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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by VolenteHawk

  1. 10 hours ago, ChickenSandwich said:

    Scottie had the perfect opportunity to throw Sam under the bus after she suggested Hay as a replacement Veto nom. That is all Fessy cares about, and a little “she’s trying to tear you apart so Brett can get in there” would have gone a long way. Instead he looks twice as fucking stupid suggesting Hay to Fes as a nom. 

    Dumb move for a smart guy. 

    Meh, maybe...but he’s loyal. They’re pretending he’s the bad guy with the production, but it’s not his fault Hayleigh and Fessie are losing alliance members as back to back HoH.


  2. 3 hours ago, Valmy77 said:

    What are you trying to say? Huh?

    UT is quite selective on in-state kids.  KU is (legally) not allowed to be.  UT's 6% auto rate was literally 100% for KU until a few years ago.  Now they can at least screen for the total dumbasses.


  3. On 8/6/2018 at 5:28 PM, angelos's frog said:

    My kid is thinking about going to KU.  They're offering instate tuition and a chance to get an engineering degree and an MBA in 9 semesters.  Anyone have any thoughts on the positives (besides basketball) and negatives (other than sucky football) of going to KU and specifically about their engineering or business programs?  TCU is an option (depending on scholarship $$) as well as UT (not top 6% though [only 6.2%]), A&M and UGa.

    I’m an EE from KU and my wife did a CS/Business double in 10 semesters there. If the long term plan is to live in Texas, the network of alumni in Austin and Dallas is pretty strong (don’t know about Houston). The engineering school (and university as a whole) is better than its ratings due to entrance/acceptance requirements for in-state kids. It’s the anti-UT on that front.

    if you have any specific questions, you can PM me.


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  4. On 8/18/2018 at 8:46 PM, spystud13 said:

    #2 pick in a 12-team, .5 PPR league... You kids tell me who’s going 1 & 2 so I know who to blame if it fails. 

    Half point PPR pretty efficiently balances RB and WR value, it makes starting rosters matter. How many of each position do you play?

    I’d have Gurley, Bell, Brown top 3 but if you play 3WR Brown scoots up. 3WR with no flex and you could make an argument for AB at #1.


  5. 19 hours ago, Superhero said:

    There was some financial something something convention in town that week. 

    The cheapest hotel I’ve stayed at in SF was this place north of Union Square. It was $250 or so, and was utterly disgusting. Their idea of a continental breakfast was a tray of muffins next to the stair. 

    Yeah, SF rooms vary wildly with what’s going on in town. I’ve paid between $250 and $700 a night there.


  6. 1 hour ago, formermav43 said:

    It’s hard to have sympathy for someone who thinks driving 20 minutes+indefinite wait was a good decision to begin with.

    Yeah, Chuy’s always overestimates, too...would have been actually eating sooner than Matt’s adventure.

    The pro move here is drinks at Brickhouse, phone on the bar so you can see it,  come back, FYI.


  7. 4 hours ago, Goo Punch said:

    this week is either going to crush/end L6 as we know it or establish their unrelenting dominance. If "The Hive" could play smarter/take advantage of their opportunities they could flip the house this week and cripple L6 with a successful eviction of any of their players, particularly Tyler. If The Hive somehow loses another number and Fessie can't play for HOH next week it is over for them. 

    Tyler has too many friends in the house to be the target, people will be in his ear about targets, and he’s too dumb to figure anything out. I guess unless Hayleigh convinces him, but even if she does she’ll want to do it via backdown and can’t cause cloud app.


  8. 21 hours ago, Rimbo said:

    What y'all are saying is tantamount to saying a steak at Denny's doesn't have any more flavor than a steak you bought at HEB and smoked/cooked properly on your grill at home. Shit, dude, why not just eat steaks at Denny's, then?

    Seriously, y'all...

    I'm not saying that at all.  I can make a great steak at home.  I can make shitty Chinese food at home.  One of those is worth investing my time in, the other I'll just buy.


