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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by VolenteHawk

  1. 1 hour ago, utee94 said:

    You seem like you suck.  The End.

    Don’t get mad at me. You’re the one that eventually has to explain to sweet, innocent, 8 pound baby Jesus that you prefer breaded wings. Then presumably explain other stuff you’ve done wrong in life...but surely none of it is quite to that scale.


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  2. 1 hour ago, DanRydell said:


    Bayleigh has to play the app before the nomination ceremony so she has to play it blind without knowing who the noms were going to be (although obviously Angela can tell her who she’s planning to put up).


    If Angela does that, Tyler isn’t playing this game as well as I think he is. The ONE reason you don’t play that power app is b/c it opens up the funniest eviction in the history of the show, per Derka’s plan. She’s probably not smart enough to understand that, but she’s similarly not smart enough to figure out that her side is losing a number if you just tell her what she wants to hear all week about targets.

    i don’t think her app has that much power this week really, and it opens her up as a target.

    I don’t watch feeds, so if I’m already wrong, don’t laugh.

  3. 13 hours ago, Surly Bevo said:

    12 year olds in DFW don't have time for 60 foot base paths, 46 foot mounds, no stealing bullshit....

    That should really be true for Houston, too. I’m not sure how they do it.

    NWLL in Austin had 24 hours to prep for the previous regional. The team that knocked them out in the championship at the previous level was cheating, it turns out.

    Kids baseball is serious business.


  4. Disclaimer: I have never run a message board, though I have used about a dozen since the late 90s.

    Going to ads if the motivation isn’t to quit your day job is always the wrong move. It always costs as least some traffic, and if the mobile experience sucks some subscriber traffic, and that ultimately harms the product. I’m not a Texas fan (though do live in Austin)...I spend so much time here, because it’s among the best off-topic forum ties to sports on the internet. The fact that I live in the town and my team shares a conference helps, but I’d frequent the non-sports boards here regardless. So, ads feel (historical experience) like a damage to the product and an unnecessary one if the goal is covering expenses and throwing a righteous tailgate every year, targeting the Kansas game in odd numbered years no doubt...you don’t schedule fucking homecoming in a game you could lose.

    In for subscription if we go that route. I do think it should be 3.49 or 3.51 a month to carry forward “about tree fiddy”.

    If somebody is serious about trying to meaningfully help BL get whole, I’m in for that too.


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  5. 3 hours ago, SurlyORama said:

    I ate at a Ruby Tuesday's in Tempe last year. Easily among the top 10 worst meals of my life. I had a sirloin (doing the slow carb diet thing), and they probably used 8 oz of butter for the 8 oz steak. Everything else was likewise drenched in butter. You might think that would be a good thing. It was not.

    You ordered steak at the shitty version of TGI Friday’s?


  6. 9 hours ago, Vito Andolini said:

    Tyler is easily my favorite player, but I think he would have been better served by losing the Veto comp.  Of course, winning secures your safety, and he had no knowledge Brett did well, but in the end, all he did was secure a Level 6 evictee (and gain Bay’s trust).  

    I actually thought that during the comp, but he found out Bay had a power app, he gained trust that will almost certainly help him against that app, a Level 6 member was almost surely the replacement nominee, Rachel flipped out and went behind his back...so he learned how loyal she’ll be when stress hits, and he’ll win Brett back in 30 seconds by assuring him he had votes which is why he didn’t use the veto.

    Outside of a replacement nominee that he probably couldn’t pull off based on the Angela/Scotty probing, if he keeps Brett this was a great week for him.

    It’s actually a testament to how well he’s playing that on a week when his alliance goes down to 4, he got stronger.

  7. 9 hours ago, Go Pokes said:

    Yes, that's exactly what happened.  Of course, Bay twists it around and Rachel just assumes it's true.  I hope they evict her and keep Brett, but that might be tough to pull off.

    I think Tyler can get the votes by pointing out Rachel’s lack of trust and suggesting he trusts Brett and can convince the swing group he won’t put them up/will vote with them. I’d actually be surprised if Brett is evicted unless Tyler floated that idea, it didn’t gain traction, and he decided not to push it enough to impact his own game.


  8. 12 minutes ago, Knoxtnhorn said:

    That's the Brinker way.  I worked at a restaurant called Cozymel's while my wife, and the I, finished up college.  When I first got there, the food was unique and 100% fresh.  I think Brinker purchased the chain at some point and everything started to switch to pre-made.  Totally f'd up the concept.

    At one point, I flew down to Austin to help open up a new one.  I don't recall exactly where, but I believe it was next to or near a Cheesecake Factory in north Austin.  They had scrapped the chips and salsa, for garlic bread.  WTF?  The original concept was coastal grill.  They tried to switch a Mexican coastal grill restaurant into an upscale restaurant with steaks and whatnot.

    I remember that joint (I think).  It was close to the Cheesecake Factory in that it was in the Arboretum but was actually next door to TGI Friday's in that building that could never be the same thing for very long...was an On the Border, Cozymel's, something else before that (steak I think...Dan McClusky's maybe?).

    I think it's a Brazilian Steakhouse now if I'm thinking of the right building.


  9. 3 hours ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:

    Chilis is a safe fallback that ain't gonna break your bank for a family of 4. Little bit of everything.

