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Art Vandelay

Certifiably Surly
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About Art Vandelay

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  1. Thank you for your service to our country, Joe. Now, let's go win this!!!
  2. LOL, nice try. In a primary debate, Harris criticized Biden for working with segregationists in the Senate and opposing some aspects of mandatory busing back in the 70s. She prefaced those remarks by telling Biden, "I do not believe you are a racist." She also said she believed women who accused Biden of making them feel uncomfortable. She didn't say anything about rape. Vance literally said that Trump "might be America's Hitler."
  3. Ask JD Vance. He called Trump Hitler back in 2016.
  4. I love how O'Reilly slams Biden on inflation, Stewart replies, "well, what do you think Biden did to cause it?" Bill: "I don't know." And the ending is the best. O'Reilly: "And my job as a journalist is to say -- " Stewart: "Oh, when did you get that job?" Perfect.
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