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Everything posted by Jhawk

  1. I chunk. When I have my eye on the ball I might pull. When I lean forward and have my eye on the ball I’m within 10 feet. Amazing how that works. weird is when I have a neutral shaft lean. Weight forward. Eye on the ball and an outside swing to get the ball up. So unnatural but so good with feel.
  2. When I try to get cute around the greens I always realize that only 1 thing matters... eye on the ball. You can’t do anything with feel until you keep your eye on the ball. That’s 3 strokes a round minimum. You’re welcome.
  3. I couldn’t imagine either. I guess if there is no one behind him you pull and pull until your gun clicks. I’d probably move down range. One thing I think I now know is that you want to be at either end of the range and probably not smashed between people. Just one less moron on your right or left. I’m going to start using the outdoor range outside of town.
  4. I rent. I’m Reasonably sure there are firearms policies at my apartment. I haven’t checked. I will not sacrifice my firearms to anyone but Davey Jones. I have never been bugged any place I have lived and all places have me on camera carrying gun cases in and out. If you are worried about it you might consider renting a house instead of an apartment.
  5. The range I’ve been using in Tulsa had an attempted murder suicide at it on Friday. 5 others in the stalls. Couldn’t imagine what you do if you’re in a stall and watch someone off another guy. Start shooting? Run down range? What about the other people in the narrow aisle?
  6. If anyone doesn’t have laser boresights I can’t say how highly I recommend them. Just zero’d 3 guns at 100 yards in about 10 minutes. Amazing.
  7. Our club does 4 blind pairing alternate shot horse races a year and everyone comes out to watch. The first and only one I have been in had about 100 people in the gallery not including the 30 guys in it. Scary shit.
  8. You’ll shoot 104 from the same box today.
  9. I’m trying not to show and go much anymore but I’ve also watched my friends (and I’ve done it too) beat balls for an hour before a round. Hitting 76 balls before a round isn’t going to prep you or fix anything and if you’re a mid-80s player then you just doubled the load on your mind and body for a day of golf. I’ve been relaxing before rounds. Trying to not rush to the course. I walk slow. Maybe listen to some easy music that doesn’t get my heart rate up. I stretch my core. I take a 5-10 orange whip swings and then will chat with people while casually hitting 15-20 yard high and low chips. I work it up to 50 yarders and then 100 yards. Probably 15 balls with the 56 degree and an additional 5 at 100 yards. Basically only 5 full swings. Then I’ll grab a 9 or 8. Hit 10 balls or so. 5 at half swing. Only 5 or so at close to full swing. Then a 6 about the same. Then 5 or so with a 4 iron and about 10 with a driver. I’m hitting max 50 balls and probably 25 of them are full swing. Many of them are just casual flops or chips. I depending on time i night hit 5 punch shots. I don’t want to be rushed so I’ll head to the putting green with about 20 minutes before tee time. Putt for 10 minutes. Mainly putting a ball at 3-6-9 feet in a line and I putt from 12-3-6-9 on the clock around 1 hole. Then I’ll toss in a few 15-25 footers just for pace, never to make really. Then I’m getting food and drink 5-7 minutes before the round in the halfway house. I’ve found that eating more often than before the round and at the turn helps my mind stay focused. I’ll eat something before the round. Snickers and jerky or protein bar around hole 4. Banana and more protein at the turn. ...oh. Almost forgot... also get roaring drunk by 16 if things aren’t going right.
  10. I came down with food poisoning and was down for the count all weekend. Didn’t get even 1 of my 4.5 rounds in. Gotta grind this week. Luckily the sun is allowing play until 830 or so. Going to try and play every day until Saturday then lake it up.
  11. Made it an hour. But damn getting that shot out felt good.
  12. Placeholder post. Have had a stomach ache for 3 days and very small shits. Think I either have an appendix about to blow or a massive bbq turd stuck in the pipes. Have taken twice the recommended amount of colon blow.
  13. I thought a lot about this set up.
  14. I got the titanium version. Was expensive but the thing is LIGHT. I’m going to love having this if I can get it before the entire country falls apart.
