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  1. And processing plants. Chicken nuggets and everything else processed will skyrocket. All construction, the hospitality industry, any of the jobs "real" Americans won't do. Ever been in a processing plant? I have. Not a pleasant work environment. Good thing they're lowering the minimum age for dangerous work environments in Arkansas and a few midwest states.
  2. Hwy 74 near Newton Co 3010. Nothing but good things to say about the emergency response, it was obvious they knew what they were doing. Not quite as thrilled by the wreckless driving award AHP drove all the way to Harrison to give me, but given my condition i couldn't argue about the wreckless part. Several times in the past, but no ozark cafe this trip. We had eaten lunch at a tiny store/sandwich shop, I'm blaming the turkey. PIB's, I carry an InReach when alone. Probably need to use it more. Usually in the tank bag..... I would have never reached it, needs to be on your body somewhere.
  3. Rider error. Target fixation, if you want. My mind wandered, I was over the white line in a curve when I "woke up". We weren't cooking, more semi-spirited I guess. I remember thinking, "ride this bitch out, don't give up". Then I was trying to stand up in a ravine. I did talk them out of a helicopter ride, even while being adamant that Trump was President (he wasn't).
  4. Thanks, that was last July near Jasper Arkansas. Compression fracture T7, hairline crack T5, seven fractured ribs...., all good now. 890 Duke R was totalled. Kept my mileage down last year. Average 10/15k a year, little over 7 last year.
  5. No affiliation, and no real knowledge, but these guys popped up on TWTex.com recently https://www.deltavrider.com/ Spot on about classes and gear. I wear Motoport, Klim, or my track suit. Depending on what, where, and when. Buy a helmet that fits! I'm cursed with a long oval head, only found a couple that I can wear all day. Gear works, ATGATT!
  6. First it ate my edit, then it was too late to edit......screw it, tasted like shit anyway
  7. I used Streetside Classics to sell my Lightning a few years ago. Highly recommend for selling, process was basically painless. https://www.streetsideclassics.com/locations/dallas They have a huge selection of classic cars on site for sale. It's worth walking around just to see what they have. I suspect the buying process is pretty easy too. Just because, my old Lightning in a vid they did for the ad. https://www.streetsideclassics.com/vehicles/4913-dfw/2001-ford-f-150-svt-lightning
  8. 38 seconds. That's how far we made it into the movie she insisted we watch before she asked me to pause it.
  9. clean your drains, especially the kitchen sink.
  10. While peeling the back off a salonpas to put on my back, "which side goes against your skin?"
  11. Hah, it's too quiet in here, turns on TV, leaves room. It was not too quiet, turned TV off.
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