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  1. Speaking of bear country, here’s dinner plate-sized track along a tributary of Wind River from fishing trip to Wyoming a couple of weeks ago. Fishing in a place where something can and will eat you, hits a little different than out on the Llano or my Oklahoma streams.
  2. I used to ride Vonlane to Dallas all the time during my time in Austin. Kids were little and my wife would take them to in-laws in Dallas. Friday would roll around and I’d Uber over to Vonlane pickup less than 5 minutes before departure and was off. No hassle whatsoever - comfortable seats, great wifi, and unlimited mixers for resident drunks or dudes having to put up with in-laws in Dallas for the weekend.
  3. 2012 Tacoma last week in Wyoming about forty miles off pavement in grizzly bear country.
  4. My son and I are headed out to Wyoming this week on rambling trip fly fishing and camping in pursuit of the Wyoming Cutt-Slam: Hopefully no grizzly bears in our future as both Snake River and Yellowstone cutt streams are in serious grizz country.
  5. Tailwater below Lake Pueblo is one of the best kept secrets in Colorado. Winter-time video of the area (this guy has a great YouTube channel for Colorado):
  6. Those damn rock squirrels were my nemesis in my garden in Westlake. Most destructive little bastards. I finally had to buy a box trap and trapped about a half a dozen. They destroyed garden and also were digging under our deck. Do not miss those little SOBs.
  7. Wow! What a blast from the past. I also started out with a Gold Team Murray and then on to Mongoose back in the day. I lived in single parent home and mom worked all the time to make ends meet. I had saved up for over a year for my Team Murray and some deadbeat, shitbag stole the bike off a second floor apartment balcony in Muskogee, OK. If I sound bitter, I still am…. Those were some good times though and then progressed from Mongoose to YZ-80 a few years later. Bob Hannah was the shiznit back in the day.
  8. Pouring down rain in Tulsa this morning and cool. My caveman brain said ‘Chicken & Dumplings’ time. The sun came out and the weather turned quite warm this afternoon but the craving and meal plan was set. Good. Damn good.
  9. I’m a day late for Willie’s birthday but recently found this full concert recording from Soap Creek Saloon on April 11, 1975: Happy Birthday, Willie!
  10. Celebratory dinner last night for surviving tornado apocalypse. Quick Al pastor tacos with grilled pineapples.
  11. I miss Chili Parlor enchiladas. You guys in Austin need to hit them up and also get Pepe’s nachitos.
  12. There are a lot more cats running around Texas than people think. We had several neighbors in West Lake Hills that had spotted a mountain lion over a period of about six weeks in 2020. A lady sitting in the parking lot of a church at dusk as the cat trotted right past her car, cat seen on people’s decks, and caught on security cameras. Around 2010, there were lots of sightings in Barton Creek Greenbelt. My buddy and I found this cache on their family ranch out in Llano County in January 2017: My cousin and I had a close encounter with a mountain lion back in late 1980s in Osage County, OK. We were predator calling a canyon for bobcats in some really wild country. There was a light snow cover on the ground, we walked to edge of the rim rock and there were no tracks in the snow as we made our way to the calling location. When we had finished and didn’t have any takers, we were walking out the same way we came in a some huge cat tracks were 20 yards uphill from our calling spot. Much larger tracks than a bobcat and the lion must have scented us and left in a hurry.
  13. iPhone pics from the top of the Talimena Drive in southeastern Oklahoma today. First pic is immediately prior to totality: Second pic is at totality and shitty because it was so dark. Planets and stars were easily visible. 360 degree sunset. I’m really glad my son and I made the drive down today. Absolutely amazing day!
  14. Out along the shores of the Salton Sea south of Thermal, CA a couple of years ago. Felt like I had entered an episode of the Twilight Zone that day.
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