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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by noharleyyet

  1. ....room tied together nicely. Badazz photo prints.
  2. Same here, too busy and discordant for me...
  3. noharleyyet


    oops page one Flatt lonesome.....
  4. First PRS was a Modern Eagle II with the solid rosewood neck/board....should not have let it get away. Birds didn't bother me at all This color:
  5. Have orphaned two PRS but will own another someday....beautifully constructed players.
  6. I can envision Mayer trynna explain it..zzzzzzzzzzz
  7. Silver Sky's are gateway aspersions...
  8. A Pirate Looks at Forty is pure poetry.....
  9. Think I've moved the Cream 90 Majick Cab & Head about 6" .....rarely run the pedals with it.
  10. Damn, shouldn't this be in the pedal-o-file topic?
  11. I like Petty plenty...stories like that, even more.
  12. Been eyeing one of these but it seems almost sacreligious not to have a big ol' hollow gretsch with trons...and I don't
  13. 37 calendars..added the gold guard and dirty blond pups. I don't play it enough...sounds and plays wonderfully
  14. Team Collings CL wrapped, R6 unwrapped...
  15. Damn, it looks like that's where he stored it. Current bids ; )
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