  9. 3 hours ago, Goo Punch said:

    it's funny that fessie asks, "how did i get suck with these people?" considering that he's worse than both haleigh and rockstar.

    but damn. what an epic, epic fail on rockstar's part. watching level 6 dominate the other side week in/week out has just been awesome this summer.

    also, hayleigh said her only move was to put kaycee back on the block- wrong. putting sam up would have been your best chance (not that it would have mattered) to save rockstar. for as many redeeming qualities as hayleigh has she is really bad at this game. 

    When Fessie said that, I said to my wife that he’s not going to much like this show on rewatch. You would think that since that side of the house is constantly surprised by the way things happen, they’d eventually understand that they’re losing.

    Hayleigh isn’t great, but she’s freaking Derrick compared to her trash alliance members.


  10. On 8/13/2018 at 8:11 PM, MoJames said:
    On 8/13/2018 at 5:52 PM, GRHorn said:
    I disagree.  Don't really believe in Drake.  Engram should be top 5 TE. 

    I'm torn with this, especially in a ppr league. But if I am wrong with drake in a league already spread thin on RBs, I'd be kicking myself.

    Engram is going 2 rounds later on average and costs you an earlier pick.  I don't think it's close.

    If you don't like Drake much (and I don't) he still has more value, trade him to somebody that emerges from the draft with a bad RB situation.


  11. On 8/13/2018 at 2:30 PM, Jhawk said:

    Ha.... Calling a bunch of scrubs (with the exception of Jones and he is coming off a life threatening illness) and 3 true freshman a top 15 team is hyping to the max.  Throw in a coach who can't coach any offense and won't coach his famous defense and I'd say that Derka has hyped this about as much as possible.  Even the guys that produced and are back aren't any better than average.  Roach shot 43% from the field and a respectable 36% from 3.  He won't have defenses collapsing on Bamba this year to give him more space.  Jones is coming off the illness (great to seee him back!), and Coleman was just plain dogshit on anything but passing.  Is DO going to show up looking like the Michelin man this year?  Dude got in worse shape the more he played.  He's going to be 350 by november.

    Meh, if I was a Texas fan I'd be pretty excited about Matt Coleman.  Freshman point guards tend to struggle but they tend to have lots of room for improvement.  As a point of (KU) comparison, he had a better freshman season than Aaron Miles did.  Sims is gonna be a good player, Roach is a nice piece. If Andrew Jones is 80% of his pre-lukiemia self, that's an all Big 12 player. They aren't starting with nothing here...I'd expect them to be at least as good as they were last year and that's in a relatively weaker conference.  


  12. 47 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Georgetown is $50k a year (gulp).  And we make enough money that I'm betting the scholarship dollars she could get would be minimal.  Mom and dad would have to take on some debt to make that happen.

    You must love your kids more than I love mine.  I'll be scratching a check for the cost of 4 years at UT and telling them good luck.


  13. 17 hours ago, Rimbo said:

    Also, apropos to the thread: ANY and EVERY fast-food Chinese chain. Panda Express, etc.

    Do you have any clue how easy home-cooked Chinese food is? 

    • Put rinsed white rice in rice cooker with water, wait 30 minutes
    • when rice cooker beeps (it done), throw chopped veggies in oiled-up wok on super-high heat with oil, chopped garlic and salt, cook until wilted
    • Dump veggies into bowl #1, put chopped meat with salt and sugar into same wok until done and dump into bowl #2
    • get bowls/plates, and then either spoon out the rice/food onto each one or go family style

    total cook time once the rice is done: 10 minutes maybe. Chop time takes a bit sometimes if you're using a shitty knife.

    Tastes better than any fast-food restaurant, takes less time than the drive there and back, and is fuuuuucking cheap. Like the whole meal will cost ya maybe $5, and that's the meat.

