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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Texas73

  1. Did you see the Cash brothers play?
  2. My god, I didn't know Spencer was an actor. I saw him on Alien Covenant last night.
  3. Is this still the 2020 Senate Elections thread?
  4. I'm wondering how much you want to lose. I'd be thrilled but I don't see it.
  5. Arky thought us and aggy were joining them in a couple of years.
  6. Keeping surveillance on Carter Page is not anywhere near as big of a political crime as Trump using taxpayer money to shake-down Ukraine.
  7. I don't get how one can call Hillary Clinton a total fraud. Those are strong words. She never did accomplish one thing in her 30 years? And what does that make Trump?
  8. As a math major I took probability there in the fall of '72 and it was the PMA building. Yep, the Physics, Math, Astronomy building. It was named after R L Moore the next fall.
  9. The Eyes will be louder than ever when games resume so your voice won't be missed.
  10. Hope the fucking ends Jan 21, 2021.
  11. Aren't all Republican candidates for president against abortion and in favor of conservative judges?
  12. Really? People make jokes to you about The Eyes because it is it the tune to I've Been Working on the Railroad? I hope you've gotten therapy and friends with better jokes. I remember once at the ou sucks game, probably 1971, okies sitting by us stood and said let's sing I've been Working on the Railroad. Like I gave a fuck. They are hurt we have a loud, proud song and they don't. We used to sing I've been Working on the Railroad back in the 50's when I was in grade school. I never knew we were racists when we sang it in 3rd grade. Shame on us. Who and where does anyone sing it in 2020?
  13. The night she won she was smacking gum while at the podium and didn't give a good victory speech either. The gum smacking drove me crazy!
  14. This is northeast Texas in a nutshell. I'm talking Louie Gohmert territory. They don't care about tax breaks for the ultra wealthy or for giant corporations. They care about the Dems want to redistribute the wealth to minorities who want free stuff so we have to vote for Republicans.
  15. I still can’t believe tzintzun Ramirez got so close to making the run off. Those types of candidates can’t win in a state like Texas. How about the democrat for governor in the last election? I'm a yellow dog democrat but geesh Texas isn't ready for a candidate like her.
  16. Virtually no one living today knew that the song was sung at a minstrel show in 1903 until a couple of days ago. That negates your stance that The Eyes of Texas is specifically a minstrel show.
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