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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by noharleyyet

  1. Who has first hand skinny on a humbucking telecaster?
  2. A Surf Green Strat racked between the Tahitian Coral and Oly is brain worming....
  3. After a round & round with Fed Ex the steel bracelet comes to work...
  4. Have never played a Rickenbacker....gotta remedy that.
  5. So you're getting a Warmoth with a PRS neck & head...
  6. 3. As amazing of a performer as Otis Redding was, he was terribly intimidated by the explosive stage work of Sam and Dave. After a tour in which he had to follow the duo night after night, he reportedly told his manager Phil Walden, “Don’t you ever put me with them motherfuckers again.” http://psychobabble200.blogspot.com/2011/09/20-things-you-may-not-have-known-about_09.html
  7. 3 things you don't mention on this thread....PRS, Mayer, or Bonamassa...not necessarily in that order. I like Joe Bonamassa, have owned PRS Guitars & love my Dallas Hand-wired, but agree on Mayer even though that goofy fucker can play.
  8. The Rhythm Section...even worse than it's reviews.
  9. https://www.guitarplayer.com/players/see-gary-moores-guitars-up-close-and-in-action?fbclid=IwAR1jINLNRsHvqGjCwLw9aQ5P4LBLJg3VEI8m7EMScOexxLVBcKx9XACNF80
  10. Another good tune for a two step deal closer...
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