    Only downside is that the meat/veggies have to be eaten right away. They make crap leftovers, although they can taste decent for lunch the next day with a little hot sauce or paprika. Leftover rice can either be turned into porridge for breakfast the next day or frozen for microwaving later.

    So, you saved me $3 but cost me the better part of an hour of my life. I choose the shitty takeout.


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  14. 1 hour ago, BigHorn'13 said:

    Also to those that are fortunate to get time away by offering to do something for her like fill up on gas... How long before I can start doing that? We're 2 years deep and she insists on going EVERYWHERE with me. Even when she was sick, she insisted she'd come to the store with me but just stay in the car because she doesn't feel like she could handle walking through the store. I ask what the point of that would be and I just get that look and a "but I want to be with you!"

    You’ve got a pretty long road ahead, but step one is going ahead and sliding that “Find My iPhone” toggle over to off.


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  15. 28 minutes ago, Vito Andolini said:

    Funny how half the drama in the house was borne in Tyler’s awkward questioning of Bay on whether Angela would be a replacement nominee in case the veto was used.

    Indeed. So far, it’s weeding out shitty players, though...and the Tyler/Angela trust has seemed to get deeper for it. Rachel taking Bay’s version as gospel destroyed her game, and Bayleigh completely misunderstanding that conversation will (I’m assuming tonight) destroy hers.

    It’s funny to me that such a mild, normal HoH, PoV conversation is going to wreck two players.

  16. 15 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    This. I’m out of the car, halfway to the store, post office, whatever, and I can’t lock the doors, because she’s still sitting in there. We got to our destination. Get out of the car. Close the door. Lock it. For fuck’s sake.

    This but also, I had my wife drive a shift last Friday because I had to do a little work to solve a problem in the office. Me and kids climb back into the car and she’s putting her purse away, putting sunglasses on, and adjusting mirrors before starting it. It’s 105 out.

    I’m pretty sure if push to start had existed when we dated, so I couldn’t have glossed over this by starting it myself I’d have just found a different girl.


  17. On 8/7/2018 at 2:33 PM, utee94 said:


    I like the "roadhouse spuds" at Bonedaddy's as a side when I make steak, and I usually make steak at home for Valentines Day.  So one time on Valentines Day, when it fell on a weekday, I decided to swing by Bonedaddy's on my way home from work and pick up the potatoes, then take them home and use them as a side for the steaks I'd be preparing.

    Sadness is seeing the lonesome losers at Bonedaddy's on Valentines Day, waiting on their favorite waitresses or bartenders, with bouquets of roses and greeting cards.  I had no idea such a thing existed.  But sure enough, it does.

    I’ve been a semi regular there for a long time, a couple golf buddies looooove it and it’s on everybody’s drive home. My wife was out of the country for back to back V-Days a few years back. There’s a non zero chance I was one of the losers at the bar.

    I did not have cards or roses, though.


  18. 8 hours ago, Scraps said:

    Bay is playing good??

    Yeah, I don’t get that. Bay way overplayed her power week. She’s also a major asshole. I’d be completely shocked if she survives the first shot taken at her, and I don’t think there is any way possible it takes longer than the next 2-3 weeks. Level 6 views her as the head of the snake.

    Without a miracle, she gone.


  19. On 8/3/2018 at 11:39 PM, Orca of Peace said:

    losing the Rec center would be a tragedy.  Just blow up the FEC and use that space. Play all road games. 

    Are you talking 18 road games at the Cedar Park Center?


  20. 41 minutes ago, skipperj said:

    The main thing that is wrong with Surly/Shaggy food thread is that there is a wrong/right argument. Believe it or not, I like to mix my burger places up. I like Whataburger, P Terry’s, and In n Out. They are all different burgers, and they are all delicious.

    Chicken is the same way. I enjoy Chick-fil-a, Popeyes, Plucker’s wings (boneless and regular), Hooters, and many others. Get over yourselves.

    Look, I thought we were having fun here. But P Terry’s AND In & Out? Boneless wings? I need a shower.

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