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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by VolenteHawk

  1. 9 hours ago, Lobwedgephil said:

    The 8 + was last year, as was the X. Nice you got them both late but still on time. I know people who ordered the X within minutes that had a week delay, the 8+ last year took a while to sell out. 

    7+ sorry...I mangled the numbering timeline. The flagship phone the year before the X.

    Were those folks in the IUP program? I still swear those inventories are more generous.



  2. Saints. Overreaction line...should be easily double digits.

    Some stray +3s showing up for the Dolphins, so I grabbed it to fade the Jets looking amazing.

    I’ll probably talk myself into the Giants +3 soon but don’t have it yet.


  3. On 9/12/2018 at 9:20 PM, Baboontyme said:

    I'd argue it's a smart play by Bell. Selfish sure but the Steelers decided they weren't going to invest in him so it's in his best interests to maximize his earning potential for his next team/contract this off-season. Fuck the Steelers (if you're him).

    Two sides to every story, I suppose, but Bell seems to think he’s getting QB money once he’s free of Pittsburgh. He ain’t.


  4. 9 hours ago, UnivTex34 said:

    You have gotten lucky. Several folks I know tried ordering middle of the night, and still got their phone several days after launch.

    I don’t think either one was luck, I think Apple stocks the channel with IUP specific phones. When I didn’t upgrade to the 8+ right away two years ago, new inventory turned up through the upgrade portal, while being sold out on their site, every morning. It was actually that process which wore me down and had me reserve one.

    Ever since I’ve had the IUP deal, it’s never occurred to me to battle the masses for a phone in the middle of the night.


  5. Do people on the upgrade program wait up to try to log in at midnight?  I did the pre-setup stuff last year a couple days before then logged in mid morning on preorder Friday and reserved a 256G X for the Domain Apple Store and had my choice of launch day pickup times.

    Edit: Two years ago for an 8+ I waited several days to order and still got one on launch day but had to go to the Barton location to get my size/color/carrier preference.


  6. On 9/5/2018 at 7:17 PM, mulletpelini said:

    Todd Reesing, Jake Sharp, Kerry Meier and Aqib Talib had a lot to do with the success of those teams as well

    The starting corners on the Orange Bowl team were Aqib Talib and Chris Harris. The fact that there were somehow two premium NFL corners in Lawrence at the same time still blows my mind.


  7. You're overthinking it.  It doesn't really matter if Gurley will finish 1 or 2, because that's not what you're drafting on.  If you take somebody else, you're saying you think that guy will finish with a better season than Gurley.  It's certainly possible (even probable) that somebody will, but you're rolling the dice that you can pick that somebody.


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  8. HEB or Sprouts preformed patties are my go to when grilling at home. Buuuuuut, if I’m doing 50 burgers in 15 minutes in a hotel lawn or something (baseball tournaments), those will be thin frozen bastards and getting water dunked by the bag in a cooler for the (slight) dethaw process before hitting the grill.

    Anybody can make a thick, perfect burger taste good on an Egg a couple at a time. Champions are made by making thin burgers decent in volume over small portables, hectic road game, dealing with adversity.


  9. On 8/21/2018 at 2:22 PM, txhorns said:

    I still play during the cfb season mostly.  Mostly just do dynasty mode on the most difficult setting starting with a custom built team that is as shitty as it gets.

    I start with Kansas, too.


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  10. 3 hours ago, Goo Punch said:

    Fessie has been *insufferable* since getting nominated. the amount of moping, and the amount of bitchass comments he's making towards haileigh are driving me nuts. and i have no idea why this chick is so unflinchingly loyal to him that she not only puts up with it, she actually indulges him. basically, she's still been fraternizing with the rest of the house while he's been isolating himself all sad and mopey. he keeps making comments like, "go be with your friends up there. just play your game haileigh. i don't know if any of this was real. just play your game." "was it real for you? i've been real since day one. i know how i'll be outside this house, but i don't know about you."

    for whatever reason she continues to indulge him and his needy, whiny crap, and repeatedly insists over and over and over that her feelings for him are real, no matter how many times she's required to do so. so in the end, what'll most likely end up happening is that his loser personality will drive her away and he'll just convince himself that he was right and that she was playing him all along. jesus christ fessie, you might be the lamest dude on reality tv right now.

    She has no choice, he's the last remaining person from her alliance (obligatory even though they've been the last two HoHs).


  11. 14 hours ago, EZ$ said:

    I have the #1 pick in a full-point PPR. I was offered pick #9 & #12 for the #1...and I keep my #20 & #21. No brainer right??

    Basically trade Gurley/Bell for ODB/Hopkins and Hunt/Cook/Fournette...

    I do that deal 100% of the time, regardless of starting positions or scoring.


  12. I think your problem is that iCloud isn’t a general purpose file storage option. It’s for Mac and iOS devices to store, backup, and share documents and for housing backup/restore copies of said devices. It’s not built to feed music to iTunes apps.

    iTunes Match is what you’re looking for, of you could go off platform and use something like Google Drive.


  13. 18 minutes ago, The Tres Leches said:

    Boyfriend said she had a medical condition which would cause confusion after 30 min of walking in the heat.  Video from buildings confirm.

    Did they know about this condition before they decided the solution was her walking down an Austin highway in the middle of the day in August?


  14. 3 hours ago, Intercourse With Gray said:

    I have pick 9 in a 10 team PPR league. Routinely I have seen Hopkins, OBJ, Julio, and even Kamara fall to me in Mock drafts. With the 9th pick, if Hopkins isn't available, I have been drafting Melvin Gordon. with the 12 pick, I get a little more lost. I have seen OBJ very often fall to me at 12. Do I take OBJ here or take Hunt/Cook/Fournette over OBJ and secure 2 RBs? Or balance out the team with a good WR and RB? 

    With full point PPR, if RBs and AB are all that’s gone, and I’d be looking at Hopkins or Julio with one of those picks.


  15. 3 hours ago, Jameslaw121 said:

    If I asked my wife to help find a to eat while I'm driving. I'm fairly certain that the conversation would wind up in the "Stupid wives...." Thread

    And that post, if you’re like me includes a lot of “we just passed a Buffalo Wild Wings” because it’s apparently impossible to adjust iPhone maps up the road.

  16. I’m middle of the road on gun laws, but this is a unique situation where both sides are wrong. Nobody reasonably expects complete prohibition (or thinks it would work) and the low hanging fruit that feels good like assault rifle and magazine bans obviously don’t apply here.

    TL/DR: Bad dudes are hard to stop, and we’re probably fucked.


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