  15. I saw it today.. .300 blk integral suppression. 274ish days until she’s home safe. Then I shall sacrifice her to the lady of the lake. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Caddies make such a big difference. I lost 1 ball all weekend. It also is a huge relief to not think on the course. Just being told to step up and hit and being given a line and distance on how far you need to go. If I couldn’t get to 110-115 my caddies we’re giving me the club to get to 145 (9 iron for me) because I didn’t miss a green with that in my hand. Walking without the burden of carrying the bag is also incredibly relaxing and focusing for me. Going to use the pushcart way more than I have been, especially when the automatic motor I bought for it comes in.
  17. I think it was hole 12 where I had that. My pace is just nails right now on the putter. My country club is Bermuda and I’ve been playing dormant right lies all year so my short game was pretty good too. I think I might have had 3 three putts all weekend.
  18. Got through the annual guys trip. Played well... really well. Beat everyone by a minimum of 12 strokes (net). #1 - (front 9 only because of rain) 44 #2 - 90 with 8 pars. #4 - 83 with a 39 on the back. 3 putt par on a big par 5. Bird lipped out. Then stepped up and lipped out a 7 iron for a hole in 1 on the next hole. Then on the next hole stuck a 120 yard gap wedge from the sand to 7 feet and lipped out another bird. Was even going into 8 and just got a terrible bounce into a big tuft of long grass and tripled. I’ve never been in the zone like that. I was exhausted when the round was over. #8 - 90 but my back is shot. So shot that 66 of those strokes were from the field. Only 24 putts today. My short game and putting is on fire right now. I literally didn’t miss a putt within 12 feet today. I need about a day to rest up. I’ll be back on the grind Wednesday. Need 5 rounds to reach 50 by June.
  19. Just checked into my hotel in Raleigh. First round at pinehurst tomorrow. #1. anyone want to see my butthole?
  20. Had probably the best range session of the last 2 seasons yesterday. Real calm. Quality shots. Skill shots like flops and punches. Was controlling how torqued my draw was from a ton to none. Went out and shot a 95 losing my match 4&3 in the first round of a season long single elimination club tournament.
  21. Also.. something I find that helps a ton when trying to reel in your swing is to practice with half swings. You’ll never groove a consistent path at 100%. You’ll be able to keep your path under control and will strike the ball much more flush.
  22. Routine is short and sweet. I did notice when I shot 40 the other day that I was standing behind my ball and verbally saying what I was going to do. Then I was executing. I’m really trying to get my swing speed down and relaxed but I’m really inconsistent there. For instance, I know I hit a more controlled shot with my irons at a slower speed. But I can touch 300+ with my driver if I swing hard. You get rewarded for that on my course and you don’t get penalized too bad if you are off (as long as you punch out). So I have swings I need to swing hard on and then I need to come back down to earth from the fairway. It’s tough to train your brain/body to do that.
  23. @Lurch told me that you are aiming right because your body is physically left of the ball. Basically, when you go to look at your target one last time you are lining your body up on the target and not the ball. To fix this, stand bending the ball and draw a line from the target to your ball. Then look at a spot on that line 18” ahead of the ball. Your feet positioning should be parallel to the line from that spot to the ball. Bam. Ball is lined up on the target. Then adjust for your ball flight. While I don’t hit a ton of greens that probably cut 2-3 strokes off my game alone.
  24. I’m getting very consistent in my overall scores. But not consistent hole to hole. I need to figure something out to get to the next step. I feel like I’m 3-4 holes away from low 80s but consistently land 88-91. any real secrets to breaking the barrier down?
  25. Got up to kc to play with mom and dad this weekend. syarted Saturday at shadow glen with 4 pars. 3 of which had 7-15 foot birdie putts that I missed. Had 7 total pars and shot 90. Was bummed but I’m almost there. Sunday night we played another nine. Par (missed 12 foot birdie putt), birdie, birdie, Bogey (3 putt), par, bogey, double (tried a hero shot), bogey, bogey. Finishing with a 40. Short game is about 5 hours of work from being really dialed in. I’ve got a match this week in OK, and a round scheduled for Wednesday. Then next Thursday I’m off to pinehurst for 4 rounds and the cradle.
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