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Everything posted by Jhawk

  1. I wasn’t just talking about oil for energy. I come from petroleum based products. Even if we eliminated oil based energy and automobiles altogether we are still incredibly dependent on oil. The clothes you wear have oil in them. The highly efficient plastics we use daily are oil based. Nearly everything we touch has some sort of fossil fuel in it or is heavily reliant on fossil fuel to produce. That isn’t a 15-35 year project to eliminate.
  2. Absolutely. But saying we’ll be off fossil fuels anytime soon is asinine and easily shut down. It’s just a bad hill to die on. You especially don’t go as far out to say you want out 100%. One of the things Trump hit on, I think successfully, is that joe is all talk just like all politicians. This is an all talk issue and that is apparent to probably 75% or more of the population. However, the issue is something that can be attainable. Saying we’ll defund oil companies and get off oil by 2035 or 2050 (I heard both years at some point) is so easy to counter that I can’t imagine any high school debate teacher would suggest taking that stance. It’s a simple tactical error by Biden that probably hurts him more than the actual probability that joe kills O&G. You just don’t make that mistake with 10 days left until election.
  3. But it’s 90% of daily life. Everything. EVERYTHING. Has some dependency on oil. Like it or hate it, you can’t be anti-oil right now and not be hypocritical to some degree. If you find someone that is anti-oil and they give you the time to explain that the entire country’s infrastructure is built around the industry then it is an absolute truth that it would take 100 years to leave fossil fuels. Even the loom that weaves hemp sweaters is run through the oil industry. I’m not saying fossil fuels are going to be around forever. I think there is tremendous opportunity in renewables. But if 2035 is the goal, or even 2050, to be off the anadarko tit then that goal is 100% unattainable. We are just too dependent on it. All that being said, you eat an elephant one bite at a time. It would be interesting to see an actual economic business plan to move away from fossil fuels. I think it can be done with the right plan. This coming from a guy who made it in styrofoam manufacturing.
  4. So stay at home and don't ever leave is the solution? Amazon and Walmart being the only thing open is the solution? Shutter anyone who the powers that be determine is "unessential" is the solution? Look at domestic abuse, suicide, and drug/alcohol abuse rates. Mental health is bad too among the "healthy". Because the oldest demographic in the country is at risk we all have to suffer. Quarantine is for the sick, not the healthy.
  5. A country with 10M people and a country with 300M+ people either can't be compared or relativity needs to come into mind. Since we constantly look to Scandinavia for health and crime related policies we are obviously ok with comparing the two populations, thus we must look to relativity. Unless of course we're saying that the USA should never be compared to other countries of drastically smaller size again. In that case, I agree.
  6. I thought the first rule of surly was no maths... you can't expect people to understand scale and percentage based statistics around here.
  7. Hasn't his wife been kicked out of multiple games and is pretty much known as a belligerent drunk? Marshall has always had an attitude issue. Probably had a chip on his shoulder his whole life. Then he sees some success and it only empowers his ego. Guy is going to have to go to the nick saban school for coaches who fucked up (or Oprah) if he is going to sniff G5 ball again. Assuming the allegations are true (hopefully the violence and racial ones aren't). A side thought... Imagine having such a big ego that you're willing to let your mouth and fists walk you right out of a $4M/year gig where you are basically a god in a town that you're allowed to own. That's some major head issues.
  8. Still hopeless. I told a friend on Saturday that we are 10 years and 2 B+ hires away from bowl eligibility. football might not be a contact sport that far into the future which means we can just get our track athletes to play.
  9. Yeah. Liberty suppressors leonidas 300 blk integrally suppressed upper. Looks and feels amazing the 5 minutes I got to hold it before it went into my ffl’s safe.
  10. The difference with this deal is that the ATFE has my purchase in jail. It would be nothing for any president to just halt administrative efforts at clearing gun owners for suppressors. I don't want to dick with that regardless of who is or isn't in office (that's why I didn't want to cloak this thread). I want my property out of the government's hands as soon as possible. Political and regulatory risk on that might change in the next several months. I'd rather not have to worry about the risk that I just threw away $2100 on a gun that I might never get to touch. It really isn't about politics or being able to find loopholes. It's about not having to dick with that stuff.
  11. Not to get political but certain candidates for president have stated that assault style weapons would be banned in their first days in office. I bought a 300 blk integrally suppressed upper. We've had assault weapons bans before, I am worried that I don't get my approval in time and my purchase is banned before it ever touches my hands. Meaning that I can't even claim it went into the lake because the ATFE never approves me.
