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Fudge Nuggets

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Posts posted by Fudge Nuggets

  1. Thankfully not mine, but couldn't let this go without mentioning...

    One of our VP's was logged into someone else's (Mr. A) laptop giving a presentation.  Another guy in the room (Mr. B) is not impressed with the presentation but doesn't realize the VP is using Mr. A's laptop.  Mr. B. sends an IM to Mr. A to the effect of "What the fuck is this dipshit rambling on about?"  His IM pops up on the projector screen for the entire room to see.

    Mr. B. is no longer employed with our organization.

    • Like 7
    • Haha 2
  2. On 5/22/2018 at 1:45 AM, midtown said:

    Me and my buddy in Bangkok.  We meet some ex pats from England who are teaching in Bangkok.  They take us to this bar and I see this Thai pro who is just my type and the Brits are telling us the system on how to pick them up.  send a drink, then go talk.  So the girl is with her sister and we all decide to go to a dance club.  As we are leaving she says one of you can ride with me and my sister.  I'm expecting a crappy as car but instead its a BMW convertible and her sister is sitting on my lap.  My friend and the brits ditch me.   We get to the club and the girl tells me to pay some random dude and he will watch her car.  We go into a grocery store and to the back to this huge club.  The wont let her sister in.  So she's under 20.   So he sister sits in the grocery/restaurant and orders food while we go in and dance.  We come out and order more food and beer.  Bill comes and its maybe $20 or so.  Yada yada yada.   We're back in the car, 6am, sun coming up barreling down a freeway, music blasting,  sister on my lap trying to make out with me.  While Thai pro is egging her and me on.   guess the only danger was the questionable age of the sister on my lap, the fact we a hauling down this freeway, and that should could have easily had someone rob me.   Definitely a "how the fuck did I end up here"  I just wanted to tell that story. 


  3. 3 hours ago, Homesickhorn said:

    Little Homesick “graduated” from the 1st grade last Thursday. Ex Mrs Homesick felt it necessary to text me from the school at 12pm:

    Her- “he really wishes his Dad could be here to see this”.

    Me- “According to the take home flier, it doesn’t happen until 12:30. Have you already spoken with him?” (It was my week with him, so I’m the one who dropped him off, and was picking him up).

    Her- “I haven’t spoken to him yet, but I know that he’s going to want you here”.

    Me- “It’s first grade graduation, if I’m not there, I’ll get to hear about it when I pick him up at 3:15”.

    Her- “All I’m saying is that these are things that will impact his life down the road. He’ll remember you not being here.”

    Me- “He and I talked about it this morning on the way to school. He’s cool with the fact that I probably couldn’t make it there due to work.”

    Her- “Whatever. It’s already over with. I just thought you were trying harder to include yourself”.

    Me: “Get off your phone, and try and find him. He’s on the other side of the auditorium. I’m the one who’s lap he’s sitting on.”




    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk




  4. On 5/22/2018 at 5:35 PM, Jhawk said:

    That is a shit list. When we hired Lew Perkins he was one of the most notable sports executives at the time. We made him one of the highest paid at $2mm a year as well. Point being, KU is actually an attractive job for an AD. You have a powerhouse basketball program on autopilot and you have a football program with little expectation and an opportunity to put a major stamp on the program with all of the investment that everyone recognizes is needed. I think we swing for the fences and I think we land someone bigger than expected. Here’s who I’d call:

    1. Jeremy Foley (retired from Florida) - he might want back in the game. You never know. He would be a grand slam. 

    2. Tim Jurich - recently his firing was settled and he was exonerated from guilt at UL. His hiring record is impeccable and he built the Yum center and renovated their football stadium. Also brought the heavy hitter alum back into the program. 

    3. Jim tressell - his record at Youngstown is actually very impressive. I’d hire him if he brought bo Pelini with him. 

    4. Dan Radakovich - Clemson AD. He built one football program, maybe he wants to do it again. 

    5. Jim Phillips - northwestern AD. Has done  well with a non-sports school. Good hires and fundraising at NW can’t be easy. He’s done a good job and give us a big 10 connection.  

