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Moby Ric

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Everything posted by Moby Ric

  1. My wife to stop having conference calls all day at the kitchen table on speaker phone.
  2. Man this season is great. The balls on Kim to go back to Kevin and tell him like it is was awesome. Rhea is going to up for a Golden Globe this year. And holy fuck I can't believe they got married.
  3. What is the proper cocktail to go with covid-19 on the lanai? Sprite and cough syrup?
  4. My kids going back to school. My wife going back to her office. I am surprised I don't day drink yet.
  5. Moby Ric

    Tiger King

    Same here. A high quality hunting dog can cost more than a tiger cub.
  6. Same here. Sorry you guys are going through this. I went through it back in 2008 and it was rough but I recovered, you all will too. This too shall pass.
  7. This right here. I am in my home office and its constant knocking on the door asking for something. I have accomplished nothing today. Wife is in Austin and I am at home with the kids so I might as well give up.
  8. Looking forward to the "Hugo has been perma banned - NO SOCKS ALLOWED"
  9. I do not share a lot of personal info here, but I need to vent. This year has been a bitch. I will start with my own airing of grievances. Was in so much pain and had to have hernia repair in January, finally recovered. Son has been going through some real issues that have been challenging. Lots of therapy. After healed from hernia repair, I got bursitis in my hip, so I am immobile and in pain daily. I have to walk with a cane. FIL died Friday, wife has been in Austin since then helping MIL. Lost 5 clients already this year. Coronavirus can go fuck itself in its own face. Fuck this year, We are really being tested as a family right now. I know it could be worse, but we have been hit hard in the first quarter. Needed to vent, so consider this a venting spot for your issues.
  10. Moby Ric

    Below Deck

    The sailing episodes are boring so far. Why Georgia can't find a guy is beyond me, smoke. And she should bang the redhead dumb girls boyfriend already.
  11. I am spending about $13K next week in landscaping to not see my neighbors behind me anymore. They are from ousux and live up to the image we all have of them.
  12. Fuck this virus. My phone dinged a reminder at me half an hour ago that I am supposed to be at the Astros game right now.
  13. Moby Ric

    Tiger King

    I binged watched this yesterday. Holy fuck. Carol so killed her husband. Joe running for office and then selling everyone out in the end. This has to have a part two, or a movie made. And yes the East Bound and Down crew needs to be the ones to make it. Anyone been to the new zoo the conman opened up by Windstar?
  14. I am just having issues getting a hold of clients to sign contracts etc. Everybody working remote aka sitting by their pool drinking, is messing up the timing of getting things back when they are due. You want to be drunk by noon by the pool I am ok with that, just fill out some paperwork first.
  15. Wife was just told by her HQ in a nationwide call that they are all to work from home till the end of April, and across the board pay cuts. Sucks but could be much worse.
  16. That ending. Did not know what to expect. I thought she was going to say she was fired. Nice twist, and yes she is addicted to Jimmy, loves the con game until it was played on her.
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