  12. This is the best gun that has been posted on surly/shaggy. Love seeing it when it makes an appearance. Awesome to see/hear this as it gives me hope. I can't find anything to substantiate a 10 month lead time and i'm seeing much shorter as you describe. 10 months made me rage as I was sitting there realizing that my suppressor/gun configuration could be made illegal by 1/22 and i'm out $2k. I'm hopeful to get this by december so I can have it in hand before any inauguration that might happen. Please post when you get your notice. I'd love to track it like you. Based on 160 days I should be 11/20 so hopefully I have a nice Xmas gift. Jealous you might have yours before the chaos.
  13. Called NFA department yesterday. My suppressor is still pending from 6/13 process date. Lady said average was 10 months now. Go on the NFA tracking websites and forums and guys who processed in May are receiving their stamp notifications over the last few weeks so I’m hopeful the NFA was just feeding me a line to get me to not call for a bit. That being said a guy found some stats on what was processed in the spring and it looked like they only processed 8 forms in all of March. EIGHT. That’s absolutely absurd regardless of pandemic. Can’t help be feel that and restriction is an infringement. Hopefully I track to get approval in December and the government lady is just being a lazy government lady.
  14. What was JT looking at in the trap on his last shot?
  15. Oh... I thought it was a 10 year deal. Woof... That's a lot of cheddar to swallow if you're ESPN.
  16. Administrative question on LHN.... I believe the contract is coming up in the next 2-3 years. Can someone detail the financials of LHN and the future prospects? I think the networks blew their load on TV contracts last rounds and everyone is in for a smaller contract this next go around (starting in 2023 with the BIG). I've read a few articles that say LHN has some financial issues. What is the future of LHN? Does UT go all in and go independent with LHN intact? Does UT look for a different conference? Does UT revert rights back to the big12? Does UT revert rights back to the big12 with a greater share of revenues? Genuinely asking as I was debating the efficacy of LHN and UT as an independent with a corn friend at lunch today.
  17. A huge issue is that i haven't been practicing at all. I show up and play, sometimes not even stretching. I really need to be on the range at least 1 time a week, 2 being better.
  18. Friends and I were talking about this last night over drinks. I honestly can't believe that my single buddies aren't doing some manscaping around the chili ring. Was telling my buddy who is about to go on a date with a 21 year old that he better get into ass play real quick if he wants to fuck this girl. The young ones are all about the shithole.
  19. Been a rough summer. 49 rounds on 6/1 and only 10 rounds since. Played Shangri-La at Grand Lake a couple of weeks ago 2 over on the front nine with my second ever eagle and finished double, double, single bogey for an 82. A personal best by 1 stroke. Handicap at 11.5 but has been consistently between 12.5 and 13.1 all year. I was playing a ton but not really practicing so my short game is inconsistent. Another frustration is that i have changed my putting stroke. My fell is unreal at this point, never 3 putting and putting long putts withing 20" each time. But i'm not ramming it home on 3-5 footers anymore so i'm really letting the green take control of the ball. Results in missing a lot of short putts which is incredibly frustrating. The other day I almost had a hole in 1 only to miss the 2.5' putt because of a 4" break and babying the ball to the hole. Need to get back into my old putting routine and get back to making putts.
  20. Jhawk


    Ammoseek.com is legit. Thanks for that. Did inventory yesterday and I’m sitting about 5700 rounds between 5 calibers. Just ordered 1100 more rounds in 5.56 and 40sw. Going out to the farm this weekend to get everything on paper. Laser boresight is nice but it’s time to wear our my shoulder between the BMG and ar10.
  21. Correct. My business partner said NU would be playing regardless of any other team playing. He said this back in June. NU fans don't live in reality. But damn... they have to think that a $300M loss for the city/school is so large that maybe they'll figure out a way to be humble. That being said, even if they get the boot from the big10 conference change doesn't happen over night and getting them into the big12 this year isn't going to happen. By next year this will all be over. Seems like a lot of people are panicking and making a bigger deal of this than what it is. No one is going anywhere.
  22. Honestly... I'd take NU back if we could get CU back as well. Texas and OU have gotten what they wanted out of the other pawns in the conference. NU can't bitch about it now. Let them back in and let's get to 12. But Fuck Aggie and MU.
  23. That blows but it’s better than the IRS i suppose.
  24. Question on the tax stamp... when do you know what the hell is going on? Does my FFL just call me out of the blue one day saying “he it’s here” or what? Is there a place to check the status?
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