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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by drt

  1. There is a post on next door saying Wednesday or Thursday for us in SW austin. Hoping it’s the usual next door bullshit.
  2. Exterior or interior mounted water heater? If interior in your garage you’re probably ok to give it a shot when the house warms up. Exterior i would hairdryer the exposed water lines for a bit before I tried it.
  3. Our CSA veggie box got canceled for tomorrow unfortunately. Sucks, it’s been nice to not fight the grocery store as they’ve been consistent with eggs and veggies the entire year through Covid and everything. Guess I’ll have to hit the store tomorrow along with everyone else in austin
  4. Anyone else expecting a spike in cases here in a few weeks? People are going to hit the bars hard after this bullshit. Hoping it’s the younger crowd so the hospital and death numbers keep going down.
  5. I’m thinking that snow on top of ice weighted limbs is going to fuck some trees. This sucks.
  6. We are on the other side of the neighborhood from y’all I think. We just lost water pressure this morning, so I just turned it off at the main. Not sure how often we should check it.
  7. Wtf is hydro just non-existent on that graph?
  8. City issue. You need to boil your drinking water.
  9. SIAP http://www.austintexas.gov/page/boil-water-notice-and-faqs Lost Creek and SW austin under boil water notices.
  10. SIAP http://www.austintexas.gov/page/boil-water-notice-and-faqs SW austin and Lost Creek under boil notice
  11. Thanks! Unless we have a sustained outage we will be ok. Hopefully the sirens I just heard weren’t related
  12. Thanks for this. In your neck of the woods and was also able to get a little
  13. Ya I just had a buddy send me pics of one on his house in 78745. This rain after melting / freezing is really shitty.
  14. Either the fridge defrosted and leaked or you have a waterline issue.
  15. Yeah, if the curb isn’t one piece with the garage floor could be melting from the outside, or a leak. What’s on the exterior?
  16. Is the vertical concrete curb damp, or only the floor?
  17. Snowmelt from the attic, ie snow blowing in gable vents?
  18. Cesar DeLeon - (512) 577-7953 not sure his status but we’ve used him several times and been happy
  19. Very nice place. Be careful if you do the tree work yourself. Can be very dangerous as limbs can go unpredictable ways.
  20. I'm so confused. Is he advocating for the widespread adoption of PV/wind/geothermal generation at individual residential/commercial locations, coupled with individual energy storage capacity to provide for a widespread load dampening effect? Coupled with individual water harvesting and storage? Or something along the lines of Also, parish.
  21. Find it and thaw it. Heater, hair dryer, whatever.
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