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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by drt

  1. I don’t think you understand the concept of karma. But carry on.
  2. drt


    I stumbled upon a bottle of John Bowman single barrel. Excited to try it based on some of the reviews a few pages back.
  3. Just looked at a bunch of Austin breweries on my social media. Putting this on businesses instead of government is a total abdication of responsibility, and going just about as well as you’d expect. I’m going to assume someone gets shot over this before it’s all said and done.
  4. drt


    Correct. I didn’t spend that much last year, this drawing was in December and I still had status from the year prior.
  5. drt


    Actually just asked the guy and they’re now doing it every 3 months.
  6. drt


    It’s once or twice a year and pretty much based only off total spend. I bought a ton of assorted booze for a social event last year.
  7. drt


    I got the email that I have a Blanton’s waiting for me. I’ll take it, but I wish it was something I’d never had before though.
  8. The fact that that view is only accessible from a shopping mall might be the worst architectural travesty in this town.
  9. I made the switch to NTTA and no issues thus far (knock on wood).
  10. IANAL. But good to know if they ask.
  11. So where do folks stand on those of us who aren't in 1a or 1b starting to hunt for available spots? Full disclosure I had a friend send a link to make an appointment at Kelly Reeves, which was later cancelled by FHS as apparently the link wasn't supposed to be made public/shared. I'm starting to see spots pop up in more places more often like the HEB and CVS websites mentioned above. Should I (late 30s, no health conditions, office environment job) give it another month to see if restrictions are lifted to general populations? Or at this point is getting shots in arms more important, and I shouldn't feel bad about hunting for a dose?
  12. Just got the text from Austin water that it's lifted for our address in Southwest A
  13. Pretty sure it was in this thread somewhere. Basically someone said buy https://www.amazon.com/FLIR-One-Thermal-Imager-For/dp/B0728C7KND and use it to look for unexpected temp differentials to identify leaks.
  14. I used heat tape + old towels + plastic bags + duct tape to seal it all up. Worked well.
  15. Yeah. I checked for leaks now when I turned the water on after I bled the system for air, and plan on doing it later today again. Just turn everything off and go see if the triangle on the meter is rotating.
  16. Supposedly we now have water back in the neighborhood, but with the kids down and it being dark there is no way I'm turning that shit back on right now. If we have leaks they can wait until tomorrow morning when I can actually see them.
  17. I just recaulked the tubs, so I’m sure the water will get turned on any minute now.
  18. Kelly reeves asking for confirmation of 1A/B status? Asking for a..friend.
  19. I prefer pack it in pack it out only apply in places where there isn’t indoor plumbing.
  20. Nope. My goal is to avoid shitting in a bag. Trash day isn’t until Tuesday, so we’ll see if we make it.
  21. Dude I just filled our city trash cans. No idea how long this will last. Better safe than sorry
  22. Currently don’t have water and doing my morning routine of collecting snow. Now I’m wondering what the fuck do we do when we don’t have snow to melt to flush the toilets.
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