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Everything posted by Handcruser

  1. 3 monsters that complimented each other at the highest levels. We were lucky to get what they created.
  2. I dont disagree with any of that. I think it’s one of the things that makes Peart so great - he was instrumental in the entire process for almost everything and if you strip away the noise, his playing is fucking incredible. So many great ones.
  3. How about Hal Blaine? That dude is a fucking legend and played on more #1’s than anybody. There just isn’t a way to determine who the best drummer is. Same for guitarists. Same for painters. Same for athletes.
  4. So is kidnapping and raping women and kids. FAAFO.
  5. V1. Graphics are the same and I just bought rechargeable batteries
  6. That el estepario dude has chops like nobody. I mean nobody. I do t know if there is another dude on the planet that can play his stuff. And I hate it. Dennis chambers is incredible. So many dudes.
  7. Massive influence Phil was. Remember when he tried to back LZ and it was a fucking mess? Still, that dude is up there by some metrics.
  8. Favorite is not greatest. But I agree many of them say that. I love Larry Mullen jr’s drumming. But he ain’t “great”. So many good ones that nobody knows of. Terry bozio is considered great and I wouldn’t spend 5 minutes watching him play.
  9. There is no greatest drummer. They are all different - there is no single metric you can judge everyone by. In regards to fucking Ringo - there is zero doubt that almost every other drummer on the planet could play what he played - but none of them could play it like he played it. He was fucking Uber creative and was a perfect fit for that band at that time. It was magic. He could not play anything for Rush or LZ - disregard the part about playing it like Peart or Bonham played it. Can you see him playing those 16note triplets coming out of the samba on fool in the rain? Lolz. Pearts my favorite technical drummer Bonham is my favorite overall Neither of them are the best. If that title went to anyone I’m not sure who it would be. You could make a case for Buddy.
  10. Ts35-384 got a first run last night. Didn’t see anything but picture was great.
  11. I have discovered the theory of nothing. I just need a pizza delivery guy to read it. Please help. Follow me on twitter.
  12. The new resident nutcase. I know that when I make a new discovery to change the world I get on a sports message board to share it. Lolz
  13. Awesome man! That thing looks great. Matt is good people - you were always in good hands. Enjoy and happy to help.
  14. What is wrong with you. I always enjoy trying to guess the mental illness’s of posters and I am curious as to yours. Is there a diagnosis you can share?
  15. You will get 60-65% of wholesale Most guns have a 20% markup Example - Glock 19 is $599 retail so cost is $500ish. They would give you 60% of the 500. It would be a $300 gun. That’s pretty much everywhere unless you find a pawnshop low on guns. Then maybe $350-$375 What do you have?
  16. If Troy can’t do it Robert probably can. Troy will get Robert involved if needed. Either way - you will be in good hands.
  17. Call Troy at guns warehouse in cedar park.
  18. Yeah true. Elvis it is in my book. Fuck I’ve gone full circle.
  19. Beatles -600m + records sold Elvis - 500m + Michael - 400m+ Elvis had a 7 year head start on the Beatles Beatles had a ~12 year head start on Michael (I’m not counting his Jackson 5 shit) Rethinking - it’s the Beatles. My least favorite of the 3.
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