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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by jimmyjazz

  1. I moved to Austin with a buddy when we were both starting grad school.  We got an apartment off Far West, and walked over to the HEB (it was open) to buy supplies.  I wanted to get a mop, but he said hell no, he wasn't going to spend money on a mop, he'd clean the kitchen floors with soap, water and towels.  And he did.  For 2 years.  Fucker would get down on his hands and knees a couple of times a week and clean that tile floor, but not with a $10 mop, no way.

  2. Just now, Onboard 2.0 said:

    Heh heh, I'm the wrong guy to ask. I don't believe in an all knowing, powerful creator watching our every move, just biding his time till he sends his son back to kill everyone who dissed him for 10,000 years. 

    Ah, you're a Presbyterian.

    • Haha 1
  3. 34 minutes ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    Not a peep about a committee over stepping it's bounds and potentially trampling an individuals constitutional rights of freedom of religion.

    Really?  Not a peep?  You don't read good.

  4. 2 minutes ago, JimTom said:

    If the illiterate millionaires in the NFL want to make a political statement, they should do so on their own time.  Not at the beginning of the football game. 

    That's the point.

    Hey, no veiled racism here.  Move along.

  5. No doubt.  My cheapness is largely limited to the things I can control.  I see it as funding the other dumb shit my family does.

    A few years ago, my wife decided she wanted a 4Runner, and brought me some lease #'s to show how little we'd have to pay per month.  Well, fuck that, I found a 0.9% loan and got some $9K off the vehicle in the process, which destroyed the leasing finances, but she didn't care, the monthly payment was roughly equal.  The idea of actually owning the vehicle at some point was too much for her to consider.  Long story short, I am about to be the new driver of a really nice 4Runner and I get credit for being willing to take the hand-me-down once we find her a new car (which is apparently going to be a small Lexus sedan, don't ask me why 4Runner -> sedan, I don't know).

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. Just now, Tuco said:

    A few weeks ago, many of the questions which Mueller had floated to Trump lawyers were leaked.  Several of them dealt with Sessions' recusal and the President's reaction to it.  Now note the grammar and spelling in the tweet.  Sure, you have the overreliance on elipses and the capitalization, but it's not a typical Trump word salad.  I'm guessing this is the White House trying to get out in front of a story.  They are framing Trump's objection to be related to the cost of the investigation and the impact it has had on the investigated.  Waiting for the other shoe to drop. 

    The cost of the investigation pales in comparison to the cost of Donald's trips to Mar-A-Lago.  Not a great strategy (but it hasn't stopped him so far).

  7. 11 hours ago, TexasEd said:

    So I am getting to where I want a better guitar.  The Squier I bought has intonation issues.  It could probably be fixed by a proper set up; I know the truss rod needs adjustment, some frets could use some love, and other issues.  But it does bother me when it starts getting out of tune a few frets down the neck.  There is also the idea of paying more for a setup then I paid for the guitar.

    I have not handled or played many other guitars and frankly the endless variety is overwhelming.  I want to set a hard ceiling at $500 and be closer to $400.  Between Craigslist, Facebook, and pawn shops I like a Schecter S1 Elite with dual humbuckers, a Gibson SC Special, and recently found a MIM Strat that looks like a Deluxe Roadhouse with hard case that comes in high but it couldn't hurt to make a low offer.

    Those are fairly disparate guitars.  What type of music are you likely to play?

  8. 4 minutes ago, Fozzz said:

    We'd probably still have a hand in this had Hillary won, but nevertheless, this is unconscionable.  Our tax dollars at work.


    One is tempted to try to put those numbers in context . . . hey, it's only an additional 10M above what we previously thought . . . which is a pretty damning indictment of how easy it is to become numb to tragedy in today's world.  The idea that by the end of the year 3X the number of Jews exterminated in the (entire) Holocaust are in danger of starving to death is mind-blowing.  That's 7 months.  18M people.  In a country with a population of 28M people.

    Hey Donald, why don't you DO SOMETHING?  (As in "do something else".)  Yay, AmeriKKKa.

  9. 1 hour ago, texasstrong12 said:

    Our pitching staff has been pretty good as of late. Since the Tech series we are only giving up 2.33 runs a game. That's over 9 games. 

    Biggest test coming against Tennessee Tech but maybe our pitching staff turned the corner. 


  10. I'd just like to go on record as saying there is no way in hell this discussion would ever take place on texags, and for that I appreciate surly/shaggy even more than I did before.  Plus, I'm learnin' some shit.

  11. 1 minute ago, Sgt Hulk said:

    So you think its acceptable to force a business that has no interest in you the customer to accommodate you,.  You are fine with providing said business your hard earned money that you work for knowing they dislike you or have beliefs against you?  Instead of allowing the market to put them out of business you would rather keep their lights on with your money? 

    So you think it's acceptable to have white seating and black seating?  White drinking fountains and black drinking fountains?  White schools and black schools?  No government intervention was necessary, and moreover, that intervention was wrong?

    • Like 1
  12. 3 minutes ago, Sgt Hulk said:

    Is she?  does she not have the free will to go to the billions of other shops in this country  is is that the only cake baker that can make it on earth? 

    It doesn't matter if she has the free will to do so.  The idea that "there will be another shop willing to accommodate you right down the road" is dangerous and in many cases not even true.  It also disallows her from making HER choice.

    While this may not be a perfect example of "tyranny of the majority", the underlying concept is the same.  Our country is about protecting the little guy, not the big guy, despite what modern politics might have you believe.

  13. Just now, troph said:

    And progressive NIMBY folks aren’t much different either. Racism is everywhere bro.

    I don't disagree, it is everywhere.  But there is a higher % on the right.

    It's all disgusting.

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  14. Just now, Sgt Hulk said:

    came here to see melt downs from people literally not affected  came away satisfied.

    The shaggy/surly old timer who posted RIGHT before you is literally affected by this type of policy.  The jokes write themselves.

  15. 2 minutes ago, EastTexan said:

    The left throws out the racist card to 95% of the right and some leftys. Hell on cr if a right leaning poster disagrees with them,, the first thing out of their mouths is racist bigot. They ain't got much more than that and it goes down hill from there.

    If the modern right wasn't so chock full of racists we wouldn't need to do this.

  16. 10 minutes ago, Incredulity said:

    Promise you will hold your breath till perp walk.

    I have infinite patience.  Much like Abraham Lincoln's famous line about a man's legs needing to be exactly long enough to reach from his body to the ground, I feel Mueller's investigation should last exactly long enough for Trump and his cronies to be exposed for the traitors that they are.

  17. 3 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    And now you fuckwits claim Trump hates gays. Yet he’s the first major party candidate who ran for president in his first term in favor of gay marriage.  Even Obama had to “evolve” on the issue. 

    Well, let's dissect this bold claim of yours for a moment, even though you're deflecting from the sub-topic of Trump and his supporters being racists (because they are).

    Trump lies.  A lot.  Every day.  His pro-LGBT campaign promises were hot air.  He lied to get votes.  And now the subset of the gay community that supported him is pissed.

    He's tried to roll back military bans on transgender people.  He won't recognize Pride.  He has stocked his administration with anti-LGBT empty suits who do his bidding, which is (in part) to fight LGBT gains everywhere possible, including in the courts.

    So yeah, that was a bad move, counselor.  Try again.

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