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Everything posted by AnonymousInternetPoster

  1. Just found out that I work with a guy who has a little brother with a Hell of a Devil's River kayaking story. Apparently he had a buddy die while they were kayaking down the river and they had to carry his body for a couple of days. I think he said that it was a drowning.
  2. You better put both in a checked bag. You can't carry on a bottle of bourbon, open or unopened.
  3. Anyone know where to find RHF in Dallas? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Go see the penis museum. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Pogo’s in Dallas on Inwood also has several if anyone is interested. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Drove from Granada to Algeciras Spain this morning and caught the ferry to Ceuta. It’s a Spanish city on the African continent. Exiting the ferry port, I pop into the store to buy a bottle of wine and guess what they had? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. I’ve been tainted by the Europeans. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Similar but different thing happened to me. Went to a small private school for 7th/8th (had only played organized baseball and soccer). Joined HS in 9th and played basketball. When the season was finished, the secondary coach grabbed me and told me that I was going to be his JV free safety. Learned the position that Spring/Summer and started in the Fall. I was only 5' 11" and 175 at the time, but ran a 4.7 40 meter. Good luck to your son and tell him to keep his GD head up when hitting people!
  9. My boss was giving a presentation in a conference room with about 60+ employees. He had a link in his Power Point presentation and couldn't get it to launch. I was in the 2nd row of seats, so I said, "Hey, XXXXX. Just hit the start button in the lower left corner and launch your video directly from Windows Media Player." This was around 2003. He clicks on the start button. He clicks on Windows Media Player and it automatically launches the last video that he had watched on his laptop. It was porn. It was broadcast on the big screen for the entire room to see. He dove for the projector cord and ripped it out of the wall. I acquired the nickname, "Mr. Helpful."
  10. Picked up a Yippee-Ki-Yay right off of the shelf at Spec's on Tuesday for ~$70. It was the only one left (on the shelf at least).
  11. Just booked our Mach Pichu trip for next Spring Break. There will be mucho hiking and I have broken down and bought some poles. Also going to make sure that I get some Diamox for the first time. Elevation kicks my ass.
  12. They said that we'd never have a president actually less qualified than Obama...America said, "Hold my beer!"
  13. Plan on smoking 2 racks of spare ribs and a slab of beef ribs on Memorial Day. Pics on Monday.
  14. Have there ever been two more differently scored goals ever in a soccer match?
  15. We are hands down the best at killing other people and breaking their shit.
  16. We are hands down the best at killing other people and breaking their shit.
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