    Never understood the hatred for it but then again, I dont get hard off of 35 dollar plate of duck cheese with tiger butter drizzled on it with a green olive on the side

    There's room for this.  For some reason, my kids love Applebee's.  Of the places they'll pick for a family lunch on a Fall Saturday, I can do a hell of a lot worse than a high top in the bar, cold beer, and college football on a few TVs...even though the food sucks.


  10. 2 hours ago, NateHitch said:

    Not really huge money won but I've had a running bet every year for the past 12 years with a coworker, $200 that the Cowboys won't make the playoffs.  He's yet to decline the bet. I offered him double or nothing in 2016 that they wouldn't advance and he took that one too.

    In a drunken state in 2009, I was arguing with some UT buddies about who the Big 12 champion was in basketball the year before (this was north/south days, UT won in Austin, no game in Lawrence, technically tied with UT as the 1 seed in the conference tourney where KU beat UT in an great game, KU wins national title). Anyway, per the conference they split, which I knew, I was just being kind of an asshole cause I thought it was funny. What started as me teasing some buddies to induce a KU v UT for the conference title bet for the upcoming season turned into me taking KU vs the field about 8 ways for $100 per man.

    The participants have dwindled over time, but one UT guy is still taking that bet every year, bless his little heart.


  11. On 7/27/2018 at 10:54 AM, chitwood said:

    Played at Full House last night, 1/2 game, bought in for 200, have 165 in front of me after about 20 minutes.  I'm UTG +2 with AA.  UTG (covers me) opens to 10, UTG+1 (also covers me) raises to 25.  Both of these players seem very laggy in the time I've been there.  I 4 bet to 75 and they both call.  Flop comes AKx rainbow.  They both check and I shove for 95.  They both fold.  So I made 150 out of the hand, but felt like I left another 100 or so out there.  In all honesty I wasn't trying to take it down right there, but with a 225 pot that wasn't a bad result.  I really did expect one of them to call, and I thought checking that flop after a 4 bet PF would have been way too suspicious.  Thoughts?

    Played fine, but you can check the flop without being TOO outright suspicious. You have a few hands in your range for which you’ve just hit a monster but you have a few for which that’s an ugly board.


  12. 18 minutes ago, Surly Bevo said:

    A well placed scene where Keri and Daisy scissor would give it one full letter grade improvement.  

    It doesn’t have to be that well placed. It can be awkwardly jammed in out of nowhere like, oh say, off the top of my head here, Casino Island and Codebreaker.


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  13. On 7/26/2018 at 2:32 PM, LonghornJones said:

    So you're gonna sit there straight-faced and tell me that producers told Kaitlynn about the bros scheming against her in a meeting with Scottie, and it wasn't a metaphysical "hit"? If that's what you believe, you're about to have a long line of mind readers to answer to.

    Yeah, make jokes. See what happens when the entire metaphysical, mystic community is upset with you.


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  14. 3 minutes ago, AUS-97HORN said:

    so true story, ive got a coworker who is a Jayhawk homer,  last year on the over/under win total, I gave him a half game, and took the under on 2.5 ona  $100 bet, he bit like a bass on a lure.

    so, he payed out promptly in Nov, and last Fri we met for drinks and bewbs at Twin Peaks, he "guilted" me into taking the same bet again this year because Kansas is better.  So Im taking the under of 2.5 games again for a hunsky.

    You can spend that already, there just isn’t a scenario that they get past 2 wins...Vegas just can’t make the number that low. It’s a market inefficiency, the opposite of, say not being able to make Patriots win totals high enough.

    I hold 3 limit bet tickets on the under (3, 3, 2.5) and don’t expect it to even be a sweat.




  15. 21 hours ago, AUS-97HORN said:

    Kansas as a general rule, was a great team to ride the other side against.... of course, they easily fucking covered against UT last year.... so frustrating.

    They have a season win total of 3, so they’re STILL overvalued...but they could legit open the season with a loss to Nicholls State and make the books just crank the spreads up. They’re going to be historically bad this year, which sounds stupid under a coach that has 1 FBS win (sorry dudes) and is entering year 4.



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  16. On 7/24/2018 at 3:13 AM, Goo Punch said:

    she heard that word, she saw red, and it took her half the damn episode to move on.

    The producers didn't need to air that much of it.  2/3s of that discussion should have been on the cutting room floor.


  17. 1 hour ago, DanRydell said:

    The only good play here I can think of would be to put someone who you’re not aligned with but also not hostile with (Scotty? Fessy?), and tell them they’re a pawn. And tell them they’re such a pawn that even if something goes wrong and they get voted out, you’ll play your advantage and save them. Then you either get someone you’re not working with out or they stay but now trust you.


    Or the pawn doesn't get voted out, you hit your target, they play their way back in, and now the pawn thinks you used the power on them and takes that info to your allies.


  18. She put up two bad competitors, maybe to beat the “chance to come back” wrinkle. If life coach goes, Sam can always tell smoke aggy she was a pawn that had the numbers. Most feelings are fixable in this game.

    Sam is dumb, though.


  19. On 7/20/2018 at 1:16 PM, NOMAAA said:

    shields pitching tonight.  at seattle.  should be a bloodbath.

    Good call. On Seattle, they’re 20 games over .500 with a run differential of +1. They gotta be a fade when the price is decent moving forward.


  20. 5 minutes ago, hookem48 said:

    how lucky can he get? 3 inches from hitting it off his knees in the bunker

    He was about a foot from the bunker and about a foot from perfect. I wouldn’t call it ending in a spot where he makes double anyway particularly lucky.


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