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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by ChuckNorrisActionJeans

  1. How in the blue hell has his "charity" not been shut down yet?? This shamgraftery has been going on openly for what?--more than a decade or so? DO SOMETHING
  2. SIAP. This article makes a number of quite salient points. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/opinion/the-hack-gap-how-and-why-conservative-nonsense-dominates-american-politics/ar-BBOMJjY
  3. But....but... Chief Justice Roberts told me that shenanigans like these have long since been eradicated. And no one would do such things when they're actually allowed to. SCOTUS couldn't be in on the fix now, could it?
  4. Some idiot on fb was explaining he wouldn't vote for Beto because of all the crimes he committed, including "tax evasion, eminent domain, and armed robbery." And people like that will never ever ever admit they're wrong even in the face of indisputable contrary facts. Can we have a plague that only attacks the stupid and vicious?
  5. So based on that N.D. case, it's obviously constitutional to disenfranchise the homeless as well because while they reside within a county, no permanent residential address?
  6. I'm late to this great party, and I'll probably regret this. But this whole circus has gotten me thinking a lot about something that happened to me eons ago, in middle school. Not as bad as the Ford allegation but similar. And the distance in time from when it happened is probably almost exactly the same as her story. I was at an off-hours school event and 2 of my guy friends shoved me into the bathroom, turned out the light, and groped me all over. They were laughing as they did it. This kind of group thing is such weird, primitive behavior, like it's more for sport/entertainment than sexual gratification. I remember the incident very well and how utterly shamed and humiliated I felt afterwards. But I don't remember if I was in 7th or 8th grade. And would have to do the math from there re: the year if I settled on a grade. I don't remember if it was fall or spring semester. I don't remember how I got to the school (did my mom drop me off or did I walk) or how I got home. No one witnessed it. I didn't tell anyone, least of all my parents, that would have been so weird ... we never talked openly about anything. None of us back then seemed to have the understanding that this type of thing is a crime. I honestly don't think I ever told anyone in my whole life, and anyway, there were worse things that happened in that godforsaken town in the years afterwards so I always brushed that one aside. One thing that strikes me though is that bullshit middle stance that R's are trying to take, that "something" probably have happened to Ford and she was probably assaulted as she said....but wrong or confused about who did it. I mean fucking seriously? That's ludicrous. If you know the person doing that to you....you know THAT person is doing that. It's much more intellectually honest to just either admit you think she's lying or that BK did this. I know where I stand. Having said that, I say he's disqualified for his whiny, grasping entitlement, petulance, and lying under oath more than for this. /css
  7. Have had my fill of watching completely wretched human beings attain the top echelons of power....off to have my evening constitutional and read about serial killers to unwind until I pass out.
  8. Well I don't know about you, but I was shocked at the Court, as it's currently been aligned, gutting the Voting Rights Act and also letting the Muslim ban sail through with a wink and a nod at its stated intentions. The fix is in. We're fucked.
  9. If his nom is rammed through, every single decision that SCOTUS issues regarding any crime or any issue that regards or disproportionately affects women will be suspect and a flashpoint. But, worth it, I guess, for his pledge to help prop up the exec's pardon power.
  10. So is the deal that they're still going to vote tomorrow and ignore the sworn statements of Swetnick?
  11. It's amazing how rage-filled people get who feel entitled to everything. Completely irrational. They wouldn't be able to articulate what motive Ford has to be slinging bullshit but goddamnit she's obviously a lying sack of shit. I hate people. Right now, I especially hate women who attack other women for claiming they were sexual assaulted. Those people need to be called out on it, every time. Don't walk away, tell them they're full of shit.
  12. I watched for a bit on the local live news feed on FB.....KXAN in Austin for god's sake .... and the comments are disgusting and infuriating in attacking her. Even -- or mostly -- from women. It's shocking and sick. This cancerous contingent of about 40% of the population is why these old fossils feel completely entitled to do the worst to everyone. The base is going to go apeshit if the nom is pulled.
  13. I so completely know BK's type. In fact, he's the rank intersection of 2 types. First -- wealthy, entitled white kid in bubble-type enclave in the 80s....just like certain places in TX, materialism is king and sexual assault is rampant among the high school set. The thought of reporting any of it as a young female teen, is laughable. They knew it would only blow up their own lives. And it's as if the boys were raised by wolves and no one seems to quite grasp that the behavior is wrong, much less illegal. Then you get your male law student who came from this environment. He was a bit too nerdy and/or not athletic enough to have been in the cool jock crowd, and has a chip on his shoulder because of it. "I'm gonna fuck everyone over with my intellect and skilz" says he, and so begins his obnoxious reign as class gunner. These types are of the conservative, "anti-affirmative action," free enterprise persuasion, 99% of the time. Lacking in emotional or social maturity, they continue to act in problematic ways towards women. Then they go on to become self-aggrandizing, sycophantic hacks, with personal advancement an end unto itself. Amazingly, women agree to marry and reproduce with these odious creatures. But don't mistake their having families for actually having empathy or human qualities. Ted Cruz fits this profile as well (notwithstanding the Cuban-ness). I know a little bit about which I speak.
  14. Judge --- who she alleged took part in it -- and the others.... who are the others and what did they say?
  15. I might have missed it, has there been any assertion supported by evidence that Ford was put up to making her accusation by political entities?
  16. could happen, I've seen that before
  17. My dad says "ungrateful thugs" to refer to the NFL kneelers. It's such a pithy and perfectly acceptable way to refer to uppity negroes these days, as our dear leader has now shown. He knows what it means. So do you.
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