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Everything posted by vtaenz

  1. How much else can they cram on there?
  2. Dang wish we could have brought him back. I'm mostly fine with it. Perry wasn't spectacular during the regular season, but much like that one year with Shawn Horcoff, he was an absolute beast in the playoffs and this team still needs that. Hopefully L'Espy, Camaano, or Robertson can step in and solidify a spot and Kivi continues his development.
  3. And then blame them when they don't hero ball the team to victory.
  4. You should come back and give it a try. The new additions have been quite enjoyable.
  5. What? Your handle seems trollish.
  6. Big fan of the creativity of the community. DON'T YOU DARE PATCH THIS
  7. The problem with every Steam sale now is I own almost everything and haven't played it.
  8. Are you thinking about using the monitor stand or monitor arms? I have a dual monitor arm that I'm not using. It isn't ideal for my desk setup so I had to switch to a single monitor arm.
  9. Season 3 starts tomorrow 12/15/2020.
  10. You can save yourself time by clearing your cache if you have login issues. I'm sure that was already mentioned.
  11. Who do we blame for this shit? Herman or Hand?
  12. Texas A&I represent!!!
  13. The pillow one does it for me. "Look at that."
  14. I didn't see it posted on this thread but the game is airing on CBS on 12/12/2020 at 2:00 PM CST. https://www.espn.com/college-football/game?gameId=401207203
  15. I love mainlining these conspiracy theories but these guys said Herman out 100% Sunday or Monday at the latest. Urban would be announced Tuesday at the latest. None of that happened. I think we should tap the brakes on UM talk and manage our expectations.
  16. Come on y'all, let's not be the battered wife with this Urban Meyer story. It's over and the outcome of isn't changing. Note: I'll probably be wrong.
  17. Seriously? You've worked with anyone else right? People suck at keeping secrets. This is why it's always so humorous when the conspiracy theory nuts put so much faith in a large group of people keeping a secret for some cover up. People like to talk in passing, even when they think they're not saying anything and being clever.
  18. ...these guys don't know dick. That's the most made up shit to get clicks ever. Even if we haven't struck out with Meyer (assuming we have) this is just dumb reporting.
  19. I "watched" all of our games but fuck me if I can remember any of them.
  20. If "getting it" includes handing over pretty much all gameday duties to his assistants, if the rumor of what happened for the game this past weekend is true, then yeah he gets it. He'll be getting vodka G2s all next year to an undefeated record.
  21. I'm confused how this is CDC's fault if Urban said no. Allegedly he was able to get BMDs on board to not only pony up the money to oust Herman, but also to make an absurd offer to Meyer. If Meyer was a no since October and we kept trying, it's hard to fathom that CDC didn't start vetting some backup options. The problem with backup options is, those same BMDs putting up the money to get rid of Herman may have some strings attached to that money, such as the money is only good if Urban is the coach. So it's going to be difficult to oust Tom and have money for a backup. Some of you think an AD can just make money appear out of thin air and Urban should accept whatever offer we give him. I feel that way too but let's be realistic for a hot minute here. For everyone saying CDC needs to go, do you fuckers not remember what a Texas game day experience was like under Patterson? CDC has made some excellent changes and, it remains to be seen, but his coach hires for other sports seem a step in the right direction and his ability to raise funds for new facilities on the promises of hope is pretty good. It may not pan out, but let's not pretend there is some giant pool of competent ADs out there that can get all of the unreasonable demands we have done.
  22. Don't they allow players to immediately transfer if they commit to a school and the coach is immediately let go? Didn't that happen with Hudson?
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