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Everything posted by BearMace

  1. That stinks. You wonder to what Degree this was preventable? Hopefully they'll have the Right Guard in place next time.
  2. That's what makes it extreme.
  3. Former AT&T data center.
  4. My new insanely powerful computer has one MAJOR flaw for breaking message board sports news: I have to hold Fn + F5 to refresh the page. F5 alone just dims my screen. I have ragrets.
  5. What if it's so quiet people can hear farts in the cabin? Isn't farting with impunity the real perk of air travel?
  6. Same thing. I have a dream where towards the end of the semester I start getting emails about finals for classes I didn't know I was enrolled in.
  7. Has anybody ever come up with a diagnosis hypothosis for the horn? Like is it a condition where it will grow back, or could she have put her 8 Days to Refund Gap money towards having that thing ground down?
  8. Keto folks can be obnoxious, but doing a clean keto, not all bacon and cheese, is a remarkable tool to enable IF success. IF on its own it amazing if you can make it work with your schedule, but the appetite suppression of getting into ketosis is truly remarkable and makes doing IF pretty easy. I've experimented with some success too using exogenous ketones as appetite suppressants for IF. Really it's all just understanding caloric deficit versus thinking "fat makes you fat" and finding something that works for you. Regarding fat shaming, I'm not for personally making anybody feel like they're a worthless piece of shit for being obese, but at the same time we've damn near normalized being so fat you need a scooter to grocery shop. I'm pro body positivity that keeps girls from thinking they need to be bulimic to fit an image, but there's a balance somewhere short of where we are finding ourselves now where legitimately obese chicks want to wear dental floss bikinis and be praised for their bravery. Also, fuck Big Corn.
  9. My buddy had a snowcone truck come out to a party this weekend for the kids. The guy said he regularly has to tell adults that no he doesn't have straws because if you need a straw you're doing it wrong. And kids are going straight 'beetus strength, always. So by my math, that's only enough syrup for 320 or so.
  10. Steak somwhere between 1 and 2, but honestly those all look like they were cooked by somebody who probably calls what they did "barbequing". If better executed I could maybe go as done as what 3 was probably trying to be depending on the cut. Toast 3-4 Coffee anywhere from A to D depending on where I'm at.
  11. Dark Mode on Chrome on PC is making me feel like a had a stroke or something. All the titles are missing letters. Seems to only affect the topic pages that I've noticed.
  12. BearMace


    This feels like a glimpse inside the mind of the guy who commutes from his suburb to work in an F350 dually with a 12" lift and six light bars.
  13. BearMace

    Bucket of rats

    That's fucking metal.
  14. First shitty gif I ever tried to edit I think
  15. Apparently everyone in her family had a poop knife and she didn't believe him that he'd never heard of the practice of having to cut your massive fucking turds into smaller pieces to get them to flush. Must have come from a long line of opioid addicts with butt plug fetishes.
  16. An eighth of a tank?! The humanity!!
  17. Same birthday. The sub-headline of the last one: Police say he had been drinking and smoking pot all day.
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