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Everything posted by 686

  1. Yeah I’m sure Russia may be thinking it hurts Ukraine economically not exporting that grain; but if you think a few moves ahead, it all falls apart. As you say, Russia will be blamed for (another) famine; but I don’t think it would even get that far - If global food supplies do get stretched, somebody (potentially Turkey) is going to send ships to get that grain, with a naval escort. Firing on a NATO vessel would illicit a massive response. It’s another No-win situation, that’s also a distraction from any achievable military gains.
  2. Wondering if Snake Island was/is really helpful to Russia keeping up a naval blockade of Ukraine from a goods export perspective and that’s why Putin has kept pounding blood and treasure down that hole: http:// Russian blockade hits exports of Ukrainian agricultural products https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russian-blockade-hits-exports-ukrainian-agricultural-products-2022-05-13/ “Ukraine can export no more than 1.5 million tonnes of agricultural products a month because of a Russian blockade of its ports, First Deputy Agriculture Minister Taras Vysotskiy said on Friday. He was quoted by Interfax Ukraine news agency as saying that before the blockade Ukraine could export more than 5 million tonnes of agricultural crops each month. Ukraine is now sending its products abroad by rail.”
  3. I want this guy in the fox hole behind mine. Sound On: http://
  4. UA Tractor Brigade doing work today. http:// http:// http://
  5. Stug Bugs in the field. Somebody on twitter coined the name, wish I could take credit. http:// http://
  6. I personally have no problem with gore, but this isn’t a gore thread, so the preferred method is to warn folks who don’t like seeing people killed or mutilated bodies.
  7. This is a good thread on current situation: http://
  8. John Kirby Pentagon pressers are really enjoyable to me these days. White House pressers are just a argumentative shit show that i have no interest in, but this guy handles direct questions and lowers my blood pressure while giving me some interesting info/perspective/news. http://
  9. There is some weird stuff in that guy’s thread. Why telegraph some of it to the world? Also kind of doxxing yourself. he also seems way off on the casualty amount and then posting his PayPal was awkward. That said, bully for him if he scouted it out and called it.
  10. Holy shit, check out the entrance hole in the turret (pointing right at where the crew’s head would have been). Blood spatter. These guys had a bad day at the office. http://
  11. A Reddit dude measured this turret launch at 200’. I was eyeballing it at more like 70-80’, but I didn’t realize the gun barrel was 6 meters long.
  12. More cool Safari Vehicles showing up: http://
  13. British Sec Def dunking on Putin: “Who’s going to be buying Russian kit? We have seen in Libya, in Syria, in Azerbaijan, and now in Ukraine, [Russian] equipment being defeated by predominantly handheld equipment,” Wallace said. “When a TB-2 takes out your SA-22… I think that has an impact on what is Russia’s offer"
  14. There was some text posted yesterday about this that I now can’t find; supposedly from one of the UA participants that said basically: “the orc vehicles were bunched up crossing the pontoon bridge, we started hitting the vehicles on the bridge with javelins, and then the bridge gave way and all the vehicles on it went in the water, and then we picked apart the remaining vehicles. Many orcs died.”
  15. Yep, I would posit that the same thing is going on in Ukraine right now. A guy goes to fight the Russians, gets some medals, comes back better for it, instead of going back to being a hoodlum, maybe he starts a construction biz and does well reconstructing his country. And then he can write off vacations and shit he buys for his wife as corporate expenses like we do here.
  16. Yeah, the kids aren’t coming back, and no one can get them back. It’s the most dystopian, depressing, and horrific part of this war so far.
  17. One of Ziehan’s points that is really interesting is that the KGB has basically run Russia since ~1985, and that they haven’t been educating new talent / training new people to run stuff. So every time Putin has some mid to upper level KGB guy “disappeared” as a scapegoat, it’s one less qualified candidate to actually run stuff. Well, Putin just fired/jailed/liquidated a significant portion of the future leader candidate pool, and maybe put some serious distance between himself and the rest of the KGB. At some point maybe the KGB starts helping someone they see as a successor to Putin that can bolster the current power structure before a little revolution starts and a Navalny or Khodorkovsky type gets elected and really cleans out the KGB.
  18. A nation’s existential crisis at the hands of a foreign power brings bad actors in line and crime goes way down. Also, just because guys are somewhat corrupt doesn’t mean they aren’t patriotic. Murder rate in the US halved when WW2 got going:
  19. The problem with Zeihan is he’s too hyperbolic with his presentation of things - it’s either “ok” or “FUCKED!!!!!” If he would dial that down and be a little more nuanced his predictions would be more accurate. He is somewhat entertaining though.
  20. Ok this is serious hardcore graphic, so you’ve been warned. Complete destruction of tracked vehicle with burnt Orc corpses scattered about, one of which landed on the roof of an adjacent building. The narrator says something like, “this is what happens when you come uninvited”. http://
  21. Another from today. http:// https://v.redd.it/g9yiuf0ccpy81/HLSPlaylist.m3u8?a=1654824601,OTNiMGRjNGIxNDI1OTRhOWFlMGVkNTdmZmJlMTk3ZDMxZDEyYjVkNWUzZjdhYzU0MTcxOWZmMWEzODVmZTAxOA%3D%3D&v=1&f=sd&utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Looks like maybe a direct artillery hit into a Russian piece with instantaneous massive secondary explosion. Agreed, the amount of footage today of Ukrainians carving up RU with artillery is much much higher than a few days ago, and with much higher precision/accuracy. Seems like the NATO artillery got into theatre with trained troops and is just wrecking the orcs.
  22. This has nice footage of a Javelin high angle attack; also lots of carnage aftermath and dead orcs if you need to scratch the itch. http:// https://v.redd.it/amwa5nzwroy81/HLSPlaylist.m3u8?f=sd&v=1&a=1654821213,NWYyMTIwYjYzY2IwZTgyMWI3OWY2M2Q1NTllMTQ1NzcwZjc4MDA0ZThkZmUwNThiYjhlMmU3MTIyYWE1ODE1NQ%3D%3D&utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf
  23. From a link in the thread. I hadn’t seen this but I thought Lukashenko was just BS’ing this guy but, wait for it, he’s serious as a heart attack. Pretty funny. http://
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