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Everything posted by 686

  1. Hopefully not, as that might be effective to a degree. I was hoping they were an aluminum extrusion of some sort that shrapnel would go right through.
  2. Some aftermath footage at the big failed water crossing: http://
  3. Orcs still tying anything they can find to their trucks. I think the cruved piece maybe a screen from a combine, I can’t figure out what the black things are. http://
  4. Yeah, at first blush, it’s not a morale booster for the troops that leadership might have slipped out. But, if the troops know any leadership elements are going straight to a GRU torture chamber for information extraction followed potentially by summary execution, I’d want my leadership gone before the GRU gets something out of them that’s gets a bunch of my brothers KIA.
  5. Interesting if true. Maybe the Azov leadership decided to stay and go down with the ship or LOL if the Ukrainians got the leadership out the back door during the retreat. http://
  6. Good interview with a Georgian fighter in Ukraine, (the”You missed me, dickhead!”guy from several weeks back). Worth the read. “For Georgians, this is our chance to beat this evil empire here, where we have a chance to do so,” he says. “It’s that, or dying next in Georgia.” http:// https://newlinesmag.com/reportage/the-story-behind-the-viral-viking-soldier/
  7. Going to get more interesting if we move on from freezing to confiscation to dispersement of Russian foreign assets. http://
  8. Begun, the cancellations of Russian equipment orders have: http://
  9. Bombed out apartments, kid on a stretcher. http://
  10. It’s also just self-defeating. Why destroy the place where 12,000 people you desire to rule worked? (Great way to entrench an insurgency is to destroy jobs) Is it because you don’t want to rule them, you just want to murder them so you can take their land and they no longer compete with you in the international marketplace? Again illustrating that none of this is about liberation, it’s about a scorched earth policy of murdering a neighbor to enrich themselves because they think they can get away with it. On the bright side, when this is over and back in Ukrainian hands in a few months, the Ukrainians will have access to tons of capital to rebuild a nice modern plant in its place with western technology, and erase all of the memories of the old Soviet times.
  11. This is a complete spoiled brat move. Showing the “we hate Ukrainians more than we love Russians living in eastern Ukraine” ethos. http://
  12. A little overkill to use an ATGM. Lotta pork there. http://
  13. This is like a Dr. J Tomahawk dunk: http://
  14. I’m concerned the wounded are going to the DPR or the Russians : (
  15. Best drone grenade attack of the day so far, with dead orcs. http://
  16. Good article on how the Alligator has the shakes: http:// https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/russias-ka-52-attack-helicopters-have-got-a-serious-vibration-problem
  17. Looks like a “Just add ice” cocktail kit.
  18. Have you seen Putin’s yacht and house by Sochi? ~$2+ Billion on just those two line items. I don’t know exactly how many T-72’s you could refurbish, overhaul, upgrade, etc. with $2B; but I’m pretty sure it’s “all of them”. I believe someone said Putin’s yacht cost more to build that a replacement Moskva would.
  19. Regarding tourism and investment: Cartels : Mexico :: Kremlin : Russia It’s a wet blanket on foreign investment when the legal system doesn’t work, the cops work for the criminals, and tourists sometimes get held hostage.
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