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Everything posted by 686

  1. Troph can you share some aqueous pics of your Axis with us yet?
  2. G650 is going to blast your maritime screw skills stanco
  3. Yeah, but then the normal gun people might not see all the “fun” they are missing out on. I christened more case prep gear tonight, pretty handy:
  4. I’ve actually never made my own jerky but I really should do that, maybe this year. She got that thing for drying kale (not worth it) and apple slices (a lot of work for the result), so it really only gets used now when I have a big crop of apples from my trees and want to make some apple chips. Since we had it I decided to go ultrasonic instead of the tumbler route, pleased with the result so far, fast and easy.
  5. Here’s the 270 grain LRX I’ll be loading up, pretty great looking bullet for the .375 IMO
  6. Reloading endeavor update: I’ve purchased most of the gear I think I’ll need to get started. I splurged on an Rcbs Chargemaster Lite electronic powder measure, which should get here tomorrow. This evening I wanted to do some case prep, so I used an ultrasonic cleaner for starters, seemed to work well: And then into the wife’s dehydrator for drying:
  7. You mean enjoying the seas together?
  8. 6 x 6 x 10 welded wire mesh works better than any store bought cage I’ve used, roll and cut to your desired diameter. The big boxes and McCoy’s has it, probably in ~ 4’ x 8’ or 10’ sheets. You going determinate or indeterminate? I like indeterminate, but I have more loss of “tomatoes that will be perfect tomorrow” to birds I think because there are only a few ripe at a time vs a whole bush of ripe fruit.
  9. Found a fawn last week when I was out pushing brush, just a few days old I think:
  10. You know what they say about opinions.... G650 is this your old boat?
  11. G650 is raking the shit out of errbody.
  12. Did someone say wakesurfing? Still haven’t got my ballast dialed in the way I want it, but today was a good day on the water. Hang loose and feel the aloha y’all.
  13. Gave my new cans a workout last week. Really enjoy both the 45 setup and this setup. Most of them blend in with the grass, but there are seven shell casings in the air in this pic. Good times.
  14. Thank god tapa is back
  15. I’m a Hobby Forum poster that went on a little hiatus while tapa was down. Imgur going to hell and tapa down at the same time really hurt the photo sharing based threads. Let’s see if the traffic pics up now that tapa is back
  16. We had a good day last week. I left some ballast at home and didn’t have the wake set up right, but we had a good time. Weather and water was great.
  17. I would also add traditional Chinese medicine to the list of Historical Chinese innovations. I haven’t seen the data, but I’ve heard that more people believe in traditional Chinese medicine than believe in the Bible. Seems like kind of a big deal.
  18. A consistent theme I see in Chinese QC'ed construction/manufacturing is the impetus to remove most of the safety/service factor from the design. Things they make are frequently "just good enough" to nominally "work", but they fail very quickly under stress in comparison to comparable goods from elsewhere. In the manufacturing industry I'm in, every time someone tries to source something from China (without setting up a QC operation over there) it blows up in their face because the goods either end up not meeting the performance specs or don't last through the warranty. Here's a good case study from about 10 years ago on the construction side. Nominally reinforced hollow pile foundation on marginal soil. Excavated on one side of the building for a garage, piled the dirt on the other side. Then it rained and the piles snapped like twigs. All to save maybe $50k of additional concrete and steel on a ~$10M+ building. Everybody has their share of fuck ups like the FIU bridge, etc.; but I wonder if the Chinese have been building trillions of dollars of "hollowed out" infrastructure that is going to crumble fast. Over 10,000 students died in the earthquake about 10 years ago due to shoddily built schools. Fucking heartbreaking for a lot of good people.
  19. If you appreciate the British humor mixed in the campy-ness isn’t so grating. For Your Eyes Only and Octopussy are great Bond flicks. His next tier would be The Spy Who Loved Me, The Man With The Golden Gun, and Live and Let Die. Moonraker and A View to a Kill have probably aged the worst.
  20. Saturday Night Fever, which has gotten a lot more social references than it should over the years. I can’t even imagine the “WTF?” expressions on kids faces if they saw it today.
  21. It’s just not as fun to watch at the holidays as Roger Moore or Sean Connery cracking one liners, slaying the ladies, and getting the job done.
  22. I’m a James Bond fan, and I liked Pierce Brosnan in the role at first, but by Die Another Day, I couldn’t stand the franchise anymore, it had become so campy while still taking itself seriously, and I think his string of Bond films is aging badly. The Daniel Craig films were much better but overcorrected and got a little too noir, especially Quantum of Solace.
  23. Dude, seriously, you might want to edit this while you can.
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