off a lot of business expenses that way.
  18. You can pretty much guarantee 4 or 5 posters will neg you if you post in any of their threads.
  19. I think Trump was obviously trying to cool tensions with Russia and the people spreading this hysteria for political points. If someone is our enemy, then you don't berate them, tell them how everything they do is bad and proclaim yourself as the greatest if you are trying to normalize the relationship. Did anyone really believe that Trump was going to insult Putin and throw down the people's elbow when tensions are this high? What matters from here is how Putin behaves. If he acts provocatively from here, I'd take the "threat" more seriously. If he starts playing nice we can hit that reset button. Right now this Putin's puppet thing is on par with the birther controversy. It's purely part of an insult match that is 100% grounded in politics.
  20. This was right up there with breaking bad. If you haven't seen it, I would recommend.
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