    So you're going full "Cheat like Mofos" mode across the board to match your basketball program's modus operandi?


  5. On 6/5/2018 at 6:50 PM, Ted Lange said:

    Fuck anyone stupid enough to believe Donald f-Ing Trump was going to drain the swamp.  Stupid gullible fucksticks. 


    In fairness they are the same stupid fucks that believed Mexico was going to pay for the wall.

    • Haha 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    "Old hag?" Do you know her or are you just prejudiced against her because Kim K. and Trump are her champions? I don't know anything about her other than that she's in jail for life for a non-violent drug offense. I think that's wrong and support the commutation of those types of sentences. Based on what I know, good for her. It's probably a worthy act.

    It bothers me that it's done for the wrong reasons. It's a joke that KK gets an audience with the president. It's a joke to commute this sentence when your AG is doubling down on the failed War on Drugs and will seek to sentence more people in the same way for the same kind of offense. Hell, the president himself suggested the possibility of the death penalty to drug dealers. (Hi Duterte, good buddy!)

    I hate the reality tv show presidency too but why bear this woman any ill will because she benefitted? 

    63 year-old = old hag.


  7. Apparently Dotard commuted the sentence of the old hag Kim Kardashian spoke to him about last week.  Kim Kardashian has influence over the fucking DOTUS.  This shit is out of control.

  8. 6 minutes ago, Hank Chinaski said:

    Altuve currently has an ISO of .123. (ISO = SLG-AVG.) 

    The last season he finished with an ISO this low was 2014 (.112). That year, he struck out in 7.5% of his PAs. He is currently striking out in 15% of his PAs. 

    His K% was up the last 3 years compared to 2014 - but so was the ISO (power): .146, .194, .202. 

    So...he's striking out at a career-high rate while also losing the power gains he made since 2014. Not a good combo. 

    Trade his ass... package deal with Keuchel.

    I kid before any of you no humor having people take it seriously.

  9. 31 minutes ago, ScottishHorn said:

    He wouldn't be matched up against opposing teams #1 or #2. He was matched up against Seattle's best tonight.

    At this point in the season with off days, injuries, etc. does anyone really have their original starting rotation in the same spots?

  10. 2 hours ago, Chuckie Finster said:

     It will never happen, but the Dems need to think outside the box and go find some badass military leader to run in 2020. It would neuter many of Trump’s favorite attacks and the juxtaposition of a trained military man/woman next to the flailing dotard would create quite the visual and would instantly transform the general perception of the Democratic Party.


    You’d have to think there are plenty of people who aren’t thrilled with Trump’s hollow patriotism.


    Won’t work, they tried running a decorated Vietnam war veteran against a guy that spent his military service defending Texas skies against the evil marauders from New Mexico.  The country’s intellect level has dropped even more dramatically since then.

    • Like 3
  11. 2 hours ago, DDD Dad said:

    Start a thread then. 

    I haven't formed a firm opinion on the president's right to self-pardon because I haven't researched the issue.  As I said, it's unprecedented.  That alone should give one pause as to whether the right exists.  

    Let's not derail this thread with that discussion.  Fair?

    We don’t need to research the issue.  Under NO circumstance should anyone be able to pardon themself.  This does not take a law degree from Georgetown to figure out.

    • Like 4
  12. 4 hours ago, Vince_McCoy_Williams said:

    Subliminal, Brisket has been up liberal ass 24/7 and supports 90% of liberal policies. Dude isnt a Repub, he isnt even that moderate. To call him a Republican is laughable. 

    Getting called out for not being a Republican is a compliment and badge of honor these days with all the stupidity, incompetence and treason manifesting within the GOP. 

  13. 4 hours ago, Rex Kramer said:

    Don’t care if someone gets hurt during a “legit baseball play” that’s “certainly” “within the rules”. 

    Yeah... totally legit, clearly within the rules.  Are you fucking blind or just stupid?


    See that white square-shaped thing on the left side of the picture?  That's called second base and that's where thug POS was supposed to be going.

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