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Fudge Nuggets

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Posts posted by Fudge Nuggets

  1. 6 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Kochs are scared it seems. 

    I remember reading an article during the 2016 election about these shitheads saying despite not liking Trump, they were not going to spend money to "campaign" against him.  At the time I thought that not trying to buy an election was a nice gesture on their part.

  2. The streak started a day before I went on vacation and ended the day I got back.  You fuckers should set up a gofundme to keep me on vacation through October.  It will be difficult, but I will do my part for the team.  Question is, are y'all willing to step up to the plate?

    • Haha 1
  3. 1 hour ago, mchookem said:

    re: the discussion about the immigrant families separation perhaps being the issue that finally pushes some over the edge...

    FWIW my northeast Texas cousin who is diehard Team R and regularly posted stuff about Obama banning the White House Christmas tree and shutting down Texas oil fields and whatever other nonsense (she's in Gohmert's district)... this morning she shared one of the journalist videos from one of these detention camps and she is appalled...

    "If a parent were to treat their child like this they would be arrested Please don’t bash me about caring for these children... illegal or not, they deserve better!" 

    she'll probably still vote straight R, but it's obviously getting to her, and she felt she had to pre-emptively defend against other Team R folks,  which i found interesting. 

    Of course she will still vote R.  This is the Democrats’ fault after all.

  4. 4 minutes ago, 52-80 said:

    We're in our last few days in Africa.  She came down with the mud-butt.  Butt she's breaking down crying in hysteria like she's caught the smallpox. 


    I told it's common, typical - hotel told her the same - and that I've had it much worse before.  Honestly I've probably wiped my butthole raw in Bolivia.  Told her to just drink lots of fluids, and just let the body shit itself out.


    Anyway, now we're at the local hospital and what does the doc say?  Oh yeah, you got the common diarrhea but there's nothing else (amoebas, fever, etc). We'll just give you an IV to rehydrate and you're on your way.


    Can we stop it with the psychosomatic paranoia now?

    She got the EbolaAIDS, time to start looking for a replacement.

  5. Quote

    If a man needs golf to unwind or mull over issues or have meetingsgreat. Or fish. Or hunt. As long as he does his job.

    Stipulation being Dick Cheney is in the group. 

  6. Hotel showers with no water pressure. Fuck your international conglomerate’s “Pledge to Environmental Sustainability”.  I want to be able to finish my shower in less than 30 minutes; self-gratification session included. 

    • Like 1
  7. 20 hours ago, You don't know me said:

    People in my office do this shit all the time.  We have one regular half bathroom that both genders use.  Here are some of the things that my co-workers do:

    1. Use the last of the paper towels and not replace the roll. I constantly replace it, even if I use the second to last paper towel.

    2. Same with shit paper.

    3. Put a dirty coffee cup in the sink and just leave it there.  I guess that they think some dishwashing fairy is going to take care of it for them.

    4. Piss on the toilet seat.  Yeah, grown men that can't bother with putting the seat up before pissing. 

    5, Piss on the floor.

    6. Get a cup of coffee and put sugar in it.  Their aim is bad, so there's sugar granules all over the coffee area.

    Maybe I'm weird, but these things just piss me off.  We are a small office with 10 people in it.  It's not that hard to be considerate of others.

    You should hire a cleaning service. 

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