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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by drt

  1. Can a mod confirm if this dude is a unique ip? This seems like a bit.
  2. That’s not true as recently as last month. Juicemeister was 18 and diamant was 12. They’d raised prices as I know they used to be 10, so maybe they’re just going back to business as usual.
  3. Live oak put their taproom only 6 packs on sale for $10. Hope this doesn’t mean what I think it means. fyi diamant and juicemeister are both solid
  4. Per current reports only 13 arrests so far.
  5. Bummer. I’m guessing the other is ABW. Guess I’ll do a curbside order or two.
  6. People got out and about after thanksgiving wasn’t the end of days is my guess.
  7. Pedo bear would be a nice touch. Probably need a more topical sign than the original though.
  8. Roatan is badass for diving, if you end up there I'd recommend Sun Divers. The sand fleas suck, but otherwise it's a great spot. Also dove in Mexico, Florida, and New Caledonia. Caribbean is my preference. Pacific was badass for big fish and sharks, but even I got cold in a 7 mil with hood. My better half wore 2 wetsuits and still complained.
  9. https://medical.mit.edu/covid-19-updates/2020/07/how-accurate-are-fda-approved-covid-19-antibody-tests
  10. I think Leslie would have done a better job in city government.
  11. Honestly curious what rapidly growing city you think Austin would be better off emulating?
  12. We overperformed when Auba was finishing every time the ball bounced anywhere near him. Squad has had issues. Tough to say if that’s on Arteta.
  13. Actually part of your lungs job is to humidify ambient air to fairly close to 100% to allow for better interchange/protect the alveoli from drying out. So I don’t think there would be much difference between mouth vs nose breathing.
  14. Our daycare provider tested positive. So the pediatrician lined up a Covid test on Tuesday for our 1.5 year old. Should be a fun few days until then.
  15. drt


    Regarding the total wine drawing preference order, I actually got an ORVW last year, but I had it as my 2nd choice. We had bought all our booze for our wedding and that bumped my point total. I’m only buying what I’m drinking now so I’ll never win another drawing there. Seems like if I ever want to try anything in the BTAC I’ll be paying secondary or waiting for bourbon to not be popular again.
  16. Annually heart disease is the #2 killer of Americans. So apparently you’re ok with Covid slightly edging that out for mortality cause in this country, or at least El Paso. What in the hell are you trying to argue?
  17. drt


    Picked up another MM Private select and 1920 today. It was a good day.
  18. Something something South Austin’s mom
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