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Everything posted by texasdago

  1. The only people who should be scared are the Aggies as AI now has them figured out. I asked it what it wanted to draw based on what it had learned. Meta's answer... I'd love to draw a humorous scene of a Texas A&M Aggie fan's backyard, complete with: - A giant "SEC Champeens!" banner hanging from a tree - A beat-up pickup truck with a "Texum Aggies" decal on the side - A pile of chicken bones and BBQ sauce stains on the grass - A giant armchair with a "Whoop!" cushion, where the fan can sit and watch games - A "12th Man" flag waving proudly in the wind - A few stray dogs wearing tiny Aggie t-shirts, chasing after a football Let me know if you like the idea, and I can generate the image! I said go ahead and it couldn't do it. LOL. We did eventually get to this...
  2. Variations on a theme: Cell Phone Flopout It's like going to the eye doctor. One or two? One or two? Two or three? Two or three?
  3. No I know exactly what you're talking about... but I might take you up on that ticket.
  4. Poking around in Spotify after seeing who is playing at Central Machine Works this weekend like Money Chicha. Was enjoying some songs by Daphne Tunes... new to me... https://open.spotify.com/track/7l0XoET3uxHsz2tXdWzFlH?si=FD-U1XR6STaTwcTEDTf03g
  5. Wait, wut??? Tell me more.
  6. Allright... I better stop... I'm going to drive all of us crazy.
  7. But the bonfire will be preceded by a parade
  8. Looks too structurally sound
  9. So, kind of like... hey, your car's mileage is 25 mpg but, guess what, for a low monthly fee of $60/month or whatever, we'll up that to 33 mpg. Seriously? WTF.
  10. I commend you on the amount of tweaking and refining it took to get to that work of art
  11. To be honest... they all suck but wrapping them hides a little bit of the suck so, regardless of the color, the wrap is an improvement
  12. Rhett Bomar (sort of) showing up for his internship
  13. Thank you for posting this. I stopped going to our church and have not been back in a church because I saw how everyone sold out to the orange one. This guy gets it. More pastors need to be seeing this. And they need to be speaking out against the behavior we see by the one Christians seem to be following.
  14. Needs more maroon. You're on the right track.
  15. The corporate headquarters failed marketing campaigns...
  16. I don't know what weird Blacklab sorcery moved this all over but that was cool... aagy is the new idoit
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