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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by noharleyyet

  1. Harry Angstrom...wash your hands and toss me a beer....redux
  2. Every time I see this thread bumped I get my hopes up....
  3. ...pulled more wool than Pendleton
  4. You get to drive the mini van.
  5. The 335....if you want an LP sized get a Les Paul....the 335 is cool AF and not unwieldly. Shameless Exhibit A Memphis
  6. Good one, but Sham a ling dong ding is my favorite. Especially this version...hell, he makes Neko cry. Point conceded. Good catch.
  7. It’s a moveable precious metals safe.
  8. I believe my VOS R6 has the old paint but hell, I'll be green before it turns.
  9. ...badass LP holding court Deej.....fitting
  10. ...late to the party, and it's pronounced puck-awn pie, homemade, shell remnants optional.....free toothpicks. A scoop of vanilla ice cream....no mellorine allowed in the house.
  11. Hell we thought it meant jewelry...
  12. ..wish the sound was better but you get the idea.
  13. Toussaint has a number of bests....
  14. ...wash your hands and toss me a Hoegaarden.
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