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Posts posted by Tigersnake

  1. 6 minutes ago, Newy25 said:

    I spent entirely too much time trying to visualize someone licking our collective asshole. The imagery is pretty frightening. 

    Perhaps this is too technical a question as the collectivization of our assholes is in the brainstorm phase, but what would the maintenance fees be in the proposed Surly Asshole-Share program and what time of year might I expect to use the Surly Asshole? I know that's two questions but the concept has me quite excited.

    • Fuck You 1
  2. 23 hours ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

    You can look it up -- my ideal dream ending to his presidency has always been having him dragged out of there and not by fancy ass feds but plain ol' DC flatfeet. Dragged across his red-tagged lawn and cuffed and stuffed on a trespassing warrant like a common squatter. We need to get over this idea that presidents, especially ex-presidents, are exalted beings. He is a fucking citizen with no more or no fewer rights than any of us. Treat him like you would an Anacostia wino. 

    And don't be too nice, like the hand on top of the head as they put him in the back of the squad car. Trump doesn't like that as I recall.

    • Hook 'Em 3
    • Like 1
  3. 4 hours ago, ATXbronco said:

    I thought Sooner-hair was just just a joke but a Google search shows it really is Milwee.

    The combover in better days

    You are not allowed on the 40 acres until you shave it.  Just break out the #1 and be done with it.

    I did two years ago when my Herman Head got out of control.  And I get all the ladies now.


    Me too, senor. Just one lady, but everyday is like a panty avalanche. They fling 'em from everywhere (not really).

  4. 5 hours ago, Kurt Bowels said:

    I'm confirming Kyle Flood. I would imagine Jimmy's son put that on wiki. He's a Texas alum and a huge football fan. He lefts some crumbs on some of the other Texas coaching searches in the past before the hires were made official. You aren't going to get a wiki edit saying Flood to Texas from an IP that matches the location of Jimmy Sexton, Flood's agent, unless it is the real deal. especially considering his son is a hug fan, likes to leave crumbs and is probably a member of this site. He's been a member of other Texas fan sites over the years.

    At this time, maybe I'm happy for the assistance of Fredo Sexton. But, I could see him taking a little fishing trip in the future.

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